Forum Replies Created
I appreciate your help! But, I think you’ve got it a bit mixed up…
The plugin inserts the button always at the bottom of the page. The only buttons that malfunction are the ones at the bottom of the page – generated by the plugin.
And the only time they malfunction is when I paste a 2nd button at the top of the post. But keep in mind that the pasted Top button always works the way I want.
Finally, note that my goal on certain pages is to have a button on BOTH the Top and Bottom – an issue which your FAQ doesnt address anywhere.
So to be crystal clear – is there a way to have a ShareSave button at both the top and bottom of a post, only on certain pages, and have them both pop up when clicked?
Yes check out example:
Notice at top of page, you can click ShaveSave and it pops up the menu. Beautiful.
Now scroll 50% down (to the end of the Post, where Comments begin), and click that ShareSave. Instead of popping up, it takes you to
This HTML I paste at the top of a post, works great:
<a class="a2a_dd" href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Share/Bookmark" width="171" height="16" /></a>
It’s the AddtoAny inserted code that doesnt work properly.
However check this page:
Notice it ONLY has 1 ShareSave – the auto-inserted one, and it works properly.
Thus, the behavior happens when the 2nd ShareSave is added.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin: Remove wpautop, wptexturize with a shortcodeWow this does seem like exactly what I need too. I put ads in some of my posts but if I use the WP Visual editor tab, it mangles and destroys the HTML. I assume using this plugin will totally solve my problem?
Are there any risks with using this on WP 2.8.4? A v0.1 plugin that modifies my the_content is a little risky – just looking for a little reassurance before I inject this into my production site.. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Search Meter excellent.I agree. This plugin is really swell and should be built into WordPress IMO. What site admin *wouldn’t* want to know what his users are searching for?
This plugin works as advertised. Install it, set it and forget it. Come back after your users have had their way with your site and learn what they can’t find.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Super Cache] Protecting the wp-admin folder and using Super CacheI am glad you posted this. I was going to do the same thing but didn’t realize I’d create an issue.
Is there a solution?
Ah, now I understand. For some reason, I was under the impression that the
would insert the button wherever that tag was inserted. I now understand that is not the case – it is simply a toggle to enable the standard bottom-of-the-page button to show, regardless of where the sharesave tag itself is inserted.I wanted to avoid using the website button code because of its reference to off-site Javascript and images. I believe I can improve my visitors’ pageload performance by hosting as much code/images on my site as possible, and minimizing 3rd party domain references.
I guess I will have to use a hand edited combination of the button code and local copies of the stuff. This is the type of thing I hoped to avoid by using the plugin in the first place. But I still appreciate your helpful responses here!
The problem is, I want to selectively add AddtoAny buttons in certain posts in certain locations mid-post-content.
The PHP code won’t help me because that is for placing the button consistently in the same location on every page, the opposite of what I need.
Not to mention you can’t insert PHP to the middle of a wordpress post (inside a HTML Table for instance).
Is there a way to get the
to work properly? The<!--nosharesave-->
does in fact work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] No related postsGene, you need to step back and reevaluate the situation.
You have not paid a dime to Mitcho, therefore you are not entitled to anything. Realize that he has ALREADY offered significant value for free, by writing, developing, and supporting the YARPP plugin. And here he is, responding to support in this forum. But for you, this is evidently not enough.
The reality? His plugin is what it is, take it or leave it. Yes, it is disappointing when things don’t work, but nobody has guaranteed support. When you obtain free software, you accept it “AS IS” and all risks become yours to bear.
It would be nice when Mitcho’s family emergency calms down, that he could diagnose the YARPP v3 bug causing “no related posts”. But what gives you the right to *demand* that he does this? Be careful, or your attitude will drive free plugin authors to stop offering them altogether. After all, this is a giant net-loss for them. Disrespect their generosity too much, and perhaps it won’t be worth their time any longer to develop.
Give an inch and they take a mile, and all that… Sheesh.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to switch off post revisionsI am also having this issue on WP 2.8.4. It’s really obnoxious because I use the Codex-recommended Permalink structure of But with all these useless revisions that I instructed WP to disable (via wp-config.php), my Post-IDs are being driven up at a furious rate! I only have 6 posts but already my next Post-ID is nearly #40!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Login LockDown] It doesn’t workThe problem seems to be that it never creates the necessary SQL tables. I emailed the author to see if he has a fix. I even tried wp2.7.1 and it doesn’t work there either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] No related postsHey guys do you all have 2.8? I have two test blogs, one with 2.7.1 and another with 2.8.3. Both xampplite 1.7.1 basically, which is PHP 5.2.9, MySQL 5.1.33, and YARPP 3.0.8 and 3.0.9.
The WP 2.7.1 blog has a lot of posts and Related Posts works well. When I view the wp_yarpp_related_cache for this blog, the Score values are healthy. ALL are >= 1. Most are in the 2-5 range.
In my WP 2.8.3 blog, it has a few posts but more Pages than posts. The wp_yarpp_related_cache for this blog has Score values that don’t look very healthy at all, despite a high level of Relatedness. The Score is mostly < 1 with some that are 0! Most are between 0.5-0.9, but some are 17-19. For the 17-19, they work properly and show as Related Posts.
But why doesnt it work nearly as well as my WP 2.7.1 blog? I even hand edited the posts (on the WP 2.8.3) so they have the same Categories and Tags, thinking this would increase the Relatedness to “kick start” the Related Posts action. No dice.
Of course I have tried rebuilding the Cache about 100 times and it doesnt help. I am not using any SuperCache plugins at the moment, either.
I am willing to do whatever it takes to solve this issue and get YARPP 3.0 working properly. Thank you for this nice plugin.
EDIT: Since so many people have commented about 2.1.6 working in the past, I located this old version:
Wow! Instant success! 2.1.6 works like a charm right out of the box. It’s a shame it doesn’t have the high performance caching system of v3.0 but at least it works.