If I may comment. When I found this plugin, I was in heaven. It works as you’ve built it perfectly. My particular use case however is somewhat more specific and has two “nice to have” components to it.
I am developing a web portal with multiple “items” listed per page. Each “item” is represented in a catalog layout with thumbnail, description and a link to a page with more information.
Developer Use Case
As a developer, I want to be able to embed via shortcode, a share icon INLINE with other user choices, in as many places on a single as needed – each with a unique URL related to the associated page content.
Use Case 1:
As a user I want to be able to share an individual element and it’s related URL from the catalog list, for multiple items on that page.
Use Case 2:
As a user, I want to visit the Details page of that item and view the Share button as an option next to other item options such as Buy, View, Read, etc.
Happy to share visuals of the UX in which that would play out if that i helpful.