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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: multiple child pages?

    No. Not unless there’s a plugin that does it, or you write one yourself. “post_parent” is a field in the posts table of the WP database and it can only take one value.

    It sounds like a CSS problem to me.

    Use Firefox and install firebug. Then you can right click on the element in the page and select “Inspect Element” and find out exactly where the space is coming from.

    Why don’t you do it with a template? You can put what you like in the template file and create a blank page in WP using that template – that way it’s part of WP and can use header, sidebar, etc, but have any code you want to produce the main body of the page.

    I was writing my reply while you were posting yours, so i didn’t see yours till after i’d posted mine.

    Edit: This is a reply to the response before last, not the one immediately above.

    Well, it looks to me like what you’re returning doesn’t make sense. But, anyway, i don’t think you can return anything from an action hook handler.

    If you want to return something, you need a filter.

    Reading through the wp_includes/post.php source code, it looks to me like your best bet is to filter on wp_insert_post_data . From the source code:

    @uses apply_filters() Calls 'wp_insert_post_data' passing $data,
    $postarr prior to database update or insert.

    $data is:

    $data = compact( array( 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt',
    'post_content', 'post_content_filtered', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt',
    'post_status', 'post_type', 'comment_status', 'ping_status',
    'post_password', 'post_name', 'to_ping', 'pinged', 'post_modified',
    'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'menu_order', 'guid' ) );

    However, if you’d rather use the save_post action hook, that will be called after the post has been written to the database, so you could just set the status to draft in the posts table.

    If you can’t find a plugin that does what you want, the only sensible way to do it is to write one. You don’t want to go messing around with core WP code – that would be ridiculous and unsustainable.

    On activation, the plugin should set post_status to “draft” or “pending” where post_type == ‘post’ in the $wpdb->prefix.’posts’ table.

    The plugin should also register an action hook on the ‘wp_insert_post’ tag. ( ) and in your action handler, set ‘post_status’ to “draft” or “pending” ( ).

    I haven’t tested this out, but i think the above is a viable approach to it.

    Bumping it is only going to annoy people. Anyone who was likely to answer would read further than the first few posts anyway. When i see someone playing the “bump” game i feel much less inclined to try and help them – and i’m sure i’m not the only person who feels like that.

    Yeah, you can give it a try. I need to do a bit more to it before it will be any use to you though. But hopefully i’ll get it usable by the end of this week. I’ll email you when i get to that stage.

    Last time i looked there was no WordPress plugin that would work like that. At the moment, i think you’d have to do it manually – i.e., put the thumbnails in one by one, with links to pages which have the full sized image on them.

    I’m currently writing a plugin to do that sort of thing myself. It’s not quite at the stage where i can offer it to the public yet, but it’s getting there.

    Yes, there’s no float set. This is a problem with your CSS i think. Try inserting the images again and set “float” to either left or right. Or just add “float=left” or “float=right” to the tags – e.g.:

    [ singlepic id=93 w=100 h=69 mode=web20 float=left ]

    But it looks like you’ve got another problem too – because when i look at that page, there are no images – just boxes where the images should be. I get the following error message when i try and view one of the images:

    Access forbidden!

    You don’t have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
    Error 403
    Mon Jul 27 21:41:49 2009

    The problem is that the_category() outputs its results directly to the browser – it doesn’t return them. That means when you do

    echo the_category();

    you’re echoing nothing, and the_category() is directly outputting its results.

    The proper way to do what you want to do is:

    echo 'Posted in ';
    the_category(', ');
    echo ' | ';


    echo 'Posted in '.get_the_category().' |';

    WordPress functions that output directly to the browser generally (always?) come with a version that’s prefixed “get_” which returns a string, rather than outputting it. The returned result can then be manipulated as a string (which means it can also be echoed).

    By the way, the proper forum for this is “Plugins and Hacks”.

    By the way, you should have a look at your site with javascript disabled (e.g., with Firefox with the NoScript plugin). It’s not great! More and more people are using NoScript nowadays, so it’s worth having a decent non-javascript fallback.

    In the “General Options” page of the NextGen gallery options pages, there’s a checkbox labelled “Activate PicLens/CoolIris support”. If you uncheck this, it disables PicLens.

    I’m not sure i understand what your problem is, but it sounds like you’re having trouble with layout. How do you add the pics? There are two ways to add images in the editor – either via the icon next to “Upload/insert”, or by the icon in the toolbar.

    In the first one, it’s called “alignment” and the second it’s called “float” (they’re both the same). You probably need to select either “left” or “right”.

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