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  • Theme Author Lisa



    You can change the colour of the tag line through CSS.
    Make sure you’re logged into your site.
    Go to:
    Customize -> Additional CSS (near the bottom)

    Here you can change the style sheet (CSS).
    To change the colour of the tag line, try:

    .site-description {
    color: #2d7d6c;

    To help pick a colour, try:
    Important! The code you want is the Hex # (colour code )

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter Lisa


    To clarify: if a user has a role in a sub-domain and goes to it, will the be able to see the parent domain or other sub-domains?

    Site A = Main site
    Site B = Sub site
    Site C = Sub site

    The user has the admin role in all sites

    When the user is in Site A, they can access Site B and Site C through the dashboard.

    When the user is in Site B, can they access Site A and Site C through the dashboard?
    If so, where and how?

    This is my question.



    Hi hmartens

    Anything is possible with WordPress… ??

    Seriously, yes you can, but it takes some coding.

    The trick is to set up a custom page for your parent category.

    In general:

    1) Create a file specifically for that category
    Make a copy of the cateogry.php or archive.php file, then re-name it to something like:
    category-{category slug}.php
    Now your have a page for that category.


    To test to see if it’s working, add some text in that page and check it on the site to make sure you’ve got the right page.

    2) Customize that page so it shows the sub-categories.


    $categories = get_the_category();
    			$category_id = $categories[0]->cat_ID;
    			$args = array(
    						'type'                     => 'post',
    						'child_of'                 => $category_id,
    						'orderby'                  => 'name',
    						'order'                    => 'ASC',
    						'hide_empty'               => FALSE,
    						'hierarchical'             => 1,
    						'taxonomy'                 => 'category',
    			$child_categories = get_categories($args);

    get_the_category() = Get the current category for this page

    get_categories() = Get all the categories that meet the criteria in the arguments supplied.
    The arguments say return all the children categories of this parent category. Sort it a certain way etc. etc.

    This will return an array called $child_categories.

    3) Display it on the page
    Go through the $child_categories array and display it on the page.

    Something like:

    foreach ($child_categories As $Category) {
    				$strLink = esc_url(get_category_link($Category->term_id));
                        <h2><a href="<?php echo $strLink?>"><?php echo $Category->name ?></a></h2>
                    	<div><?php echo $Category->description ?></div>
                    	<div><a href="<?php echo $strLink?>">More...</a></div>
    		<?php } ?>

    For more on what you get with the $Category (what data comes back),

    Category Images
    Displaying them depends on how your got them in your site. Categories don’t have images by default, but there are plug-ins and work arounds. How you set your category images will determine how to display them.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Lisa.


    Sounds like you are talking about excerpts.

    For more information on excerpts, see:

    Generally, excerpts are used for posts.

    Is your home page displaying your latest posts? Or is it regular content?
    If it’s posts coming up on your home page, you can display the excerpt (cut) through the dashboard.

    Beside ‘For each article in a feed, show’ Check ‘Summary

    If that doesn’t work, please post a link to your site so I can see what you’re working with.



    Hi sebelono,

    Not sure what you mean exactly about summary post.

    • Do you mean a list of your latest posts?
    • Do you want it on the main part of your page, or in the sidebar?

    You can set your home page so it displays your latest posts:

    Go to: Dashboard->Settings->Reading
    Check ‘Your latest posts
    Click ‘Save Changes

    Your posts will magically appear on the home page.
    Note the option: For each article in a feed, show

    Go to: Appearance->Widgets
    You’ll see a couple of widget areas on the right.
    On the left, you’ll see ‘Recent Posts’

    Drag and drop the Recent Posts from the right to the left box you want it in.

    There are a number of plugins to displays posts in widget areas if you want more control over what is shown and how it’s formatted.

    for some examples.



    Hi Helther,

    For the buttons in the text of your pages & posts, try copying and pasting the buttons into the pages.


    1) Find the page you want to add the code to and open up the editor

    2) Click the tab that says Text (HTML)
    This will take you to the HTML version of the page.
    You’ll see the content of your page in there. Try pasting the following code where you want the button to go:
    <div style="text-align:center"><a href="tel:+19073019568" class="discount-button">Click to Call </a></div>

    This will put a button with your phone number in the middle.

    3) Update the page and have a look.


