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  • I think (hope!) I can help with this – not a solution exactly, but a reason.

    Short version: Make sure the file you’re trying to use is saved as RGB. Nothing else appears to work right.

    Long version: I had the same problem – abrupt failure of the uploader to make thumbnails and medium images, or to generate captions; the image would upload without error, but existed and would show only full size. I tried several different versions, in different sizes, of the same image (a b&w woodcut) and had the same problem. Just for grins, I tried an entirely different image. The uploader did its thing, and gave me a proper thumbnail and caption.

    The only difference I could find in all these images was that the woodcuts were all saved as grayscale files, and the color one, as RGB. Unfortunately, running a woodcut through an image editor and saving as RGB didn’t make it work.

    Hope this helps!

    You’re not alone on this. This has only become a problem with me with 2.5, in spite of some of these earlier threads referring to prior versions.

    Hello someone out there?

    I have a similar problem; the counter doesn’t change at all for me, though. If it says “2 hours from now” when I walk away, it will say “2 hours from now” when I come back, no matter whether that’s half an hour, three hours, or six hours later, and the post of course is therefore never published. The only way to set it free is to change the status to “Published” by hand after the time should have been up.



    Well, that took care of it. The blue box problem seems to be caused by lack of classes on the images. Just define a class like “plain” in your stylesheet and use that if you don’t want to use left, right, or centered for a particular image.

    That of course doesn’t solve the problem of correcting past posts, but it is a fix, even if you have to go back and make it by hand like I did.



    Since I mentioned having tried to change the stylesheet already, I thought it was reasonably clear I’m not utterly clueless that doing so will affect more than one post.

    But, not being a coding expert either, I’ll bite: How exactly does one make the program not do weird crap to an image that’s without a class? Or make it somehow know which class is right for an image that’s currently without one and drop it in for me so that I don’t have to go back and do it myself about 200 times?

    (And before we assume I’m stupid again, I know the visual editor provides image placement and styling. It also crams the text right up against a floating image, which looks hideous; I use the plain-text editor for that among other reasons.)



    I have the mysterious blue borders, too – only on images in posts, and regardless of if they’re linked to anything or not. They’re ugly and driving me nuts.

    I’ve tried borders of 0, none, and 0px in the css file everywhere I can find. I’ve tried manually putting it in the code for the image. I’ve tried viewing the site in Firefox and Safari. I’ve tried three different themes, including the default. I’ve tried an upgrade to 2.3.3. It’s still there.



    UPDATE: If I apply a class to the image (I tried class=”centered”), the blue border disappears. But I don’t want to go back and do that manually to every image I have in a post. There must be something else I can do?

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