I am going to be running into the same problem pretty soon with a project i am working on, but i think i may work around it by using different categories and then running the loop multiple times, but i was also thinking if there was a way that you could set up a page outside of wordpress that included the indexes of your different blogs and then set up those indexes to work together and with your main index to create the aggregated page. To try and make that more clear, You would create a page and in the space that you want the most recent entry from a certain blog to show up you would include that blog’s index, and you would tweak that template to just output the latest entry. Then you would do the same for the rest of the blogs. You could even write some more complex code to deal with variable you could pass to make the index output a certain way. I don’t know all the ins and outs of wordpress so I may be way off with this method, but it is just a thought.