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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …Oh my, I need to turn off the minifying to see that I guess.
I might switch to a child theme as well, it is getting messy by now …Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …Hey bd,
thanks for hanging in there with me. ??
Mhh … I think I am not very comfortable with this as it seems overly messy. For instance, all the text links in texts (and in the footer etc) are also still grey and not blue like before. I would rather just set one hover and link color for the whole site like you mentioned.
I think I figured out the root of the problem though. Seems like the color I set as primary color in the dynamic styling options is the sitewide hover and link color. Since I had that set that to a light grey, the hover and link color changed to grey systemwide.
Is there an easy way to “unlink” this so I can have the top sidebar in a different color from the hover/link color? That would be all I need and seems to be a way cleaner approach. Maybe that would actually be a good improvement for the styling options in the GUI. Let users choose their own link/hover color right there instead of linking it to the color of the sidebar top background. What do you say?
Thanks and hey … happy easter! ??
AlexPS: If you want I can turn off all minifying options for you to take a better look but apart from some custom css (which I try to keep to a minimum), the feedly icon in functions.php and metaslider in header.php I didnt actually change anything, still using the parent hueman theme although I wondering if going with a child theme wouldnt be the better approach by now.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …sorry, one more follow up question.
Now, link color changes from black to blue to light grey and back to black again on hover over the post titles depending where the mouse is. So there seems to be a second hover color that is still in place somewhere.
btw. why doesnt it work if I just set
a:hover { color: #00f; }
? At least that is what I saw in style.css
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …oh my !
I thought that was ONE setting somewhere haha
Thanks for your help, will try ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] CDN base url for cloudlfareyes, it is more like a reverse proxy. Just wondering what that URL was for and couldnt find anything when I googled …;)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BJ Lazy Load] Load responsive images?I would be interested in this as well.
It seems like this does the same thing as these 2 plugins: first one seems to integrate all available image sizes into the img tag, serving the most appropriate image to the device.
The latter creates extra x2 sizes for each specified image size and serves the 2x version to retina devices.I have no idea how BJLazy load does it (for instance what if no 2x image of a full size image is available?)
However, the weird thing for me would be the combination of both principles. Like many mobile devices these days are retina but still have small screensize and possibly bad connection. So we would need to save on image size AND display 2x images at the same time which seems contradicting to me. No idea how to solve that really….
Maybe BJ can explain a bit …
Anyway, since I am using Cloudflare I am not allowed to test the last 2 options anyway atm. I hope that changes soon ??
AlexForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …wow, thanks for that. Works perfectly ??
any ideas to the problems I mentioned above (6 and 7)
(if you have some time that is)Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …As for the feedly icon, I found this, better solution:
a: Install SVG Support Plugin
b: Find and upload feedly.svg to the media library.
c: add this to functions.php:// Add the feedly social link below Social links function on row 314 echo '<li><a rel="nofollow" class="social-tooltip" title="Feedly" href="" target="_blank"> <img class="feedly-img" src="addfullpathtodomain/wp-content/uploads/feedly.svg"/></a></li>';
d. add this to custom css:
/* styling feedly.svg image in social links area */ .feedly-img { height: 25px; width: 25px; margin-bottom: -4px; } /* adapt page-title to compensate for margin-bottom of soc.links */ .page-title { padding-bottom: 15px; }
For some reason the icon still looks smaller than the rest of the icons in the footer but in the top sidebar it looks ok now.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] A few styling questions …Hey bdbrown,
wow, thanks a lot for your fast help !! Really appreciate it!
Thanks, icon shows up now. Can you tell me how to integrate fa 4.3 instead of 4.1?ad2:
I had to add !important to the code to get it to remove it in the post area as well but it works now, thanks.ad3:
I actually wanted all top menu items to appear black, not bottom. My mistake but I got it to work using this:/* Topbar menu links black */ #nav-topbar .nav li a { color: #000 !important; }
ad4: Thanks
ad5: I will test this soon but right now I have additional problems first.I played around some more with the colors and now have the following problems. I already found a few solutions myself (I am getting better at firebug) but these things still dont seem to work:
The text color for all categories/tags/author infos etc in the main post area and widgets and individual posts is a very light grey. I would like to change that to black. I found that this seems to works in firebug at least for categories:
.post-category { color: #000000; }
Unfortunately if I add this to my custom css it wont work anymore, even with !important at the end. Any ideas?
I would like to change the textcolor when you hover over a link in menus, the title of a post, the author name, the categories or tags etc to a different color for instance blue …
is there a way to do that easily in a custom css? I found a few hover items with firebug but changing those did not seem to have any effect.
Thanks a lot for helping me out here !
Have a nice friday!
AlexForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menu Icons by ThemeIsle] site slowdown due to renderblocking cssHey,
thanks for the answer. Loading the file is not the problem I think. But blocking other content while it loads is. I am not a developer but isnt google suggesting to load async or defer loading?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BJ Lazy Load] Problem with javascript offOk thanks !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BJ Lazy Load] Problem with javascript offah yeah that did the trick!
Thanks!Is this something I have to set specifically because of my theme or will you add this to the plugin in a future version?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Amazon js optimizationoh … 2015 is still young ??
Hoping for the best and
Thanks for listening !!Alex
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BJ Lazy Load] Problem with javascript offHey BJ,
thanks for the quick answer. Where would I put this?;)
Sorry, I am still a beginner with all that wordpress stuff ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Amazon js optimizationwow you are fast with your answers, I have to mention that in the review haha ??
yeah, I guess I would have to check the script files every month or so and reload them. Hey, that would be a great idea for a plugin, right?
Too bad I am not a programmer ??But maybe someone *hint* *hint* could write a plugin (or extend a certain one) that stores js files locally, optimizes them if possible, checks regularily if the script file in the remote location changed and updates the local version if necessary (asynchronously of course) ….
just an idea ….*hint* *hint*
??Have a nice day,