    On the top right hand side of the page/post edit is the Publish box.
    In there, it has ‘Revisions‘.
    If a Bad Thing (mistake) happens, you can roll the page back to a version when it was working.

    If you click on ‘Revisions’, you’ll see the earlier versions. Select the one you want.

    For more info, see:

    Good Luck!



    Hi rgoldstein,

    You’re close! It looks like you’ve changed the content area, and it’s pushing the sidebar over — that’s right.

    Now the width of the sidebar needs to be changed.

    The file for that is: sidebar.php

    The code you’re looking for is:
    <div class="col-md-4 secondory">
    Change it to:
    <div class="col-md-3 secondory">
    Note: col-md-4 to col-md-3

    That should do it.



    Hi rgoldstein,

    It looks like your site is built using Bootstrap, which uses a grid system of 12 columns per row.

    The content area of your site is 8 columns wide, the sidebar is 4. To make it narrower, we’ll switch it to 9 columns wide for the content and the sidebar to 3.
    Important! The column widths have to add up to 12, so if you take one away, add it to another. If it’s over 12, pushes a column to the next row.

    To change the widths, you have to change the code, and your best bet to do that is to create a child theme.

    I also see the your theme has it’s own child themes. You may want to download that and work with it instead of creating your own child theme.

    In any case, once you have the child theme, you’ll want to change a number of files so the content area is 9 columns wide instead of 8.

    To change these files, you either add them to your child theme (copy & paste file from parent theme to child them.
    See: )
    or change the file if it’s already in the child theme.

    The piece of code you’re looking for is:
    <div class="<?php if( is_active_sidebar('sidebar-primary')) { echo "col-md-8"; } else { echo "col-md-12"; } ?>">

    Change it to:
    <div class="<?php if( is_active_sidebar('sidebar-primary')) { echo "col-md-9"; } else { echo "col-md-12"; } ?>">

    Note: echo “col-md-8” to echo “col-md-9”;

    You’ll find that code in the following files:

    • archive.php
    • author.php
    • category.php
    • index.php
    • page.php
    • single.php
    • tag.php
    • template-blog-with-rightsb.php

    Try changing the code in each of those files in your child theme and have a look at the site.

    You should see the content area is bigger, but the right column is pushed over. Believe it or not, that’s progress!

    Next: Change the width of the sidebar.
    This one is easier, it’s only 1 file

    • sidebar.php

    The code you’re looking for is:

    <div class="col-md-4 secondory">

    Change it to:

    <div class="col-md-3 secondory">

    Note: col-md-4 to col-md-3

    In theory, all images etc. in the sidebar should re-size to fit.

    That one is a little simpler.
    The problem is, the image is too big for the div it’s in. We need to tell the image to fit into its div container.

    In your style sheet, try adding:

    img.custom-logo {
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;

    That should re-size your logo image to fit into the div.

    Hope this helps.



    Hi ariane98

    Yes, there is a way to make the front page different than the rest of the pages. That often happens in websites and WordPress allows for it.

    First, if you haven’t done so yet, you should create a child theme for your site.
    If you edit the Sela theme files (header.php) your work can be over-written when the Sela theme is updated. Child themes avoid that.


    Second, copy your new ‘header.php’ file into your child theme folder.
    That makes your changes live without being over-written during an update.
    (You’ll sleep better at night. ?? )

    Third, add code to your header.php file in the child theme so the header in the front page is different than the rest of the pages.


    The key is: is_front_page()
    Note: This only works if you’ve set a ‘static page’ as your ‘Front Page’ in Settings.
    Dashboard->Settings->Front page displays

    To add the code, set up an ‘if’ statement in displaying the header.

    Something like:

    <?php  if(is_front_page()){ ?>
    		<div class="site-branding">
    			<?php sela_the_site_logo(); ?>
    			<h1 class="site-title">
    		</div><!-- .site-branding -->
    <?php  }  ?>

    If you wanted to have a different kind of header, you can expand the ‘if’ statement to display something else if the page isn’t the front page.

    Your code will look something like:

    <?php  if(is_front_page()){ ?>
    		<div class="site-branding">
    		</div><!-- .site-branding -->
    <?php  }else{  ?>
    <div class="site-branding" id="inside_page">
    		</div><!-- .site-branding -->
    <?php  } // end if front page ?>

    Note: If it’s not the front page, the id ‘inside_page’ is added.
    This means you still have the same header on the inside pages, but you can format them differently through CSS. The id will make writing the CSS easier.

