Forum Replies Created
As passed two weeks, the issue can be considered solved.
Kind Regards
WPNetwork.itHi demidenok,
the plugin setting page is in
WooCommerce -> Discount Price
Kind Regards
WPNetwork.itHi marguafra,
we tested it and it’s working as expected:
An advice is to enable the WooCommerce default Storefront Theme https://it.www.ads-software.com/themes/storefront/ and disable other plugin’s customization
Kind Regards
WPNetwork.itHi marvista ,
this is a free plugin, you can use it without paying nothing and receive a free service.
I told the developer of a javascript crash 6 months ago
This is simply not true, this is your topic in our support forum
and is not about ” javascript crash” but is about ““You Saved” is the total amount” and is solved.
That code is PHP not Javascript, the first condition at line 17 of display_total.php is
if ( $_product->is_on_sale() ) {
is correct and the error is only in your installation.Please don’t blame others for your installation issues.
It would be great if among human beings you could be more kind and grateful to people who give their time for free to solve your needs.
Kind Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours] Booking Slots?Hi monbet ,
Thank you for your appreciations and suggestions, they will be tested for the oncoming Premium Version of WBBH
Kind Regards
WPNetworkForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours] Booking Slots?Hi @chantalf ,
We’d be glad to help you if there is some bug in standard functioning of this plugin.
This is the forum to help people having issues with the free version of WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours.
These could be new functionalities for the Premium Version that will be available soon.
Kind Regards
Yes it’s possible, in the setup page select and save
Kind Regards
WPNetworkas several days have passed, it’s possible to assume that the problem has been solved
Kind Regards
Hi irw030370 ,
Thank you for appreciation!
We take notes for every suggestion received, at the moment is not possible to restrict bookable slots, all the active featureas are described in the documentation
It could be a functionality to add in the next releases
Kind Regards
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours] Brilliant product!Hi irw030370 ,
Thank you for appreciation!
We take notes for every suggestion received
Kind Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours] Zero hoursSince several days have passed,
it’s presumed that the problem is solvedKind Regards
Hi @blueparrot87 ,
the functionality of showing the original price is working in the cart
and checkout page
The advice is to test it on a “clean” WP installation with using Storefront Theme ( WooCommerce default ) on a staging installation
Kind Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours] Zero hoursHi @calitoe ,
The advice is to check the plugin settings
the product category must be set tobooking-bundle-hours
Kind Regards
Hi maps1990 ,
We are sorry that you don’t have time to find where the problem in your WordPress installation is, at the moment we didn’t heard anyone has the same issue
however we allow ourselves to close this topic as solved having tested that the “you saved” function is working and a plugin bug has not been detected
Kind Regards
Hi maps1990 ,
a test has just been performed
and the feature “You Saved” is working as always
the suggestion is to test WooCommerce Discount Price plugin with Storefront Theme activated (the WooCommerce default theme) and disabling any active checkout/cart customization plugin
Kind Regards