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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Error 404Hi Chris,
I cannot see a problem.
When I check your website and enter e.g. historic & street in the provided search box, it will display 6 results on the landing page.
If you move the provided searchbox into the heading section you should check the next support thread if you get a 404 error.
If there is still a problem you should provide an example where I can see the error.
Best regards
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] No image search resultThe current search widget will not work in your installation, because your installation uses the public address https://dorjepottery.nl/ which your webserver redirects to your internal wordpress home adress https://dorjepottery.nl/zoekresultaten/ (transparent to wordpress).
(I have no test environment with such a redirection.)In the moment you could use an own search page with the search shortcode and the display shortcode. Here the search shortcode can use the target parameter.
Alternativly you could use a text widget instead of the search widget. Here the text widget should use the search shortcode with the target parameter. Depending on your theme the search icon might be displayed not correctly and needs customization.
In a future release I will adjust the search widget.
Best regards
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Ability to also search NextGen Custom FieldsNo, it is only possible to search for native NextGEN Gallery fields and tags.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Dequeue icon stylesheetHi,
I am not sure what you mean by ‘registered without $handle parameter’?
The $handle parameter is a requiried parameter for wp_enqueue_style, it can’t be missing.
By the way, this plugin is very stable. Therefore it has not many updates. The last update was end of 2018.
Best regards,
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] NGG Smart Image Search + PolylangHi Jonathan,
I do not know the polylang plugin, but it seems that it modifies the page url in a way which is intransparent for at least my plugin.
The searchbox shortcode by default adresses the result list to the current page, which it determines by wordpress variables. In your French version this is https://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/documents-iconographiques, which is fine.
In your English version the wordpress variables still return https://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/documents-iconographiques, which is no longer fine, because the polylang plugin modified the url to https://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/en/documents-iconographiques. Therefore the search result is send to an incorrect url and will not show up.
You can easily correct this by using the target parameter of the searchbox shortcode (see target option for the search shortcode ). In this case use the fully qualified url
https://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/en/iconographic-documents/.Best regards,
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Additional Features (Filter) & DownloadHi,
you can change the display layout for your search results dynamically (see Dynamic display types for search results).
But in principle you can change anything. However, you have to do it by your own, as this is very custom dependant and not a standard functionality.
E.g. you can set up your own php-code with a formular where you offer your users any option you like (various sort options, display types, search parameters etc.). You can then pass the selected parameters together with a search string dynamically to the display shortcode as a static search. This will search and display the result list as you wish.
Best regards,
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Additional Features (Filter) & DownloadHi Mikkel,
fine that you like the plugin.
If you pay attention to the documentation on the plugin homepage you can see that since Version 3 you can sort the result list (parameter ‘order_by’ and ‘order_direction’) as you like.
Also, you can pass any native NextGEN Gallery Parameter to the display shortcode. So you can use any NextGEN Gallery display options to display your result list (list/grid/tags etc.).
And no, I never considered a functionality like download button for original image files. I stickto search options:-).
Kind regards
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] front end site crashHi Alex,
sorry to say, but the error still exists on my website and the front end still crashes with the latest UAM release.
The suggested workaround above still works for me.
Defining the parameter in question as ?string does not solve the problem on my website. (I am using wp 5.7 and php 7.4.7. on linux server platform, website r-fotos.de)
HaraldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Is this plugin supported anymore?Hi,
the plugin works fine with all latest wordpress versions.
In addition, the plugin works very stable. There is no need for an updates.
To my knowledge there exist no real problems with this plugin.
As wordpress updates quite frequently, I only update the classification occasionally.
Best regards
the problem is visible at least on iphone xp, one plus 8t and on sony xperai z2.
Please check any gallery, e.g. gallery page.
You can switch to dark mode with a button on the left bottom of the screen.
Clicking on any image of the gallery will then show a dark screen. You see title and decription of the image, but not the image itself.
It would be great if you could check this again.
Thanks and kind regards
HaraldPS: your mentioned support link above does not work for me. A purchase email is reqired for a product support issue, but I only test the free version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] No image search resultHi,
there is something mixed up on your website.
If you use the search widget (as you do in the footer) the search widget addresses the landing page ‘https://rowshanart.com/photos/search-ngg-images’ which will generate and display the search result (by using the display shortcode).However, your website returns a ‘page not found’. This page should automatically be generated upon activation of the plugin. Please check your defined pages in the wordpress backend to see whether the landing page is correctly defined.
Also in the backend, you should check ‘settings -> ngg smart image search’.
There the generated landing page is documented with page id, slug, title and an edit link. This page should exist and should contain the display shortcode.To test the functionality of the search plugin, just define any page or post and place the search shortcode and the display shortcode on this page:
(see plugin homepage)There is no need for you to use the internal dump_mode.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Search Box and Results are not displaying on page.Using the search shortcode you can send the result to any page, just use the target-parameter to address the wanted url (see parameter description.
To organize the result list, you can use any native NextGEN gallery display including suitable templates (see ngg now accepts NextGEN gallery parameters.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Where to edit Public Users shortcode settings?These parameters are set in the search shortcode which sets up the whole search.
You can find various examples on the plugin homepage, in particular under using shortcodes.
The parameters are explained in more detail under the searchbox shortcode.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Search Box and Results are not displaying on page.You will find a full description of all parameters and various examples for the searchbox shortcode on my plugin homepage smart image search.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGG Smart Image Search] Search Box and Results are not displaying on page.I am not sure what is your problem.
The auto-created landing page is designed as a target for your widget-based search.
Therefor it uses the display shortcode for displaying the search result.
This works fine on your listed page above.By default, the landing page does not contain a searchbox shortcode.
You can use the search widget in your sidebar for a new search.
However, you are free to edit the landing page as you like.
You can e.g. include a searchbox shortcode at a position of your choice.