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  • Willowcase


    Your theme css file contains this “To enable WordPress for this account, the account owner needs to send mail to xxxxx” Not going to post the email here.



    Ah, thanks. Well, it appears to be a php prob with the menu calls between the upgrade and the theme functions with the walker nav. In wp includes nav-menu-template.php. / nav-menu.php. I am not versed in php, but saw this in nav-menu-template.php.

    // get the first menu that has items if we still can't find a menu
    	if ( ! $menu && !$args->theme_location ) {
    		$menus = wp_get_nav_menus();
    		foreach ( $menus as $menu_maybe ) {
    			if ( $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_maybe->term_id, array( 'update_post_term_cache' => false ) ) ) {
    				$menu = $menu_maybe;

    So that tells me something somewhere is not identifying the proper object.
    This should point you in a direction. Someone else can help you. Or, you can also ask your theme support. Is there a theme update that may have addressed this? Sorry, I couldn’t do more for you.



    Have you solved this since you posted? Thanks for the link.
    I am confused about the exact problem, since the menus top and footer are obviously different. Are you using a cache plugin and haven’t cleared cache and seeing something different than I see?
    Is it the order of items in the main menu? Is it just the ‘About’ section you don’t want there or do you want all items in this menu in a different order? The top and footer About sections are different. If so, in Appearance / Menus under Main Menu settings where it lists menu items, you can arrange the order they appear, add or delete whatever parts you want or don’t want to appear in Main Menu in each title’s drop arrow. Click the drop arrow to the right of About, there it will have Move Down or Remove. You can also drag each title to any order.



    Just throwing some things out. This page has a body class of error404. Have you checked the settings for home page in Settings/Reading – for the a static page or blog page as the page for your main site to see if it was reset to this or an unknown? What about checking htaccess file for any redirect.



    I am not thrilled with it either, for many reasons. I can suggest a roundabout, but easier than googling, way to get the author’s website. On the silly popup window, ?? , it lists the author’s name. When you click it, it goes to the author’s profile on and it usually has their website (not always) listed.



    I wonder if it is your Jetpack Photon plugin. Your image is appended with the cdn prefix that is served from Jetpack/ and is supposed to return your images faster. Many have had issues with it resizing and serving of images and it may conflict with something else. Even deactivating the Photon plugin may require you to rename that image to have it served properly. You might check the Jetpack for .org support forum.

    Add this to custom css or child theme css.

    .posted-by {
    display: none;
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Post and pages?

    You are very welcome.

    You are very welcome. Happy to help.

    Seems to be a known problem with your Flat Theme. The author provides a fix here.

    From Author:

    In the theme editor replace the entire contents of hooks.php with the latest version from yoarts github repository…

    (This fix has been applied to Flat 1.5.7)

    If you don’t want to replace the file as noted, you can revert to an earlier version until the 1.5.7 is available.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Post and pages?

    You don’t have to use posts at all unless you want to for something
    First, go to Pages, click Add New. Name the page Home (that is what I use it is easy for menus and clarity). Type in at least one word, you will build your page here later with content like your index page. Click Publish.
    Next, go to Settings/Readings. Tick the dot that says “A Static Page”. Choose the page title Home that you made.
    Make sure no post title is selected in Posts Page listing. Leave it as select.

    Now you can build everything like a regular site. Home is the ‘index’ page, every page/parent and child/sub pages you make appears in the menu. The way it does will depend on theme.
    Like Apartment Buildings – you would make a parent page (choose No Parent) when you create it. The building 1 and so forth would be child pages. In the editor when you make the building 1 page, bottom right you choose Apartment Buildings as it’s parent.

    Then just continue with the same method for the other pages just like a regular site. If you want to do posts later, make a post title in posts, go back to Settings/Readings and choose that name in Post Pages. Where it appears, depends on menu setup or custom menu placement.

    Well, it was worth a shot. Sorry it didn’t work for you.

    I am not sure if this will help you, but it is worth a shot. When I need to do some coding (and there has always been some problems with switching between visual and text), I click on the top toolbar that says TOOLS. It drops down “Source Code”. Click on it and it brings up a small popup that has the html and I scroll around to where I need the code placed. Close/ok, it is done and you never get out of visual exactly. I am not sure if it will not strip your code as I have never put in that piece of code.

    You’re welcome. Glad I could help.

    You don’t need a work around, hopefully there is a setting that got checked. Go to the settings page for the plugin. About midway down, look for “Link” / Replaces Link Dialogue. Uncheck that box in front of that. Save changes and the regular linking dialogue should be back.

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