Hi Guys.
Same has happend me with same Hacker Team. Database looks ok and I was running latest WordPress. This is also a Mortgage site like yourlowm above.
I’ve spent the past few hours trying to fix this with my painfully slow hosting provider.
They might have a backup but still awaiting them to get back to me. I am hoping that this will restore my site and that I can make some changes to it for better securiry.
steps I have taken to try resolve this.
I was using a modifyed twetyeleven theme for this webite and found the following infected files
I replaced them with a fresh copy ( No effect )
I downloaded a fresh copy of wordpress and overwrote all site files ( No effect )
I cannot login to the dashbard area with my username or passwrods as the seem to have changed. Even the forgot password does not seem to remember my email address.
If I do get this resolved I will post full details here.