    Hope this helps!




    Check the link URL address.

    It sounds like when you’re in WordPress, it scrolls to the correct contact session because you’re on that page.

    However, your live site may have the WordPress URL in it, so it goes to that page.

    If that doesn’t help, please post a link to your site so we can see what’s going on.




    ‘Landing’ is coming from your site menu.
    There’s a couple of options:

    1) Hide it through the style sheet.
    In the editor, add something like the following to the style sheet (style.css)

    Note: Hiding it through CSS will also get rid of the search icon (magnifying glass) in the same area. You probably don’t want that either.

    nav#site-navigation {
        display: none;

    2) Don’t have a menu.
    In the Dashboard, go to the Appearances->Menus.
    Under the ‘Manage Locations’ tab, de-select the menu.
    Changed the drop down box to: ‘Select a Menu’
    Save the changes.



    Have a look in your functions.php file in your child theme. It looks like it’s loading it twice.

    Look for ‘child-style-css’ and ‘serene-style-css’, that should point you in the right direction.



    Hi serialspot,

    Can you post a link to your site so we can see it?



    Hi jr05375

    Can you post a link to your website? That would help.

    In the meantime, you’ll need to log into the dashboard of your site.

    The dashboard log-in is something like: https://(yourwebsites)/wp-admin
    Enter your User Name and Password.

    Once in the dashboard, you will see ‘Pages’ and ‘Posts’ down the left side. You’ll need to find the home page where the latin is, and enter your own text.

    Also, once you’re logged in, you can go to the site and you’ll see ‘edit’ on a bar on the top of the page. Click that, it should take you to where to change your text.

    Have a look at:

    This will point you in the right direction for using WordPress.



    A child theme is a good choice.

    To answer your questions:
    “I would like for the person taking over the site later to be able to revert it back if necessary.”

    They can easily revert to the current theme — simply select it as the theme for the site, and it will appear. It’s forgiving that way.

    Crash Course In Child Themes:
    Child themes are built on their parents. Basically, when you set up a child theme, everything in the child theme is the same as the parent theme unless you say otherwise.

    How it works is, when you go to a page/post, WordPress checks to see if the page/post file is in the child theme directory. If it’s not there, it goes to the parent directory and uses that one.

    To make a change in a child theme, all you do is copy the file you want to change from the parent directory to the child directory. Make the changes, and it should work.

    It’s also good to get your head around the files you can change.

    “Is it possible to change the order of content on each page only in the child theme?”

    Yes. You would probably create a new page.php file for your child theme. Copy it from the parent theme to the child theme, then make the changes you want.

    “Should I just add in the new id’s and classes and leave the old ones for the parent theme, or should I just change the ids and classes for the new child theme?”

    IMHO, I would leave the old ones. You can re-define the styles in your child style sheet, that may do it. If you need to add more classes for the new look, then make the changes.
    Remember, you are building on the parent theme and if you want to be able to roll the site back to the parent theme, you’ll need the old classes.

    ” Also, will there be a separate style.css file for the child theme, or do I add it to the style.css currently being used?”

    There will be a separate style sheet for the child theme. You would put any changes in there you want.

    For example:
    In the parent:

    font-size: 10px;

    In the child

    font-size: 12px;

    The font size would be 12px.

    Note: The child style sheet should only contain the style you want to different from the parent. If you’re ok with .ClassB in the parent, no need to change it in the child style sheet.

    Important! There can be a bit of a ‘gotcha’ in how style sheets are loaded. The child style sheet should be loaded after the parent so its styles are used. If it’s not, the example above may have ClassA as 10px.

    In the Child Theme instructions, it tells you how to handle it.

    Look for it under “Your child theme’s stylesheet will usually be loaded automatically. If it is not, ….”

    “is there a way to do all of this in wordpress while keeping the current site live? Particularly, if I have to change the content for each page?”

    In theory, yes. You could develop the child theme and switch it back to the parent theme when you’re done working on it. If you keep the original id’s and classes, it would work, and it would give you a better sense of how the site will behave if you do go back to the parent.

    Remember, if there is no class instructions, the browser ignores it. That means if you have .ClassB in the child theme, but not defined in the parent, no damage done.

    It really is a judgement call, it might be ok, but it might be a headache. IMHO, try it, if it’s a fight then develop the child theme off line.

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