Hi Joy thank you for your reply.
I will try and explain it better ??
an example could be:
I have 5 houses with different people and different items in each of them.
f.ex. House 1 have 4 people, 10 jackets and 23 silly things to put in pockets ..
House 2 have 6 other people, 13 other jackets and 120 silly things to put in
House 3, 9 people, 22 Jackets and 54 silly things..
and so on.
When you click a button it need to do this:
First it randomly choose a House (random1)
then it randomly choose one of the persons in this House (random2)
then it ramdomly choose what Jacket this person must put on (random3)
then it randomly choose what to put in the pockets of this jacket. (random4)
when all is chosen, it shall display the House, Person, Jacket and Silly thing all on the same page.
Best Regards Martin