Forum Replies Created
Thank you all for submitting to this thread. Still no solution to all my problems posted above.
@bizfundi @recons I have paid for full package and I am not very happy with the support. I think it should be better documentation and response here instead of trying to hide things that does not work by telling users to contact them directly. If things does not work please be open with it and your customers will become happier to know you are working on a solution.
@zwienenstal I can confirm: the mailchimp plugin does not work! Everything that does not seem to work is provided with this answer:
“Due to wp.org forum rules we are not allowed to discuss our paid extensions on this website.Please follow this link for more information:
@asrsantos I can confirm: the mailchimp plugin does not work! Everything that does not seem to work is provided with this answer:
“Due to wp.org forum rules we are not allowed to discuss our paid extensions on this website.Please follow this link for more information:
@reneee the mailchimp extension does not work. // paid customer
@flantascience no it does not!
@gwin it works! Thanks a lot! Great ??
add_action( "init", "custom_button_init" ); function custom_button_init() { remove_action('adverts_tpl_single_bottom', 'adverts_single_contact_information'); add_action('adverts_tpl_single_bottom', 'custom_button_html'); } function custom_button_html( $post_id ) { ?> <div class="adverts-single-actions"> <a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), get_the_author_meta( 'user_nicename' ) ); ?>"><?php the_author(); ?>" class="adverts-button" data-id="<?php echo $post_id ?>"> <?php esc_html_e("Contact Author", "adverts") ?> </a> </div> <?php }
@gwin thank you for your support. However I would like the button to link to the “user profile” who made the add. I am not good with PHP. I was able to make a link to the user profile but the button disappeared so I made something wrong.
I am almost there!Thank you @gwin
But how do I make it link to the author profile? If the user post an add I would like it to link to that user.
Is it possible?