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  • “automatically it would send a link to your blogger account and digg, tag it at delicious, abd book mark it at furl and any other tagging service.”

    Currently there’s a form at the bottom of the digg submission page which reads “Are You Human” and requires you to input text displayed in an image. This prevents automatic submission of stories. It is possible to populate all other fields on that submission page – but you need to manually submit the story.


    in the green.css stylesheet you’ll see that the background image is set and told to “repeat-x,” or repeat along the x-axis.

    The line you’re looking for looks like this:
    ‘ background: #339933 url(images/green-header.jpg) repeat-x top left; ‘

    Change “green-header.jpg” and change “repeat-x” to “no-repeat.”

    Without seeing the code for imagerand.php it’s kind of hard to see, can you provide a link to it changed to a .txt file?

    It looks as though a random number is only being generated once and then assigned multiple times.


    In single.php or page.php you’re best bet is to use the method suggested by davidchait. Take the adsense code and place it in a div, you can then float that div appropriately before the wordpress “the_content” tag. This will place the ad right next to the beginning of the post. (Depending on your writing style it’ll sit next to the first paragraph or so of your post. Just remember that you’ll encounter problems if you try adding an image or other block items at the start of anything new.)

    On index.php you need to add an additional step. Because the AdSense TOS restricts you from placing more than three blocks of code on any page you’ll need to add some PHP to prevent the code from repeating more than you’d like.

    I’ve written a small post on “offsetting” posts which you can look at for some ideas.

    While ptvguy is correct, multiple occurences of the code won’t display anything, it does appear to be a breach of the AdSense Program Policies and should be avoided.

    oooh you have me there!

    The Template Hierarchy says that doesn’t it?

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: weird blue lines


    Check you’re stylesheet. It appears you have the header set to have a width of 758px but your header image is only 738px.

    The blue bars are showing up because the header image is floating in the center leaving 10px on each side.


    You have several options. For starters, you can move the entire WordPress install to a subdirectory (possibly one titled ‘blog’) and place an independant welcome page in the site’s home directory – naming index.html would work. You then link directly into the blog however you wish.

    Another option you have is to remove the “Loop” code from index.php entirely. If you do this create a new page template and have it mimic the standard index.php for your theme. I do something like this on one of my websites – the front page is basically a welcome page ( which uses the sidebar, theme, and several wordpress tags ) while another set of pages act run special loops calling up category posts and other things.

    If you’re not terribly familiar with PHP your best option is something like the first – if you want to play around with the theme files the second can be more fun and educational.

    Are you using the WYSIWYG editor or have you set it to plain text?

    It wouldn’t surprise me if the default editor (which automatically applies markup) was causing the problem. Try switching to the plain text editor and see if that helps.

    The newest version of this plugin is actually called The digg Integrator and can be found on my site.

    Version 1.1 allows for presetting a post’s topic for inclusion on digg, picking custom buttons, and incorporating the ability to digg a post from your blog rather than from digg. There’s a feed reader to show updates as well as a few other bells and whistles. If you decide to try it please let me know what you think.

    Using the WYSIWYG editor?

    I add code characters all the time and have no trouble – but I have it set to not use the WYSIWYG editor because it always mucks with the way I want things styled.

    You can see examples of my usage on I’m displaying code on the front page currently and I use the HTML Special entities.

    For example < is ‘&’ + ‘#60;’ and it displays fine.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: A Simple Question


    part of your code got turned into links – it makes it a bit harder to diagnose on this end.

    Quick scan – you’re missing the final ‘endif;’ to close the loop. You also appear to be missing a few </p> tags.

    What is the problem you’re having? What are you interested in accomplishing with the loop?

    Using the <code> tags won’t always display the code either, especially if you’re attempting to show a block of PHP code.

    For a listing of HTML Special Entities I recommend starting here: WDG on HTML Special Entities. You can also google HTML Special Entities I think.

    The first line of the provided tables shows three ways to display quotation marks using this markup. I use this method for markup whenever I give code examples and it works very well.

    Thread Starter WildBil2Me


    Permalinks are working fine – it’s only with the “/trackbacks/” that the error occurs.

    As it currently stands my .htaccess file is writable (WordPress has been adding stuff for permalinks, plugins, and other sources) but there are no references that appear to govern trackbacks.

    What should they look like? I could always add them manually…

    You’re looking for the “the_content()” tag which is located in the index.php file for the theme.

    Within that tag you’ll see the ‘Read the rest of this entry’ text, just add the desired phrase as well as any HTML you’d like to have displayed when using the !–more– tag.

    I’m curious what your reason for making the change is?

    Maybe there’s a way to work that in rather than work this out ya know? For example, to keep track of things I simply renamed the default category to “Updates” which allowed the post to temporarily be categorized as an “update” to the site until I could properly categorize it.

    Maybe you’re looking for something different, I’m just wondering if the ultimate goal can be reached through a means other than disabling this function.

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