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  • Thread Starter Whithers



    Why not?

    Exactly for this reason. What I want to do is utterly rational and logical and that it cannot be done is more an indication of a lack of thought and organization in development. If CMS are designed strictly around the most popularly accessed websites, then the greatest number of hits would indicate that it is strictly for the social application of web porn. Since, it is supposed to be designed for social web development, theoretically outside of the porn industry, there ought to be basic supports in a comprehensible, organized, and intuitively communicated manner. This is not the case.

    Frankly, the reason I do not want to get a minor or major in computer science merely to be a hobbyist running a website with a social venue in the video gaming genre is because I have already been through school and paid enough of my life for it. Unless you wish to discuss the nuances of ‘How to Kill a Dragon’ and other aspects of Indo-European Poetics and their underlying relationships to the modern epics, such as the Lord of the Rings or the writings of Michael Moorcock, then it is possible to agree there are nuances in specialized education which neither of us should have to know in order for the options for selection in constructing a website to be in an organized, comprehensive, functional, and intuitive structure appropriate to the the logical progressions and needs of a holistic community.

    Thread Starter Whithers



    Called who? These 100% volunteer forums are the only support for

    This is not the only place using WP or promoting WP. There are sites out there, and I don’t remember the half dozen I delt with on the phone – after calling support for the host I was at, only to find out that nothing out there is useful unless you have a minor in computerese or can buy someone who does. To do what I want to do I should not have to purchase 5 different mods and hacks, learn SQL and CSS, or even know what those things are.

    Thread Starter Whithers



    You can also embed documents if that works better than inserting text.

    I suppose. None of these options are readily identifiable or usable. Even calling support and asking directly only resulted in being told to link a pdf stored elsewhere or forget all tables, charts, and formats.

    Capacity of what?

    The capacity of today’s technology. I have known those programmers who believe “the public should wait outside a door with a mail slot worshiping the possibility that those within will slide something out.” Before anyone denies this quote from a professional programmer I have personally known, perhaps they can point to the interface that is designed for the general public to be able to accomplish whatever they want to set up without having to spend weeks, months, or years learning the technobabble. Trust me, if it was available, I would be using it and no one would have heard from me.


    Those would be my kinds of complaints, if I had any, but I just do my best to do my “disenfranchised and disregarded” best with what is still available.

    And there is the answer – I would be wasting my time to attempt to move my website to WP. It is just as much written for the technosquad to play with as it is to ignore everyone who is not a member of that group.

    Thread Starter Whithers


    I am going to make some assumptions here:
    1) set up prototype = create the optional listings and flow charts necessary to effect desired results.
    2) improved dashboard = administrative management window.
    3) no plugins = eliminate all the features which would make the site functional for members (application to join, news feeds, gallery, forum, events manager, member managed sections, administrative front end for middle managers, administrative front end for superusers).

    I could create such a flow chart back when such things were done in pencil on paper. It may take me awhile of editing and tweaking before I agree to present such to someone for transition. Representing the same thing with the limited tools available today would be more difficult, but not impossible.

    The dashboard presents itself, once the options are determined. It should however customize itself to the environment of the user – skin to the desktop.

    I consider that a minimalist website would need a single user, the ability to create templates, the ability to assign templates to pages, a media upload and management center, and then a plug-in management center. However, I consider the plug-ins essential to the function of the site. While a plug-in need not be turned on, something which is innate and integrated is immediately more site/code friendly than incorporated plug-ins with unknowable variables.

    Frankly, I knew exactly what I wanted as an end result before I began searching to set up a website. I have attempted to adjust to the limitations of the materials I seem to run into, limitations that should not exist – certainly with today’s capacity.

    WordPress does not allow something as simple as an indent in a paragraph on a single website that advertises that WP is the format in which you are working. As one of the things I wanted to put up was my notes on the legal ordinances of the city in which I live – losing all formatting in order to put out a jumbled mess of compressed work (two years worth of typing) was unacceptable. I abandoned that project because WP could not handle incorporation of something as simple as a prepared text in it’s format.

    Now I am attempting to set up a gaming clan with website, and so far nothing is capable of supporting the social functions of a gaming club: ranks, division of duties, various member pages, divisions based on unit of assignment, character pages, etc. While I have spent hours creating the bylaws, ranks, rank insignia, and establishing a structure there is no way to implement it in a system designed for blogging about recipe variations and which handsaw to prefer.

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