Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] WP-User-Control Not making user accountsdsherer,
Thanks for your post. At present we do not have any known bugs or issues with new user registration via WP User Control. A few questions.
- Have you enabled new user registration enabled within WP General Settings?
- What message is returned within the WP User Control widget when you enter a username and email address and click the ‘Register’ button? If WP User Control is returning the message “Check your email for the password and then return to log in.” then the registration process is succeeding. If WP User Control is returning an error message during registration, it will be highlighted in red.
- When you check the list of users via the WP Admin dashboard are the new user accounts actually being created by WP User Control?
- Assuming the users are being created, have you tested logging in to the site with the newly created account? If you’re not receiving the new user registration email with their password then you’ll need to reset the user account password so you know it for test login purposes. If the users are being created and you have verified that you can successfully login to their account then the problem must be email related.
- Is the new user email being received at the target email address? Can you successfully send test emails from your server? If everything else is working and the email from WP User Control is not being received, then there is a problem with your server email set up. In that case we recommend using WP_Mail_SMTP or WP-Email to resolve any issues with your server email configuration.
Let us know if any of this resolves your issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Working great! (3.5/twentytwelve) – Development suggestionBeautyPirate,
Thanks for your feedback. 2 step verification is definitely on our planned feature list. Initially WP User Control used the built-in WordPress functions for login, reset, and registration which included 2 step verification. However, it was also impossible to control page redirects to standard WP login and registration pages in certain situations. Keep an eye out for future updates.
Thanks for using WP User Control!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] How installs the Italian language?lightswebstudio,
If you configure WordPress to use Italian rather than English, WP User Control will automatically load in Italian rather than English. If you are unsure how to do this, see these articles in the WP Codex:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Widget doesn't work at my homepagetonbalikli,
Thanks for your post. If you are using a page template without any widget areas for your homepage, then you are correct, WP User Control will not appear. WP User Control can only be used within a widget area in it’s present version, however it can be used in either a widgetized sidebar or footer. If your homepage has a widgetized footer then WP User Control can be used there.
WP User Control automatically detects whether user registrations have been enabled within WordPress. If user registrations are not enabled, WP User Control disables the registration form. On the Network Admin Panel go to Network Settings and select the type of registrations you wish to permit for your sites. The WP User Control register form will only work if you have enabled one of the following selections:
- “User accounts may be registered.”
- “Both sites and user accounts can be registered.”
One other note, your server must also be configured to send email in order for user registrations and password resets to function. There are plenty of articles on how to do this, as well as some plugins available to simplify this for WordPress. Check out WP_Mail_SMTP or WP-Email if you are unsure of how to do this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Installation problems – Update for 3.4.2astrogirl426,
Thanks for your post. We looked at the error messages you posted. However, it does not appear that these are being generated by WP User Control. We say this for several reasons:
The root plugin folder for WP User Control is
The core plugin file for WP User Control is:
The core plugin file for WP User Control only has 250 lines, but the error message you listed references a call made on line 292. WP User Control also does not make any calls to
It looks to us like you are also running this plugin User Control? If so, then you should look at that plugin for the cause of your issues.
Just FYI, we’ve done preliminary testing of WP User Control on WP v3.5 (both standard and WPMS) and although we have not fully tested all functions yet, it does appear to work without issue. We will be releasing a new version of WP User Control once we’ve completed a few minor updates and our full battery of functionality tests on WP v3.5.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] new user password emails going astrayjmacd,
Thanks for your post. Sounds like a mail configuration problem on your server if the users are being successfully created and no errors are being returned during the registration process. Have you tested whether or not your server can successfully send email? Check out WP_SMTP_Mail or WP-Email if you are unsure of how to do this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] textdomain confilct reportjuanstecno,
We checked out this issue. We verified that WP is properly loading the WPUC text domain when the language setting was set to ‘es_ES’ within the “wp-config.php” file. However, the Codestyling & Localization plugin assumes the plugin text domain is the same name as the core plugin php file and if they are different it will not recognize the correct plugin text domain. In the current release of WPUC the core plugin php file is named “wp_uc_widget.php”. We tested renaming this file to “wp-user-control.php” on a test system with the Codestyling & Localization plugin installed and activated. Codestyling and Localization immediately recognized the correct WPUC plugin text domain and associated language files. This modification does not cause any issues for WPUC, so we will be updating this in our next release. If you want to rename the file yourself to resolve the issue now, it should not cause you any issues.
