Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: enqueue javascript js with conditional comments (for IE)jahshuwaa: There doesn’t seem to be a hook. I think this would be a good enhancement request for 3.1
I looked on trac and found this:
https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/10891So it’s on the radar.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Improving the www.ads-software.com support forumsI like the idea of having segmented user types, but I don’t think that addresses the problem I hear (and experience) most often: questions often go unanswered.
I think the best way of fixing that problem is to incentivize answering questions. Maybe make it more game-like. Stack Overflow does this with ‘badges’ and ‘reputation points.’ I know SO isn’t what you guys want, but they’ve done a great job incentivizing answering questions, and because of that, people actually answer the questions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: caption shortcode shows up in excerpt (2.9.1)You could apply the the_excerpt filter to the post content, manually shorten the length of the content, and hook a priority 1 filter to it that will remove shortcode from the content.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp_list_pages filter Plugin TroubleNever mind. I just added it into the plugin which was already working.
I also changed the code to$position_first_class=stripos($string,'<li class="'); $position_first_class += 11; $replacement_insert='<li class="first_item '; $string_1 = substr($string,0,$position_first_class); $string_1 = str_ireplace('<li class="',$replacement_insert,$string_1); $string_2 = substr($string,$position_first_class); $string = $string_1.$string_2; $position_last_class=strripos($string,'<li class="'); $replacement_insert_2 = '<li class="last_item '; $string_3 = substr($string,0,$position_last_class); $string_4 = substr($string,$position_last_class); $string_4 = str_ireplace('<li class="',$replacement_insert_2,$string_4); $string = $string_3.$string_4;
It works now. Weird…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Subdomains and login persistence.vurea,
I found a plugin that fixed the problem:
root Cookie Path
https://www.linickx.com/archives/466/root-cookie-for-wp26root-cookie-for-wp26Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Subdomain Problem w/ loginActually, I found a plugin that fixes the problem:
root Cookie Path
https://www.linickx.com/archives/466/root-cookie-for-wp26root-cookie-for-wp26Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Subdomain to PageHere’s the solution I used (this only works if: 1, your subdomains are run out of subdirectories of the directory in which wordpress is installed; and 2, your permalink settings are set to default (i.e. https://www.somesite.com/?p=123)):
create a file named index.php in the subdomain’s directory. In that index.php file, paste all of the code from wordpress’ main index.php file and make the following modifications:
before any other code (before the line that starts with ‘define’), add
where XXX is the page_id of the page you want the subdomain to show (if you don’t know it, go to the page while permalinks are set to default and it’ll be in the url). This defines the page in the script without having it in the urlThen, where it says
add one more period at the beginning of the filepath so it looks like this:
This tells it to load the wordpress environment, and tells it that it will find the file one directory up (rather than the normal “in the same directory” location).
The advantage of this method is that it actually runs the same wordpress installation that your main site does, so it’s a lot easier to manage. Any changes to the blog will immediately take effect in the subdomains as well. The only downsides I’ve come across so far are: 1: user info does not persist between subdomains and the main site, which means users would have to log in each time they go to a new subdomain; and 2: It’s difficult to get widgets, etc. to link to the subdomain rather than just the page (the only way I’ve found is to manually go into the code and write extensive “if” statements telling it how to display some links).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Subdomains and login persistence.barrybell,
I am in the same situation. My blog has multiple users and each has a subdomain as a ‘profile’ or ‘user-info’ page, but login info doesn’t persist. Could you give me a link to where I can find the plugin, or at least email it to me? webmaster(AT)culturalgadfly(DOT)com.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Subdomain Problem w/ loginBy the way, I’m running it off of a Godaddy shared Windows server, if that helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Single page as subdomainto display a ‘single page’ on a subdomain, I copied the index.php file and put it in the subdomain’s directory and changed
This only works if your subdomain is run out of a child directory of the one WP is installed in. To make it display the content of the page I wanted on it, I added
where XXX is the page_id number. This only works if your permalinks are set to the default of p=XXX, page_id=XXX, etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Single page as subdomainto display a ‘single page’ on a subdomain, I copied the index.php file and put it in the subdomain’s directory and changed
This only works if your subdomain is run out of a child directory of the one WP is installed in. To make it display the content of the page I wanted on it, I added
$_GET[‘page_id’]=XXX; where XXX is the page_id number. This only works if your permalinks are set to the default of p=XXX, page_id=XXX, etc.