Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Using my PHPBB3 databaseHi Dyrvex,
All you will need to do when setting up your WordPress installation is enter the same database details as your PHPBB database.
This will automatically add the tables to your database.
This is if you have a new installation of WordPress, you will need to do other things should you want to import a current database, is this what you are trying to do?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Default WYSIWIG editor?Ahh, glad you got to the bottom of this.
Thanks for posting what caused this.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: How to Make ""Local Host"" of my personal PCTry installing MAMP, seen here – https://www.mamp.info/en/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Default WYSIWIG editor?Hmm, that is strange.
I am not sure if one of your plugins are affecting this in any way? I have come across another post saying a contact form plugin seems to stop this working, so could be that?
Seems strange though…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Beginner in need of helpHi Davey.
Ok, so you have two potential options when setting up a development copy of the website.
Firstly, both options will require you to take a full backup of the website files and MySQL database. You can do this via FTP and control panel access on your server.
Once you have those files, please follow either options below:
Option #1 – Live Development Website:
Either create a sub-domain or a directory within the root of your server where the new website will be held. I would advise using “development” but this is up to you.
Then, using FTP – upload all of your files into that directory or sub-domain.
Next, you will need to create a new database in your server control panel. You will then need to do a find and replace for all URL references in the MySQL database and replace with the new URL that we have created for development. Once completed, you will need to upload via your control panel.
Then, you will need to open up your wp-config.php file within the root, changing all of the database details, that you have just set up.
You will then need to do a couple of other things, such as setting the correct privileges and refresh the permalinks structure.
That should be all you need to create a development website.
Option #2 – Local Development Website:
You will need to follow the instructions above, however doing so on your local environment. You will require the setup of something like MAMP or WAMP.
For ease, I would advise following Option #1, unless you have MAMP or WAMP already set up.
If you would like help with getting this set up, then let me know, otherwise let me know how you got on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Default WYSIWIG editor?Hi Chris,
I am not sure why this would have disappeared, however you can turn this back on by logging in to WordPress, going to Users, then select your own user. Then the first option says “Disable the visual editor when writing” – If the checkbox is checked, then this is why the WYSIWYG has stopped appearing for you.
This all assumes that you have administrator access to the website.
Let me know how you get on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: force cache refreshHi Medesko,
Why do you need to refresh your cache?
You don’t need to clear your cache for a standard WordPress installation. You only need to do this if you have some sort of caching plugin. Do you have a caching plugin installed?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Using my PHPBB3 databaseHi Dyrvex,
Just so I can clarify, are you looking at having one database that holds both your PHPBB3 & WordPress installation?
I have had a look into this further for you.
Firstly, I can’t seem to find the images you discussed on all of the pages. I have done a quick search in the code and also on Google’s PageSpeed Insights.
However, with that being said, I know the main cause of the speed of the website, is down to the images within the dropdown navigation.
The website is loading the full sized images, on every page load.
I am not certain how this has been developed, however those images need to be cropped. For example, one of the images being used in the navigation is calling the full size image like this – https://trevorpenfold.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/AA-05403.jpg
Try cropping all of those images to the correct size and this should help with some of the load speed issues (I think there will be further after this though).
Let me know how you get on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SmartShop Theme PersonalizationsThanks for sending across the link.
I have had a look into your issues and please see my comments below:
1 & 2 – I am not to sure where the “my theme colour rectangle under my menu” is, can you please advise?
3 – You will need to go into the stylesheet to change the styling on the dropdown navigation. You can change the styling by going to the following CSS file:
Then you are looking for the following styles, for the dropdown:
.topbarmenu ul li a
If you have a specific colour / style you want, please let me know and I can help further.
Let me know…
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cannot set new Upload file typesThis plugin should let you upload SWF files – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/allow-swf-upload/
Let me know how you get on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Tempera Theme remove header on new pagesHi,
I am not too familiar with Tempera, but I can’t imagine this would be a standard change within the theme.
I think you will need to do some conditional statements within the header.php file.
You will need to do something like this, around the elements you wish to use for just the homepage only:
<?php if ( is_home() ) { ?> <?php // Enter code you wish to display only on the homepage // ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php // Enter what you wish to display on all pages, except for the homepage // ?> <?php } ?>
Let me know how you get on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nothing found ( service page on www. )Can you provide more information? How did you receive this error?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SmartShop Theme PersonalizationsHi,
Do you have an online version of your website? It would be easier to help out with your questions if we could see this.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Featured image croppedGreat, glad you got this resolved ??