Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Revolut Gateway for WooCommerce] Payment linksI am one of the shops that cannot sell instantly, but has to accept an order of the customer first.
The on the list of orders I would like to have a button , like : “issue and send a card payment link to this customer via email”
I have to do it manually now.
CezaryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [IdeaPush] creating an idea destroys all permalinks on the shopI have purchased your PRO, downloaded zip, and tried to add it as a plugin.
But all I am getting is this message:
Incompatible Archive.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IdeaPush] creating an idea destroys all permalinks on the shopadd_action(‘idea_push_after_idea_created’, ‘refresh_permalinks_after_idea_created’, 10, 4);
function refresh_permalinks_after_idea_created($newIdeaId, $userId, $title, $description) {
// Refresh permalinks
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IdeaPush] creating an idea destroys all permalinks on the shopHi
Broken permalinks on entire shop is an instant result of creating an idea on the PL , which is a translated language of a main shop.
Maybe it get messed, because the newly created post does not know if its basic permalink should be :
Would you like to get stagging version of my shop , so you can see yourself how it happens, and debug what is going? Eventually it will be faster if you speak with WPML, and it will help you to understand the issue for the future of your plugin.
Anyway, I have added this into functions.php , but did not helped.
Permalinks were not refreshed, it broke the site again.
I had to save permalinks manually.
Is this code below wrong ?Hi .
I am using 1.9.35
As far I see, I cannot add screenshots here.
The issue is as simply as described:
– a product is set to be managed by ATUM
– a product has for example 0,7 value in stock in ATUM
– ATUM sees it as “in stock”
– ATUM is properly reseting the value on the simple products backend
– Woocommerce sees it as 0.7 properly when I go to edit the product
– but on the listing of Woocommerce products , system sees it as : “out of stock (0.7)”
– so Woocommerce is reading the value properly, but only for deciding about the status itself , system is rounding it down to zero .. thus … a customer on front-end sees it as “out of stock”, and so cannot purchase it.
Let me know if I can show you this on the video or screenshots ? I am open for fast video meeting if necessery.
CezaryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Omnibus — show the lowest price] Brak zakladki UstawienW jaki sposob Ci to wylistowac ?
Bedzie bezpiecznie tutaj ? Czy jakos na mejla ?
Ciekawostka jest taka, ze jak probuje wejsc via link ktory podales, to mnie wylogoywuje i nie pozwala zalogowac ponownie (gdy ten link jest w polu adresu)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Omnibus — show the lowest price] Brak zakladki UstawienVersion 6.9.4
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Revolut Gateway for WooCommerce] Card payment links functionalityHello . I can see that ?? My question is obviously .. how far are you ?
Is this accepted at all to your queue ? How far is in the queue ? etc
I do not know what to do,.. if to switch to stripe or stay and wait for this funcionality for my Woo shop.
CezaryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Revolut Gateway for WooCommerce] Card payment links functionalityHi. Do you have any news for me ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Omnibus — show the lowest price] Brak zakladki UstawienWitam
Na screenie pokazales zakladke Settings > General.
Uprawienia mam pelne.
Dodatkowych roznych wtyczek mam duzo, ale ktora by nie pozowalala wyswietlac taba z Twojej wtyczki to nie mam pojecia. I szczerze mowiac pierwszy raz widze taki problem.
Moze spotkanie na video meet ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Omnibus — show the lowest price] Dodatkowa informacja w sekcji “opinie”W oczekiwaniu na odpowiedz w innym moim watku, wyswietlil mi sie Twoj watek.
Zatem tak jako przechodzacy podpowiem, ze lepiej miec napis ze opinie S? ZWERYFIKOWANE ?? .Tu nie chodzi o omnibusa, tu chodzi o zaufanie klientow do Twojego sklepu ??
Najaszybciej zrob tak :
– wez darmowa wtyczke od https://trustmate.io/
– zaimportuj tam swoje stare opinie
– zacznij wyswietlac w jeszcze bardziej przyjemny sposob, przykladowa karta produktu z mojego sklepu : https://www.woolsome.shop/pl/produkt/welna-rt-diament-brazowa-zolta-wd-45-01/
– mozesz uzywac za free jesli nie potrzebujesz zbierac duzo opinii, a przede wszytskim masz opanowanego omnibusa i weryfikowane opinie.Thank you.
This should solve my current problem.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [TrustMate.io - WooCommerce integration] SpammersI just saw your strange review and found it akward.
YES, if you let this plugin to work automatically for you, it will collect emails from your customers (after successful purchases through the shops cart) and will send an email invitation to this customer kindly asking him for a product / company review.
It will also send reminders if you set it up this way.
(you can decide how many reminders, how often etc. )But this is what this tool was designed for ?? And is doing it perfectly.
How it can be rated 1, called spam and not cool ? ??FUNNY, that this software being a great tool to fight against fake reviews in your store, received a FAKE REVIEW FROM YOU here :/