Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Displaying past events?Thank you for your reply @abzlevelup!
That is a real shame. ??
Do you know if this feature is on the roadmap?
Is there a paid feature I can purchase to achieve displaying the past events?
Thanks again for the support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Displaying past events?Dear all,
It seems that the recent update in The Events Calendar has rendered by “past events” page broken. ??
I think the problem is with this line:
echo tribe_include_view_list( array(
So I figure the naming convention has changed?Thank you for any support you can provide.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Upgraded to v2 views – a few issuesThanks again, @abzlevelup!
Would you be able to summarise some of the classes that are redundant / don’t need styling anymore? Off the top of your head?
I would just like to streamline and cleanup the CSS for housekeeping.
Thank you very much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Displaying past events?Sorry for my extremely late reply, @abzlevelup!
I managed to solve it with adding some on-page CSS.
Thank you very much for the support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Displaying past events?Thank you @pauly231, much appreciated!
Are you saying with the below linked plugin, I can style the past events list to not include the featured images or links?
The Events Calendar Shortcode & BlockThank you for the help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Upgraded to v2 views – a few issuesSorry for the delay in getting back to you @abzlevelup!
I’m not sure I understand about the screenshot – the page or the CSS?
I thought it might be easier to put the code into this reply?Here is the CSS I have customised:
/* Style Events Calendar */ .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-cal-links a, .tribe-events-cal-links a { padding: 2em 0 0 0!important; } .tribe-block__event-price .tribe-block__event-price__cost, .tribe-block__event-price .tribe-block__event-price__description { color: #ffffff!important; } .tribe-block__event-website a { background-color: #9e6a0f; border: none; border-radius: 4px; font-size: var(--tec-font-size-3); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); min-height: 40px; padding: 0 20px; } #tribe-events-content .tribe-block__event-website a, #tribe-events-content .tribe-block__event-website a:active, #tribe-events-content .tribe-block__event-website a:focus, #tribe-events-content .tribe-block__event-website a:hover { color: #000000; } .tribe-block__organizer__details h3 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 1.3125rem; color: #ffffff; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-top: 0; } .tribe-block__events-link .tribe-block__btn--link::before { content: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='25' height='19' viewBox='0 0 25 19' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M0 .431V17.57c0 .238.163.431.364.431h17.273c.2 0 .363-.193.363-.431V.43C18 .193 17.837 0 17.637 0H.364C.163 0 0 .193 0 .431zm18 7.585h-1.015V4.687H.991v12.07h15.994v-3.753H18V8.016zM.99 1.239h15.995v2.315H.991V1.239z' fill='%23f0ba5c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M22.918 10.5H9.207M20.695 7.245l3.252 3.272-3.213 3.213' stroke='%23f0ba5c' stroke-width='1.2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); margin: 5px 5px 0 0; } .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-next a::after { background: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='12' height='20' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M.084 2.159L2 .243l9.9 9.9L2 20.041.084 18.126l7.983-7.984z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") 100%/7px no-repeat; } .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-next a:focus::after, .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-next a:hover::after { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='12' height='20' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M.084 2.159L2 .243l9.9 9.9L2 20.041.084 18.126l7.983-7.984z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); } .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-previous a::before { background: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='12' height='20' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M11.916 17.841L10 19.757l-9.9-9.9L10-.041l1.916 1.916-7.983 7.984z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") 0/7px no-repeat; } .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-previous a:focus::before, .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-previous a:hover::before { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='12' height='20' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M11.916 17.841L10 19.757l-9.9-9.9L10-.041l1.916 1.916-7.983 7.984z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); } .tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__event-datetime-wrapper { margin-bottom: var(--tec-spacer-0); display: none; } .tribe-common article, .tribe-common aside, .tribe-common details, .tribe-common figcaption, .tribe-common figure, .tribe-common footer, .tribe-common header, .tribe-common main, .tribe-common menu, .tribe-common nav, .tribe-common section, .tribe-common summary { display: block; padding-top: 4px!important; } .tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__event-date-tag-month { font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-0); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-regular); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-2); color: #cccccc!important; text-transform: uppercase; } .tribe-common .tribe-common-b2 { color: #cccccc!important; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-1); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-regular); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-0); } .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-small-cta > :first-child { margin-left: 0; font-size: 30px; } .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__button.tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__button--active, .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__button:focus, .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__button:focus-within, .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__button:hover { background-color: #f0ba5c!important; color: #000000!important; } .tribe-common--breakpoint-medium.tribe-events .tribe-events-header { margin: 0; padding: 0; display: none; } .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-top-bar__datepicker { flex: auto; position: relative; display: none; } .tribe-common--breakpoint-medium.tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-datetime-featured-text { color: var(--tec-color-accent-primary); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); display: none; } .tribe-events-back a, .tribe-events-back a:visited { color: #f0ba5c!important; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-3); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); text-decoration: none; } .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-next a, .