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  • Thread Starter wildbug


    Thank you so much, that is very helpful. Not being a programmer though, I am not sure what to do for these 6 errors:

    URI : thrive/style.css
    Unknown error java.lang.RuntimeException: Encountered "DOCTYPE" at line 1, column 3. Was expecting:
    URI :
    #prevLink, #nextLink
    Value Error : background attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it
    #prevLink, #nextLink
    Value Error : background Parse Error null
    #prevLink, #nextLink
    Property data doesn't exist : image/gif
    #prevLink, #nextLink
    Parse Error 64,AAAA)
    URI :
    Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in [css3] : 0.4
    Property -moz-opacity doesn't exist : 0.4
    Parse Error opacity=40)
    Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in [css3] : 1
    Property -moz-opacity doesn't exist : 1

    I could not find the “background” missing the semicolon anywhere and not sure what to do about the Sociable plugin CSS.

    But the biggest help I need is probably fixing the many warnings I got about “Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #outerImageContainer and #autoXML4402459744024597” I got many similar warnings but with different div classes. What can I do?

    If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it. That is probably what is causing the problem for some viewing my site….not able to see anything but the background color.


    Thread Starter wildbug


    I noticed I put a bad link on my original email. Here is the correct link:

    Can someone help? Thank you!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    Thank you!!!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    I figured it out…for anyone needing the info for updating the images:

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');


    My site seems to be running okay even though I never got the answers to most of the above. For now, all is okay though. ??

    Thread Starter wildbug


    I figured it out…for anyone needing the info:

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');


    Thread Starter wildbug


    Thanks…my DNS propagated in less than 2 hours…so I was able to update the plugins and widgets already. Can you tell me how to replace old image links with new URL? What is the MySQL query I need to do? My site is live with no images now! Help! THanks so much!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    “In the future, use local DNS to make sure everything is working before changing your actual DNS, saves a lot of headaches.”

    Thanks for the great tip except I have no idea how to do that and it wasn’t on the Codex directions I was reading. Or if it was, I didn’t understand. I’m not a programmer!

    Can you please tell me the code to use to update the image links? I don’t want to screw up my database.

    Thread Starter wildbug


    Ack! My site is now live – took only 2 hours to propogate instead of 24-48! No images are there. Can someone PLEASE help me – I just need to know how to update the image urls properly. Thank you!!!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    Perfect – exactly what I needed! Thanks!!!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    I hope someone can help me with this!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    Not sure if this will help for #2 and 3 above…on my archives.php it uses:

    <a class="attachmentarchives" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php fs_attachment_image($post->ID, 'thumbnail', 'alt="' . $post->post_title . '"'); ?></a>

    to pull the thumbnail.

    How would I incorporate that into the Best Related Posts plugin:

     * Outputs the HTML code with the related posts list.
    function boposts_show()
        global $wpdb, $post, $boposts_options;
        $results = boposts_find_posts();
        if (!$results) {
            echo 'No results';
        echo $boposts_options['header'];
        $c = count($results);
        for ($i=0; $i<$c; $i++)
            $r = &$results[$i];
            $p = get_post($r->id);
            $t = get_the_title($r->id);
            $excerpt = $r->post_content;
            $l = get_permalink($r->id);
            $content = $r->post_content;
            // Remove the short codes
            $content = preg_replace('/\[.*\]/', '', $content);
            // Image extraction
            $image = '';
            $x = stripos($content, '<img');
            if ($x !== false) {
                $x = stripos($content, 'src="', $x);
                if ($x !== false) {
                    $x += 5;
                    $y = strpos($content, '"', $x);
                    $image = substr($content, $x, $y-$x);
            if ($image == '') $image = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/best-related-posts/empty.gif';
            // Excerpt extraction
            $excerpt = strip_tags($content);
            if (strlen($excerpt) > $boposts_options['excerpt'])
                $x = strpos($excerpt, ' ', $boposts_options['excerpt']);
                if ($x !== false) $excerpt = substr($excerpt, 0, $x);
            $s = $boposts_options['body'];
            $s = str_replace('{link}', $l, $s);
            $s = str_replace('{title}', $t, $s);
            $s = str_replace('{image}', $image, $s);
            $s = str_replace('{excerpt}', $excerpt . '...', $s);
            echo $s;
        echo $boposts_options['footer'];
        echo '<div align="right"><small></small></div>';
    add_action('admin_menu', 'boposts_admin_menu');
    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'boposts_activate');
    register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'boposts_deactivate');

    Hello, I’m wondering if you found a solution to this, and if you could share it here. Thank you!

    Thread Starter wildbug


    Hoping someone can help me out with this…

    Thread Starter wildbug



    Thread Starter wildbug



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