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  • wp_seo_02


    I shot a ‘Stop SOPA – PIPA Video’ also. That is the boldest move to suppress FREE SPEECH since the Patriot Act.



    I may be in the minority on this one but I you are correct to start with Themes! The functionality you seek can handle with premium WordPress themes. I would stay away from Elegant Themes however. Plugins? I certainly, as a developer would never use one for more than back office functions and tailoring widgets.

    I had a Real Estate Client searching for a theme for that market and what I told her, I now tell you. The functionality of premium themes allows you to make the THEME YOU LIKE into ANYTHING you want.

    If it is a question of featured listings, images etc. most Premium themes can be adjusted to fit your needs. It is about your finesse with themes, not allowing a theme to finesse you…

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: new post


    Yes – It will until you leave the page! Go to the sidebar (dashboard), click on Posts and ‘ add new’.



    Yes, that is part of it but more often, going from a FREE blog to a serious website with is a big step. People with custom domains are typically competitive for business, ad revenue and other. More than those with FREE Blogs.

    Sure, they think they are competitive but search engines, most often, don’t take them seriously. Think about this: Google, which owns Blogspot, typically REFUSES (but are becoming more willing for MONEY) to allow those with THEIR OWN Blogspot properties to use their Paid Advertising with Adwords!!!

    .com are nothing more than hobby sites (not that there is anything wrong with that).

    For any who dispute this – check your top 20 most competitive keyword searches, go to search engines and find how many FREE Blogs are in top 10-20 results.



    OR, Check your Encoding (view source) in the tools section of your browser bar to see if the urls are still there.



    Most know how I feel about SEO Plugins from Yoast or anyone else so I won’t go on that rant however, keep in mind that the older site is (aged) the more credibility it has with SEARCH INDEXING. (IF optimized correctly) Give your new site time and it will produce great results.

    Oh yeah, as a WordPress developer, I LOVE your strategy – well thought out and VERY intentional market penetration..MY HERO ??



    Implied guarantee for FREE? Good luck making that happen. The good news is that there are often multiple options for every plugin which does the same thing. They will keep being developed some something comparable will always be around ??



    NO! This is a search engine optimization DISASTER!!!!!

    Remember – It is best to give a website visitor ONLY what they’ve searched for and let them make the decision on whether to go deeper into your site (side bar links for archives etc)

    Now, IF you have a library of some kind (video tutorials or books) I’d say something slightly different



    Umm, I use Elegant but when my subscription runs out, I am using another provider. They are one of the cheapest ($39.00 standard license) but their updates are WAY to frequent and often cause more problems than they solve.

    Their designs are SIMPLE and VERY CLEAN but are just to big of a hassle. Find another provider.



    You don’t need a plugin to do this friend. WP Commerce Plugins are more effort than they are worth.

    When you say digital products, I am assuming you are saying Ebook correct?

    Email me [emaol moderated] I am uploading the FIRST, complete FREE WordPress set-up video tutorials (70 videos) to Youtube. This is answered in that series.



    There are very few plugins, ESPECIALLY THE SEO, worth paying for. S2 Membership is worth upgrading and Askimet is worth donating a few bucks to. Regardless of who gets angry – SEO plugins are a complete JOKE!

    Neither clothing, shoes, car seats braces or other are a ‘one-site fits all’ solutions yet SEO is? These plugins caused many of my clients more problems than they solved.

    Now, I will say this – If SEO Software Guru Brad Callen or created a SEO Plugin, it would ROCK!

    DO NOT allow a plugin to dictate the lay-out of your site. Themes today, especially paid, allow you to do all you need to according to your desires.

    Truthfully, spend more time trying to understand your theme needs and the rest will fall into place. (except SEO)




    These answers were great however, they fail to point out two things:

    First – If your site was indexed by Google it was crawled by BOTS. Bots are BRILLIANT and know where the original source of the article originated. Filing a complaint with Google is a complete waste of time.

    Next – Focus more on creating great content than trying to fight off thieves and robbers. The fact is, over the lie of your website, many will steal your posts and clip images and use them.

    Again – Search BOTS know where the articles originated. You will not be punished ??



    I was right where you are some years ago. I am biased for WordPress over Drupal, Joomla and others. However, do this: set up a free site at

    Play around with the features, develop a quick site using your assets and make the decision that way before going ALL OUT with

    The easier to manage is a FACT..



    Stay away from TRANSLATOR Plugins..OMG, some of my clients have lost customers because these plugins don’t translate the right way and in the translated language, something offensive is said..

    If I were you, I would set-up a special page for this property and use the Google Translator tool for each language. Pick the top 10 languages in Europe you believe your property would sell in, write the ad copy in spanish and translate each page into the native language, from spanish, using this tool.

    NONE of my clients have had issues with the translation of this tool. You are correct, even in non-difficult financial times, Real Estate, Insurance, SEO and Affiliate Marketing are some of the most competitive markets on the web.



    There are dozens of ways to achieve this friend. Yes you could use psosts and pages but for featured offers, barring using a theme that offers the feature which allow ‘daily deals’ has an EASY TO USE Ad set-up module that works wonders for Flash or Image ads. Set them up in a sidebar or posts and pages..just depends on your lay-out.

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