Willy Bahuaud
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pastacode] Suggestions and kudosHello Jenny,
Can you try this new version, please, and tell me if it solves your bugs ? ??
https://wabeo.fr/pastacode-1.3.1-beta.zipTo add a new color scheme, you have to add your custom scheme into the pastacode css folder (I’ll change this…) and use this filter :
to return your file name (without ‘.css’).For exemple :
add_filter( 'pre_option_pastacode_style', 'my_pastastyle' ); function my_pastastyle() { return 'prism-okaida-willy'; }
If you want to load a style conditionnaly, you can use the òption_pastacode_style`filter hook.
add_filter( 'option_pastacode_style', 'my_pastastyle' ); function my_pastastyle( $s ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $s = 'prism-okaida-willy'; } return $s; }
I did a pull request : https://github.com/willybahuaud/advanced-custom-fields-link-picker-field
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Can't retrieve image on siteYes, no problem ??
foreach(get_multi_images_src( 'thumbnail', 'large' ) as $k => $i){ echo '<a href="'.$i[1][0].'" title="large size image"><img src="'.$i[0][0].'" width="'.$i[0][1].'" height="'.$i[0][2].'" /></a>'; }
You can also pass some parameter to the function, to include post thumbnail, or retrieve images of a specific post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Can't retrieve image on siteHello,
The cynexz solution doesn’t do the same thing.
He retrieve all picture which have been uploaded by the current post.But in my plugin, images are not always attached to the post.
I prefer this :
foreach(get_images_src() as $k => $i){ echo '<img src="'.$i[0].'" width="'.$i[1].'" height="'.$i[2].'" />'; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Exclure certains scripts dans le backendWe wont add an option page to exclude script. You just have to use the “do_not_defer” hook, passing an array of script handle ??
How could it be easiest ?
If you can find the “script name” which cause error, I think you’re able to add this line of code in “function.php” of your theme. We dont want to overload WordPress backend with unnecessary information for the final user. Are you agree ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Exclure certains scripts dans le backendNope, only javascript handlers. But styles will not be deferred ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Images do not work with my costum content typesHi!
To use Multi Image Metabox with your own post types, you just have to past this into your functions.php theme file :
add_filter('images_cpt','my_image_cpt'); function my_image_cpt(){ $cpts = array('page','my_custom_post_type'); return $cpts; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nearby Map by Wabeo] NavigationWith this plugin you can get the route (between 2 geographical points), but it can’t be used as a GPS :-/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Exclure certains scripts dans le backendYou can now exclude some scripts from queuing process using the ‘do_not_defer’ filter hook. You have to return an array of scripts handles in it, like this :
function scripts_to_not_defer(){ return array('jquery','custom-script'); } add_filter('do_not_defer','scripts_to_not_defer');
You can also take another way using ‘wdjs_before_end_lab’ fitler hook to had a callback function after labJS process…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Custom template helpHello,
You can retrieve your liked pictures using, inside of the WordPress loop :
$imgs = get_images_src('your-custom-size'); foreach( $imgs as $i ) echo '<img src="' . $i[0] . '">';
If you want to retrive this images outside of a loop, or for another post, you can ad other parameters to get_images_src(). More information here.
Thanks for using my plugin !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Error When Updating Changes on "Quick Edit"Ok, I think the problem was solved…
Could you confirm you’re using the last release of the plugin ?I’m reading my code, looking for any error ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gallery Metabox] Plugin work but new image gallery bugSolved itself ^^
I dont know why…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Update from 1.3 to 1.3.1Thank you to have notify me for this bug.
I solved it, you can now download 1.3.2 release.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multi Image Metabox] Display Image Title and CaptionI was writing a function for you, too late…
So I’ll include it in a future release of multi image metabox ??Thanks !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Deferred JavaScripts] Messages après la MAJ 1.4Yes,
if you find him, I can explain him what is going wrong in his code, and give him a better way to integrate it. ??