Forum Replies Created
Pippin, at last i got a responce from my hosting, here it is:
Please add the following codes in your .htaccess file to help download big files from his webspace through the browser:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^(.*\.(zip|mp3|mpeg|mp4|pdf|rar))
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^forcedownload
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%1/$1?forcedownload [R=301,L]Note: (zip|mp3|mpeg|pdf|rar|mp4) should be updated with the file extensions you are planning to have available for download from his site.
now i am even more confused, where this code must go in?
pls note i am not a programmer, i know nothing about those codes, pls be more specific. What exactly the .htaccess file must contain? pls the whole code.and what about file permissions?
i tryed both forced and redirect, files simply not downloading.
one week ago i sent a support ticket to my hosting, but never got an answer on this issue :-/something weird:
i made this .htaccess file with 4 lines as the EDD said, but when i went to download it and check it there exist only 1 line left:
Options -Indexesany ideas? what to do?
i updated to wordpress Version 3.6.1
when i updated to edd Version 1.8 it told me to make such file, but i am not sure if i made it right. can you please tell me again step by step what to do, so i can check it?
forced, i changed to redirect, but still the same
seems i have the same problem with 0kb files. My customers reported yesterday what they get 0 Kb when trying to download my video files(they are big, more then 158 Mb), but the small ones around 600Kb downloading OK.
Btw, i still on EDD Version 1.6.4.
Do i need to update now to 1.7.2 or i can wait and update to v1.8 when its ready?
Pls, need help.Pippin, thank you for pointing me to the right place, i inspected that
Downloads > Settings > General and spotted there one more ‘Test Mode’ check box, which i have overseen. I unchecked the one on the Payment Gateway Settings page.
Thank you again! it works right now.Hi, i have the same problem:
i uncheked test mode, but PayPal Standard included in EDD still sending me to sandbox.paypal.com