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  • Thread Starter WordDug



    Yes I just deleted the hueman theme folder and replaced it with the lite version files by FTP and it had little impact so I didnt encounter any problems.


    Thread Starter WordDug


    Looks like it is intermittent so any help would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter WordDug


    Hi, no I didnt. I just needs someone more clued up than me to work out what javascript changes are needed to make it one click. If I work it out will post here.

    Thread Starter WordDug


    Hi Mikko

    No it was still an issue for me.

    However, by disabling shortcode expansion as you suggested it is all now resolved and indexing ok – all posts available for search.

    Thanks a lot.


    Thread Starter WordDug


    Thread Starter WordDug


    Hi bdbrown

    My menu does work like that where it expands ok thats no problem. The issue I have is when i click on the individual links it takes two clicks to get to the page rather than 1 click. To me having two clicks looks like the link is broken so i want to ensure that a user only has to click once on the menu links that have expanded.


    Thread Starter WordDug


    This is on iOS using safari.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: $wp_query->found_posts
    Thread Starter WordDug


    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter WordDug


    This is what was added to style

    @media only screen and (max-width: 719px){
    .entry {
    font-size: 18px!important;

    Thread Starter WordDug


    Hi bdbrown

    Thanks for your help. Made the change within the child theme style.css file and got the text the correct size now.

    Thank you


    I got this to work by adding a woocomerce left and woocomerce right sidebar via hueman theme options.

    I then created a sidebar-shop.php file in the hueman child theme (woocommerce recognises the file). Then created another file shop-sidebar-2.php in the child theme and referenced that in the first file.

    I basically just copied the code from normal hueman sidebar.php and sidebar-2.php into these files and changed any references to $sidebar to the woocommerce left and right sidebars that I created via the theme options.

    You can then add widgets via the appearance widgets page.

    	$sidebar = "sidebar-wooleft";
    	$layout = alx_layout_class();
    	if ( $layout != 'col-1c'):
    	<div class="sidebar s1">
    		<a class="sidebar-toggle" title="<?php _e('Expand Sidebar','hueman'); ?>"><i class="fa icon-sidebar-toggle"></i></a>
    		<div class="sidebar-content">
    			<div class="sidebar-top group" align="center">
    				<p style="text-align: center;">TEST<a href="/dug-shop/" title="Dug Gift Shop">Shop</a> - <a href="/dog-events/" title="Dog Events in Scotland">Events</a> - <a href="/dog-walkers-trainers-pet-shops/">Directory</a> - <a href="/the-dug-gallery/">Gallery</a></p>
    			<?php if ( ot_get_option( 'post-nav' ) == 's1') { get_template_part('inc/post-nav'); } ?>
    			<?php if( is_page_template('page-templates/child-menu.php') ): ?>
    			<ul class="child-menu group">
    				<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&depth=3'); ?>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    			<?php dynamic_sidebar($sidebar); ?>
    	<?php if (
    		( $layout == 'col-3cm' ) ||
    		( $layout == 'col-3cl' ) ||
    		( $layout == 'col-3cr' ) )
    		{ get_template_part('shop-sidebar-2'); }
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php $sidebar = "sidebar-wooright"; ?>
    <div class="sidebar s2">
    	<a class="sidebar-toggle" title="<?php _e('Expand Sidebar','hueman'); ?>"><i class="fa icon-sidebar-toggle"></i></a>
    	<div class="sidebar-content">
    				<div class="sidebar-top group" align="center">
    				<p><?php _e('','hueman'); ?></p>
    				<div align="center"><?php alx_social_links() ; ?></div>
    		<?php if ( ot_get_option( 'post-nav' ) == 's2') { get_template_part('inc/post-nav'); } ?>
    		<?php dynamic_sidebar($sidebar); ?>

    There is likely a better way but hey this displays different sidebars in woocommerce shop to the rest of the site.

    Thread Starter WordDug



    I actually went back and revisited this and I am now using woocommerce without any load issues.

    Basically I have added a function to my child theme functions page to deregister all woocommerce stuff outside of the woo commerce shop pages. Woo commerce adds loads of scripts to your whole site which you dont need on every page. I added the function below.

    Now I no longer have the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php issue on my homepage or the majority of the website pages. It will still however exist on the shop pages as it is required to make woo commerce work correctly but thats an ok compromise. It improved the speed of my homepage by 2 secs.

    Hope someone else finds it useful.

    Thread Starter WordDug


    I couldnt get the function to work by modifying it so I decided to disable the rss feeds and also add css to the sidebar (display:none;) to remove it from any widgets. Not ideal but works fine.

    Thread Starter WordDug


    Thread Starter WordDug


    I found the below on another thread which resolved the problem after trying a lot of things. So if the avatar for the “current user” is not showing correctly then try this. I added this into functions.php as part of a bigger function.

    global $current_user;
    echo get_wp_user_avatar($current_user->ID, 96);

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