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  • I am seeing the same error too. I have multiple ad units which should be fine and only one Adsense account on the Google account I am using (which is the correct one).

    Thread Starter wollac11


    Thanks that’s great. For some reason I just was not paying attention properly. I think I thought it was JS for some reason.

    I have got it all as I want it now using pretty much what you you said. In the end I used the following so as the move the display of the buttons as well: {
    clear: none;
    margin: 0;
    margin-right: 2px;
    margin-top: 20px;
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    border-radius: 0 !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
    padding: 15px !important;
    .spreadplugin-article.min-view .actions {
    display: none !important;

    I think a product search would be a nice feature. It certainly is possible. I’ve had a little go making a basic one myself (more proof of concept at this stage but it works).

    It’s pretty basic but it pulls the list of articles for my shop as an XML document using the speadshirt API and then extracts all the product names along with their price and product ID and then creates a list which you can search from. Using the product ID’s it composes a link to the product page on the site.

    I am using this plugin for my store at and my initial concept search for it is at

    Thread Starter wollac11


    I’m confused. Maybe I was unclear. I want to remove the popup reveal effect when you hover over an item. There is no problem with the link.
    The link target is “_self” and when I click it it reponds the way I wish and opens the desciption, that is not the issue.

    Using the min view when hovering over any article in the list it will enclarge it and display an add to cart button and size selection drop down. It also fades the surrounding articles. This does not look good on my website and I don’t really like the behaviour (see image:

    I quite like the white fade applied to the other items to draw focus on the one you are hovering on but I don’t need or want it to enlarge/popout like that as I only want to show the add to basket button and size dropdown on the product description pages.

    Hopefully that is clearer.

    Whoops! did that out of habbit (I’m a Brit you see). Always irks me having to use the US spellings for code aha.

    Yeah sure just add a little bit into the custom CSS box on the plugin settings like so:

    .spreadplugin-article.min-view .price-wrapper {
    background-colour:#EF6812 !important;

    Just change it to use a hex colour that suits you (that #EF6812 would make it a random orange colour for instance)

    Thread Starter wollac11


    That’s pretty much perfect, thank you very much! Works great now!

    I also like using the media uploader as it goes but I want to enable subscriber accounts to be able to upload their own pictures. I can allow them to to this by editing the permission of the subscriber role but then they can view and select from anything in our image library including each others profile pictures which is an issue. If there was an option for a basic uploader that could store the images outside of the image library that would be great as it would avoid this issue. I can see why it might be a fair bit of work though and I guess not all people will have use for this.

    Thanks again for the remove feature and compatibility fix though – those were the most important things for me. I’ll be sure to rate 5 stars!

    Yes I think that would be a good idea. WordPress changed some things about the theme section in 4.0 which I am guessing have broken the plugin since I just installed it and I see no button either.

    Thread Starter wollac11


    The first one is a plugin. That is my old related posts plugin which does manage thumbnail sizes correctly but it always shows a fixed number of posts regardless of screen size and has some other issues related to what I want to do with it but I won’t go into that because it is not that relevant here.

    Basically, my current live theme for the site does not have its own related posts function built in. My new site design is based of the theme Hueman which does. Hueman is only viewed when signed in as my user account or if you append “?theme=hueman” to the page URL so that I can test the new theme and work on it without users seeing. The content and plugins are always the same regardless of the theme so I have not the disabled the related posts plugin yet because otherwise current readers will see none. Hopefully that makes sense.

    When I launch the new site design I want to use the theme’s built-in related posts (the second ones you see) because they are better for what I need than the first lot (created by the plugin). At the point of switch-over I will delete the plugin which inserts the first ones and so readers will never see both if that makes sense.

    So, ignoring the first set of related posts, I am looking for a solution for fixing the thumbnail sizes on the built-in related posts feature.

    Thread Starter wollac11


    Sure, try this page here (note that I am using theme test drive hence the theme in the URL. This theme is not currently live to readers):

    The related items seem to be randomised slightly so I took a screenshot of an easily noticeable example. Sometimes it looks better or others even worse than that depending on which ones are matched together.

    Thread Starter wollac11


    Hi, I already had this option checked and it applies to most other related posts plugins but it does not seem to effect the thumbnails used by the theme’s own releated posts which are of varying ratios regardless.

    Thread Starter wollac11


    Found it! I had a search through all the plugins related to Facebook and in the end I found it was being caused by the plugin Social Media Buttons & Widgets

    I’ve deactivated and removed the plugin. It is not something I really need anyway as I am able to replicate its functionality manually.

    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter wollac11


    Thanks for your reply. I believe you are most probably correct, I had located that in the resultant page source code through inspection and should have included it in the OP, but I cannot find how it ends up there in the first place.

    I have many plugins on the site, is it best I just try deactivating them until it goes as it would seem it must be coming from one of them? I was hoping someone may already know or be able to identify the source of it so I could avoid going through such a large number of plugins etc.

    I am having the same exactly same issue clearly there is some bug in the latest update. I haven’t really looked at it to work out what exactly is causing it yet I just deleted the plugin and downloaded and installed the previous version as a temporary work around until they fix it:

    Edit: 5.0.1 seems to have the same issue. I’ll have to find an older version, I must have skipped 5.0.1.

    Edit 2: 5.0 still does it so I’ve just ditched the plugin altogether and added tracking code via a different means.

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