Just rename
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] textdomain confilct reportjuanstecno,
Thanks for your post. There was a minor bug in the WPUC localization code. This has been fixed in the latest release (version 1.5.1) and the text domain and language translations should load properly now. The correct plugin text domain is ‘wp-user-control’.
Thanks again for using WP User Control.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Exit message bug, "Exit without confirm" feature and morejuanstecno,
Yes, go ahead and delete the test user account I created on your site. We’ll keep you posted on future updates to WPUC.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Exit message bug, "Exit without confirm" feature and morejuanstecno,
Thanks for the additional information. I registered and logged into your site via the WPUC widget to check it out. I then tested the “login” and “logout” processes with both the WPUC widget and the default WP widget. Everything appears to be working fine. You are correct that WPUC does request the page redirect after the user logs out of the site. This is what tells WP to send the user back to the same page they were on instead of sending them to the default WP login page after logout. You can see the difference when you logout from the standard WP widget, as it sends you to the default WP login page once you have logged out of the site.
I also looked at the IDNA plugin (which is quite old and doesn’t appear to be maintained any longer). Without reviewing the IDNA code in detail, I am sure that it is hooked into all WP functions that produce site URLs (including the redirect functions). I’m not sure why, but obviously there is a conflict and this is the reason the WPUC page redirect on logout was not working.
Bottom line is that you found the problem – the WPUC plugin does not work with the IDNA plugin. I’m not certain if you require IDN support or not. I searched for another WP plugin that implements IDN support and did not find any alternatives. Adding IDN support within WPUC does not look like a lot of effort, so I’m also going to add IDN support to the WPUC roadmap. Hopefully we’ll get it added into our next release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Exit message bug, "Exit without confirm" feature and morejuanstecno,
Try disabling all of your other plugins one by one until you have only WP User Control activated using the Twenty Twelve theme. See if the issue remains. We have tested WP User Control many, many times on multiple servers using both WPMS and WP Standard and it has never created this issue. Based on the additional detail you supplied above it looks like the page redirect is not being correctly formed when you logout, which would explain why the browser is sent to a blank page. It is possible that another one of your plugins is hooked into the WP redirect filter and may be altering it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Exit message bug, "Exit without confirm" feature and morejuanstecno,
This page/message is not being created by WP User Control. WP User Control is not designed to create any logout confirmation. WP User Control uses the wp_logout_url() function, which is the correct way to handle the WP logout process. However, not all themes support it. I suspect the theme you are using is not updated to support this function, which is causing the confirmation page to display. To test whether the theme you are using supports the wp_logout_url() function, switch to one of the basic WP themes (Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven, or Twenty Twelve) and repeat the same process to see if the logout confirmation page appears. WP User Control works fine with each of these basic themes. If the logout confirmation page does not display, then your theme is causing the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP User Control] Spanish translationjuanstecno,
Thanks for your post. Yes, by all means, we’d love to have your Spanish translation for WP User Control. Please send it to [email protected].
Thanks for using WP User Control!
P.S. Thanks for the heads up on our contact form. Not sure what happened, but it’s fixed now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Googlyzer] [Plugin: Googlyzer] Domain error?er0s22,
All I can say really say for certain at this point is that we’re working on it. Redesigning for the new Google API has required a lot of redesign of existing functionality unfortunately. Hoping to have it out soon.