Forum Replies Created
Utiliza pagos manuales entonces que la persona hace la orden y hasta que no pague con ath no actualiza la orden. A mí me funciono así.
Hola, Yo lo uso hace 2 a?os en todas las tiendas que son para venta en Puerto Rico y nunca tengo problema yo le instalo, Paypal y custom payment que permite hacer pago manual de Ath Móvil y la experiencia de los usuarios en Puerto Rico lo usan 75% mas que paypal sin ningun problema. https://ilabeautysupply.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ath-e1619124677108.jpg
Este funciona muy bien.
Realmente yo ni me preocupo mucho con ese plugin parece que tiene muchos issues, lo mas seguro no es problema del autor, si no de evertec que siempre tiene problema con sus productos.. yo uso ath movil con una opción de pagos custom. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-payment-gateways-woocommerce/
Usa CSS, si no puedes me envia el enlace y te ayudo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay with ATH Movil (WooCommerce payment gateway)] Error al hacer checkoutAqui esta funcionando!
Thank you. Your order has been received.ORDER NUMBER:
May 1, 2020
ATH Móvil
Instructions for payment:
1. Open the ATH Móvil app
2. Select Pay a Business
3. Find us as:Hello, In the visibility field only show the do not show message option.
When Toggle content is switch on and save it go back to off after refresh the page.
Thanks! i made a comment in oxilab.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewsman Lite] Hi, having this errorsYes is conflict with WP download manager Pro version. but i can remove WP download manager i like your very much, What i can do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rating-Widget: Star Review System] Sorry, but don't workFix, Thanks
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Download Manager] This people will take your money and runOK, Working Fine now.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Download Manager] This people will take your money and runBlah, sure i did buy. read your email, Bro. how can i log in i did not have account thats the issue. look what i get when try to login
Access Restricted!
You are not download manager pro user or your support forum access period is expired!
I paid %45.00 for that. i did send you a copy of the invoice, you did not care.
I won’t post here about this anymore, Easy, look at your eeemail. Easy Bro.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Download Manager] This people will take your money and runSorry, but people need to know, i am sorry about this.