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  • If you’re self hosted you might be able to yes.

    In the Dashboard go to Presentation -> Theme Editor and then select “Footer” from the list of Theme Files. In 99% of the themes out there you should see the </body> tag towards the absolute bottom.

    If you’re not self hosted, or if your hosting account has certain extra secure settings, you might not be able to do this and you’ll have to edit the footer locally and upload it.

    Just as a follow up. If you look at your front page in any browser where JavaScript is disabled the index page appears just fine.


    It looks like you have a <noscript> tag in the post “Seasons Greetings”.

    It appears right before “Ricordare che lei soltanto pu”

    Open up that post in the post editor and look at it in code view – remove the <noscript> tag and try reposting.

    I you have JavaScript as part of that post you’ll probably have to remove it for the time being.

    It appears to be an issue with the permalink structure.

    I personally have never seen a permalink for WordPress that looks like “

    What I’m expecting to see there is “; instead. In fact – if I remove that “index.php/” the link works fine.

    What does your permalink structure currently call for?

    Hi nhahcouk,

    There’s actually a few things that are stopping your footer from getting centered.

    In body change “text-align: left;” to “text-align: center;”

    In #wrapper change remove “float: left” and add “text-align: left;”

    In #footer remove “float: center” and add “margin: 0 auto;”

    I believe that will do it.

    There is an issue I’m seeing though – well – not seeing. When I load your page there’s no background you may want to double check how you’re adding the url. Change “repeat – x” to “repeat-x” (no spaces) fixes it.

    Note: I only tested this in Firefox for now but I believe that ought do it all around. You may want to double check IE and Safari.


    Do yourself a favor and grab the HTML Validator extension for Firefox – it will help you find coding problems without constantly reloading the w3 validation site.

    It uses the View Source window to show you the errors and usually tells you exactly how to correct them too. Definitely a priceless tool.

    Even if you only run Firefox to get the code validated it’s totally worth it.

    Are you working in the WYSIWYG editor or in the code one?

    Using just the code editor try fixing the blockquote situation and see what happens.

    The portion of your theme that shows the Social Bookmarking sites – is that the result of a plugin or have you hardcoded parts of it?

    Specifically on the digg links you’re generating a lot of errors because you’re not encoding the ampersands.

    On line 110 where it shows &title= it should read &amp;title= the same is true in a few other spots. Where it says &bodytext= it should say &amp;bodytext=.

    This is just an encoding issue but it might clear up quite a few of those errors.


    Are you using a particular theme already? Which one?

    Otto’s right, you basically want to strip some existing tags out of the theme you’re using. If you can point to a specific theme we can point out particular lines you can remove.

    I’ve done something similar a few times and while the basic idea is the same some specifics may differ between themes and based on what exactly you want to remove.

    All “Empty Elements” need to get closed in order for you to validate. That would be , <hr /> and image tags.

    A proper image tag should look like this.

    <img src="" alt="" />

    You can add a handful of other attributes but you absolutely need the src, the alt and the closing “/” preceded by a blank space.

    It took me awhile to get used to but once you do it’s not so bad.

    I think my terminology may be a bit off. ??

    We now know there’s a 404.php file and we should be seeing it when a non-existing file is called or a bad permalink is used.

    Since we’re not seeing it, and everything seems to be falling back to the main index, it’s probably an example of the rewrite rules being “greedy” – which I think is the perfect way to describe it.

    moshu and Gangleri: If the permalink structure wasn’t working properly clicking a bad permalink would generate a 404.

    Point your browsers to the site using and you’ll see what I mean. There should be a 404 generated instead we’re seeing what looks like the index file again.

    For some reason the server is pushing this template file for everything that’s called. Add a comment flag (<!– this is the index.php file –>) somewhere on index.php and we’ll probably see that index.php is the file that’s being used.

    At this point I think whooami’s right – we need to look at the .htaccess file.

    Gangleri: remove the single.php file from the default theme and reload your blog. It will still work and display only one post – not a full list. You can actually build a pretty functional theme without ever creating a single.php.


    As moshu mentioned it’s a bit hard to provide advice without seeing the code you’re currently working with.

    n4th4n’s code should result in a list with the » marker instead of a filled circle.

    Are you looking to remove the list all together?

    It sounds like you just want the categories to display like this:

    » cat 1 » cat2 » cat 3

    is that correct?

    In the past I’ve had this happen.

    At the time it was the result of having too many things listed in my “Update Services” box under the Options -> Writing portion of the WP Admin.

    Could that be a possibility?

    The next option would probably be to just switch the_excerpt with the_content which would basically result in mimicking the index.php file across most of those templates.

    On those template files simply replace:
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php the_content('Read the rest of this post &racquo;'); ?>

    You can also remove the code from the previous example.

    What this will do is show the full content of all posts that don’t use the <!–more–> tag. But will show “Read the rest of this entry” for those posts that do – just like on the front page.

    You might also consider just changing the text used in the previous example. If you went with “See the rest of this entry” or “See the full entry for this post” you’ll get more clickthroughs to individual posts.

    I’m pretty sure the_excerpt doesn’t show pictures or non-text content so having the reader click through to the post (even if the full text is on those category / search pages) will give them a chance to see pictures, video or other content that may not be shown.

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