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-previous a { color: #f0ba5c!important; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; } .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-title-link:visited, .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-title-link:active, .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-title-link:focus, .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-title-link:hover { border-color: currentColor; color: #ffffff; } .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-single .tribe-events-event-meta { background-color: transparent; color: #ffffff!important; } .single-tribe_events .tribe-blocks-editor .tribe-events-schedule .tribe-events-schedule__datetime { color: #ffffff; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-3); font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 1.63; } .tribe-block__venue .tribe-block__venue__meta .tribe-block__venue__address, .tribe-block__venue .tribe-block__venue__meta .tribe-block__venue__phone, .tribe-block__venue .tribe-block__venue__meta .tribe-block__venue__website { color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 1.64; } .single-tribe_events #tribe-events-content.tribe-blocks-editor .tribe-events-event-meta .tribe-events-single-section-title { color: #ffffff; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-4); font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 1.64; } .single-tribe_events #tribe-events-content.tribe-blocks-editor .tribe-events-event-meta dl { color: #cccccc; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-3); letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 1.64; } .tribe-events-content { color: #cccccc!important; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); } .tribe-events-schedule .recurringinfo, .tribe-events-schedule .tribe-events-cost { color: #ffffff!important; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); } .tribe-events-meta-group .tribe-events-single-section-title { color: #ffffff; font-size: var(--tec-font-size-2); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; } .tribe-events-event-meta { color: #cccccc; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-2); } .tribe-common .tribe-common-h2 { color: #f0ba5c!important; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-7); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-1); } .tribe-events-content h2, .tribe-events-content h3, .tribe-events-content h4, .tribe-events-content h5, .tribe-events-content h6 { color: #ffffff; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); letter-spacing: normal; text-transform: none; } .tribe-common .tribe-common-h7, .tribe-common .tribe-common-h8 { color: #ffffff; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); } .tribe-common .tribe-common-h5, .tribe-common .tribe-common-h6 { color: #ffffff; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-2); } .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-date-tag-weekday { font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-0); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-regular); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-2); color: #ffffff; text-transform: uppercase; } .tribe-common .tribe-common-b2 { color: #cccccc; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-1); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-regular); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-0); } .tribe-common .tribe-common-b3 { color: #f0ba5c; font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-0); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-regular); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-2); } .tribe-common a, .tribe-common a:active, .tribe-common a:focus, .tribe-common a:hover, .tribe-common a:visited { color: #ffffff!important; outline: 0; text-decoration: none; } .tribe-events .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__list-item a { display: inline-block; padding: 0 var(--tec-spacer-3); width: 100%; color: #000000!important; } .tribe-common .tribe-common-c-btn-border, .tribe-common a.tribe-common-c-btn-border { color: var(--tec-color-text-primary); font-family: var(--tec-font-family-sans-serif); font-size: var(--tec-font-size-2); line-height: var(--tec-line-height-3); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-regular); font-weight: var(--tec-font-weight-bold); border: 0; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; height: auto; padding: 0; text-decoration: none; width: auto; background-color: var(--tec-color-background); border: 1px solid var(--tec-color-accent-primary); border-radius: var(--tec-border-radius-default); text-align: center; transition: var(--tec-transition); color: #000000!important; padding: 11px 20px; width: 100%; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Upgraded to v2 views – a few issuesHi @abzlevelup,
I hope all is going well?
Thanks again for the tips and now I’ve switched to the update template AND changed to the block editor –
Actually the team like it better and prefer the events without images so I lucked-out there.However, there is quite a lot of redundant CSS now as I styled the updated templates in the old editor. Any tips on what CSS selectors to remove?
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Upgraded to v2 views – a few issuesThank you @abzlevelup, for the support!
That is great news.
I will do as you suggested and let you know if there are any issues.
Thanks again and have a great day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Disable CDN for images or resize?Hi Ed,
Thank you and no worries!
Well, the images seem to be contained by a bigger container that goes right to the edge of the column – like the images in the blog stream column to the right.
I was just hoping there would be a way to increase the size of the images to go the full width of the column and indeed, the full width of the container?
Is that possible?
Thanks again Ed.
PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Disable CDN for images or resize?Thank you Jennifer!
It kinda works but it seems the container that the image is in, isn’t big enough to make the image full width.
Do you have the CSS for the container?
Thanks again Jennifer and Happy New Year!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Disable CDN for images or resize?EDIT: Ok, I found the CDN issue and fortunately, it was part of another plugin!
I still have the issue with not being able to resize the image in the widget or if I could change the thumbnail size that is used, that would be great.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Feed Retriever] How to use “dofollow”?Thank you – this is what I had done anyway but it’s good to know.
It might be a good idea to update the instructions on your page?
Thanks again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Feed Retriever] How to change “Published” to something elseThank you very much!
It worked perfectly.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Garfunkel] Only want to remove "Comments" tab on postsSorry, here is a link to the site –
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Send Images to RSS] Excerpt length at 30 words isn't workingHi Robin,
Incidentally, how did you find out those particular lines of code were in that location?!Thank you.