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  • Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Smaller font..

    Doesn’t solve the font-size problem, but your CSS will validate the following corrections:
    1. Put /* adjacent to Dave Shea
    2. Two instances:
    list-style: none;
    changes to:
    list-style-type: none;
    3. .feedback
    You have:
    clear: all:
    There’s no “all”. It’s : both; inherit; none; right; left.
    I assume you want:
    clear: both;
    4. menu ul ul li
    Put quotes on:
    ‘Lucidia Grande’
    ‘Lucidia Sans Unicode’

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Hammer of Truth

    You have a tremendous amount of information, a bevy of ads, a long list of tiny links, and a number of *very* large images. A user on FF, or Opera — with a dial-up modem– isn’t going to wait around for it to load. At best you’ve got 8-sec to grab ’em. On IE, even if they wait, they’ll have a hard time sorting, and reading.
    Here’s how Douglas Bowman, faced with hundreds and hundreds of pages of like material, solved the problem for Wired News– including text-zoom on *any* browser, with x back through NN4, at any screen size resolution (on any OS). And no horizontal scroll., as well, handles an unbelievable amount of
    informaton. Well organized. Loads fast! Easy to read. No need for a horizontal scroll.
    Now I know a blog isn’t the same as Wired News or Amazon. The similarities though to what you, and your users face– that’s what is important. Lots of information, lots of ads, well organized, fast to load, easy to navigate, and a pleasure to read– even, if you must, on IE.
    You can do it, too.

    Thread Starter willneea


    Yes, the talented and modest guru who leads masses of innocents down the paths of rightousness on behalf of WordPress likens himself, and others like him, to home hackers. Indeed!

    Thread Starter willneea


    Comments and additions to the task list posted on the site welcome.
    aside: Regardless of the path used, clicking my user name on posts produces my personal site, rather than the blog. How come?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Smaller font..

    I’m not sure what you mean, or exactly what you want. For what it’s worth, these are my observations regarding the font-sizes you now use:
    Listed below are those that are tiny and *very* difficult to read at 800 x 600. And I don’t know about everybody else, but personally, you gotta have something I *really* want to read before I’m going to waste my time zooming for it.
    At higher screen resolutions, your users are going to need a high-powered microscope. Additionally, that animated email thing is a bad taste horror show– makes it impossible to concentrate on anything, much less your links (not to mention the number it’s doing on my machine).
    1)Filed under: * Generala€?? site admin @ 12:45 am
    2)Links– all 25 0f them
    * googles start
    * Guestbook
    * Smswinkel
    * Stem op deze Blog
    I’ll be back.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Hammer of Truth

    Interesting. Goes off the right viewport at 800 x 600, and hugs the left viewport at 1024 x 768 but doesn’t fill the window. Hmmm.
    The fonts are set in pixels so can’t zoom the text on the most popular browser in the universe. Glad I don’t use that browser, but very tough on those older folks like me who do use it. And only it. But maybe that’s just as well, because when it is zoomed, on FF for example, it’s even busier and more confused.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: I’m in love

    Here you go:
    It’s poetry– make it anything you want. The possibilities are infinite.
    Hate the colors– change ’em. Same for the fonts, font-sizes, whatever does it for you and your poetry.
    The only change I made to the php file is the opening and closing of a new division id #rap
    All style changes are modifications of the CSS file. The CSS is embedded. I didn’t validate the code. I think you may have HTML errors. I didn’t attempt any corrections.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: I’m in love

    Yes, the container can be centered with the poetry flush left.
    I post the change in a few minutes…

    Practice self-hypnosis in the Zen Garden.
    Visit the sites of those who have submitted entries to the Zen Garden.
    Those little ads will start to bother you.
    Practice self-hypnosis in the Zen Garden.
    Visit the sites of those who have submitted entries to the Zen Garden.
    You will loathe those little ads.
    Practice self-hypnosis in the Zen Garden.
    Visit the sites of those who have submitted entries to the Zen Garden.
    You will no longer need those little ads. You will have developed a mood. The mood will take shape, and color, and people from all over the world will come to visit your site so that they too can experience self-hypnosis in *your* Zen Garden…

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: I’m in love
    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: I’m in love

    Centering it has possibilities.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: vivified

    IE5/Mac: oddities
    Philippe Wittenbergh (a well known, noted authority on IE5/Mac)
    If you can’t resolve it, post on css-discuss forum (css-discuss .org)
    Philippe is a frequent contributor on that list.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: vivified

    Safari1.2 free screen captures:
    He’s down right now. Back up in a few days I’ve heard.
    Most everything, including IE5.2/Mac
    Expensive though. As I recall, 1hr free trial– 10 bucks an hour thereafter. Forty dollars a month unlimited use. But don’t quote me.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Sidebar width

    Fast and dirty:
    On .sidebar
    delete width 90%
    add: text-align: left;
    Use one of the WP templates. ROOT has several really nice ones. They are structurally sound. What you’re using now is not.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: vivified

    Very, very nice!
    Not criricism, just some food for thought– do with it what you will…
    Text scales nicely on Opera7.5.1 and the latest versions of the Gecko’s. You may, at some point, want to set the fonts inorder to enable text zoom on IE as well.
    IE5.0 kind of does a little number on the right viewport side of your layout– usable, but not what you intended. IE5.5 on the other hand looks pretty good.
    IE5.2/Mac, I’m sorry to say, destroys your layout– that’s a tough one.
    Personally, I think the text zoom problem for IE is relatively important, and easy to implement with CSS. As far as the other stuff is concerned, that could start another war—
    Keep up the good work.

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