Mark Wilkinson
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Basis] Guardian writer?Sorry for the delay in response Mike. Perhaps take a look here:
I am still in the process of getting some documentation together. It is essentially a utility plugin that I use on all sites I build. It locks things down, for client users as well as providing a host of template tags that I end up adding to every site I build.
I am looking to produce a Video Cast soon to help explain.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to have two versions of the same site(english/spanish)?I have not used it myself but has good rating so why not give it ago. Best of luck!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom html code to custom page templateHave you got a link that people can view the problem on – sometimes helps with a diagnosis?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to have two versions of the same site(english/spanish)?There are plugins you can use to have content in two languages on the same site. Take a look in the WordPress plugin repository (plugins link in the menu above). Also this is one I have heard of recently:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Redirect ?attachment_id to Home pageYou could try placing this:
<?php wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit; ?>
into your themes attachment.php file. If it does’t exist just create it with the code above in and nothing else.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Galleries displaying differentlyTake a look here:
Particularly the links to part.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Featured Images not showing up on main pageHave you got a link that we could see the problem on please? May be able to help more then.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add downloadable file to web pagePerhaps some of the ideas here will help? – particularly the HTML5 option.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: page to display postsIs there a reason why you cannot use the normal category archive for that category, accessible at ?
If you wanted to make that category display with 60 entries you could use the
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Whistles] Change Post Name LabelsOops I was being very dumb. Below is how to change the post labels for the Whistle post type:
/*************************************************************** * Function pxlcore_whistles_post_labels() * Changes the post labels for the Whistles post type. ***************************************************************/ function pxlcore_whistles_post_labels( $labels ) { $labels->name = 'Snippets'; $labels->singular_name = 'Snippet'; $labels->menu_name = 'Snippets'; $labels->admin_bar_name = 'Snippet'; $labels->add_new = 'Add New'; $labels->add_new_item = 'Add New Snippet'; $labels->edit_item = 'Edit Snippet'; $labels->new_item = 'New Snippet'; $labels->view_item = 'View Snippet'; $labels->search_items = 'Search Snippets'; $labels->not_found = 'No snippets found'; $labels->not_found_in_trash = 'No snippets found in trash'; $labels->all_items = 'Snippets'; return $labels; } add_filter( 'post_type_labels_whistle', 'pxlcore_whistles_post_labels' );
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PermalinksFrom my experience IIS7 and above support using Pretty Permalinks with no customisation needed, therefore I would contact your host and see if they can help with this issue.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Blank screensSounds to me like some of the code your site is loading is triggering a fatal error. I am not familiar with Web Matrix but I am guessing it has some error logs somewhere. Looking at those error logs will likely tell you which piece of code is causing the problem.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Local Host Installation ProblemsThe best thing to do it access your hosting control panel (cPanel?) and create a ZIP file of your entire sites files (assuming they are not going to mega amount of gigabytes!). Download this and extract into the ‘devsite’ folder making sure the structure is the same.
Then take a backup of your database from your control panel, or from phpmyadmin on the export tab at the top.
Create a new database in MAMP and use the import tab at the top to import your database.
Now change the wp-config.php database connection details to your local database connection details.
Finely you need to run a search and replace on the database to find all the instances of the live URL and replace them with the local URL (with MAMP probably something like localhost:8888/devsite). This search and replace tool works a treat:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Editor] Capabilities for Custom Post TypesIt may not help, but I was having a problem with Custom Post Types and capabilities, wanting certain users to not be able to see my Custom Post Type. I solved it here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PermalinksDoes your site work when the default (non pretty) permalinks are selected? Also what version of IIS is installed on the Windows server?