Forum Replies Created
I purchased the Pro Version.
I took the visual-form-builder-pro.pot template from the languages directory.
I made my visual-form-builder-pro-de_DE.po and visual-form-builder-pro-de_DE.mo with POEdit.
Unfortunately it seems. as the .po/.mo is ignored by the Pro version.
Any idea?
Thanks for your response … at least I knwo what to do
I see ??
Is there a german .po File in the pro version or do I have to translate again?
in my case whether it works or not depends whether I provide a Reply-To Email in Settings => Visual Form Builder > Form yourForm => Form Settings => 2. EMAIL
HeinzForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?Marcus,
sorry I couldn’t answer earlier. I haven’t change anything on my server … I just uploaded the newest version 1.8 – as I was urged by WordPress.And now everything seems to work fine and as supposed to work.
There is only a minor glitch which could cause some confusion:
it still says: “Version 1.7 | Von Marcus E. Pope, marcuspope | Besuch die Plugin-Seite”I manually updated the comment in the php file, just to know which version I have.
Thank you so much for your work …
HeinzForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?Marcus, I’m back …
I spent hours on a “Error 310: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” problem, just to find out, it’s all your fault *gg*
No, to be honest I like your plugin. The only problem ist, that it makes the <!–nextpage–> pagination also root relative … which is something, my host server really, really does NOT like.
Ist there a way to switch it off for <!–nextpage–>?
It works with <!–more–> btw
HeinzForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Cant add eventsSame here! I’*m not able to add events in wp 3.4.1
This is not a solution imho … more a workaround
a better workaround would be, if the author add this to line 25:
@$event->id = ”;
The @ suppresses the warning.
Same here:
Warning: ob_start(): output handler ‘ob_gzhandler’ conflicts with ‘zlib output compression’ in Y:\webs\jome\jome09\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\pdw-file-browser\pdw_file_browser\index.php on line 27
Notice: ob_start(): failed to create buffer in Y:\webs\jome\jome09\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\pdw-file-browser\pdw_file_browser\index.php on line 27
Upload folder doesn’t exist or $uploadpath in config.php is set wrong!The Problem seems to be, that the SESSION cannot be initiated.
Anyone any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?Also if you insert a new Category or Page from Dashboard => Design => Menus you only get a root relative link if the plugin is activated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?You said all links … so far I needed it only for image links.
I just found out, that it doesn’t work on inserted links.
To insert a root relative Link, I have to activate the plugin … and so I just found out, what the use of the plugin is.
Thank you visnevskis ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?Yes, that is what I did … I just ckecked it on my production server and it worked that way.
The only plugins I have activatet on the production site are
NextGEN Gallery and
OrangeBoxIf I add an image with the Hochladen/Einfügen (upload/insert) button just above the texteditor window it opens a window where I could drop an file into (from Computer), select from URL or Mediathek or NextGen Gallery.
I choose Mediathek, select an image click on “Anzeigen” (Show) and I already get the root relative URL presented e. g. “/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/xxx.jpg”
That’s it for me. Sorry that I can’t offer a more complicated way ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?They are root relative in the html-view of the editor
They are root relative in the exported xml file
They are root relative in the sql dbSo yes, I’m pretty sure the are root relative ??
I don’t know, what would happen if I move to an other diretory (guess it won’t work) but it definitely works if I move to another domain i. e. htttp://development => https://www.production.com
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Root Relative URLs] [Plugin: Root Relative URLs] Subdirectory install?Marcus,
I stumbled across your plugin, when I found my testing servers domain “https://localServerName/wordpress/….” on my production server.
So I was looking for a way to use root relative URLs in my image links.
Your original approach for the wp-config.php rendered my installation useless. It seems I had the same difficulties as visneskis.
The standard setup installed my WP into https://localServerName//wordpress so I changed your lines to this:
define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://’ . $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]. ‘/wordpress’);
define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://’ . $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]. ‘/wordpress’);
define(‘WP_CONTENT_URL’, ‘/wordpress/wp-content’);
define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]);btw I found a note to use the “more reliable” (cite) $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] instead of $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]
The point is, these changes allowed me to insert an image with an root relative path even before I activated your plugin.
So please don’t take me wrong, but what is your plugin for, if the requirement of a root relative path is met with the above lines ….?