Forum Replies Created
@alireyad I still waiting for solution the links.
Thanks for feedback.
I have excellent technical skills to translate via loco translate, poedit among others, even changing the string via the php file for many years, not even that was enough to do the translation. But the widespread development of the group of WordPress theme and plugin creators, unfortunately many make translation a magnificent psychological torture.
Thanks. I wating a feedbak.
Hi, Ali Akbar Reyad, thanks for feedback!
The password restoration system with your plugin can’t even idenfy in real time if the user is registered or not, who has to do a translation.
I’m sure it’s much better for all users and their customers to keep the wordpress default, because it’s causing problems yes, I use platform Buddyboss that has the password update system and uses the wordpress default, not only for password but to create new account and this needs to be intact, without interference from other plugins.
We wait a solution for this.
Thank you to. Ali Akbar.
I send an email to your support.
Perfecty now! Thanks very so much! @alireyad
Much more success to your projects, the plugin is sensational, I researched a lot and the best on the market and absolutely easy to translate.
Dear Ali Akber,
Look this, please:
– https://youtu.be/xSJCwubTKbs
– https://youtu.be/nFywtXc0rmoNote that when activating Elementor the bugs appear. I shout a basic system, with WordPress + Elementor + Classified Listing – Classified ads & Business Directory or radiustheme support to check.
Please update with the team to resolve this as soon as possible.
tks very much for your feebback!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by wordpresstecnologia.
Hi, tks for feedback.
Your code solution did not resolve nothing the conflict with the Elementor plugin remains, with the BuddyBoss theme, in front of your plugin CLC ads & Business Directory Plugin.
You need to check with buddyboss theme + elementor what I’m using, I requested support for that.
I disable the elementor plugin everything is 100% and when I activate the elementor plugin, your plugin CLC ads & Business Directory it has several bugs.
Att: No error via mobile (cellphone) use. Only (error) via desktop, or notebook and tablet.
I need the solution, please. TKS
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by wordpresstecnologia.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by wordpresstecnologia.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] desynchronize strings translateHi?
Plase, how to translate “Apply for job” button even though the string in php doesn’t translate as it does? And “CONTACT US”?
= 1.35.3 =
* Fix: Use wp_kses_post to process a job title instead of esc_html
* Fix: Fix dependencies (npm/composer) problems
* Fix: Decode html special chars for mailto link (@RafaelKr)
* Fix: Reset job filter properly by using jQuery’s prop instead of jQuery’s attr
* Fix: Fix not translatable string (@masteradhoc)
* Fix: Disable transient cache when the order is set to random or random featured
* Fix: Fix button “Apply for job” when the page is translated using Google Translate= 1.35.2 =
* Enhancement: Add agreement checkbox to job submission.
* Fix: Remove unnecessary filter avoiding warning in WP 5.8.
* Fix: Fix padding on “Apply for job” button.Thanks very much, your feedback.
Nome: {ARM_FIRST_NAME} <- default
Sobrenome: {ARM_LAST_NAME} <- default
Usuário: {ARM_USERNAME} <- default
Email: {ARM_EMAIL} <- default
{ARM_ALLFIELDS} <- ???????
I need receive by email all fiels and other opcional fields informations that i created. What′s the “opcional” shortcode i use for this?`