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  • Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi Luisa,

    you can drop the hr_SIS_textbox shortcodes in your actual setup, as you do not provide any text.

    Just use
    [hr_SIS_display_images display=’ngg_basic_thumbnails’]
    on any page to provide a searchbox (that was missing in your actual setup) and to display the result list (you are using the old form hr_SIS_search_nextgen_images, which should be changed to hr_SIS_display_images).

    Best regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR



    if you want to display the picture id in your result list you have to select this field in your search request.
    On your website you can do this by specifying
    [hr_SIS_nextgen_searchbox list_pid=1], i.e. you set this parameter in the searchbox shortcode and not in the display shortcode (the default is 0 for public users, and 1 for logged in users).

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by wpo-HR.
    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi Jason,

    you are right about the hard-coded styles.
    And yes, it should be possible to include some css classes in the next release with respect to the self-coded result lists. In addition, I will add generic parameters so that the result list can use any possible NextGEN gallery or parameter (exept paging).
    If you like you could send me some suggestions for css class inclusions.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Glad to hear that you solved your problem.
    You are welcome to provide a review/rating for this plugin.


    PS: You have really great pictures on your website!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by wpo-HR.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by wpo-HR.
    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi Richard,
    your testpage looks fine and the shortcodes should work as designed.

    But the searchbox shortcode adresses the page because it uses your siteurl from your wordpress database. Your webserver redirects this request to and it seems to me that it looses the search parameters by this redirection.

    You should check your siteurl and homeurl in your wordpress database and adjust it to https if this is not the case already (which I assume).

    Alternatively you could hardcode your https address in the plugin to test the effect, but adjusting the site/homeurl is much more preferable.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi Richard,
    your page nature-image-stock-library looks a bit strange.
    At first glance I see two issues.
    1) you use enforced https for your website but the searchform uses http (therefore the security warning). Maybe you did not adjust the website url and home url in the wordpress database to https (first two records in the options table).
    2a) you should either use the searchform widget in your general right sidebar (so it will appear on every page where you use that sidebar) or
    2b) you set up your own search page where you should use the searchform shortcode together with the display shortcode.

    My impression is that you want 2b because you set up the page nature-image-stock-library. In that case just use the searchform shortcode and the display images shortcode on that page (see shortcodes) and no widget searchform.

    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by wpo-HR.
    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Thanks for the info.
    I will have a look at this ambiguity for the next release.
    However, the plugin is tested and will work fine with PHP 7.0 (I am using it with PHP 7.0.16).
    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    OK, that sounds easy.
    I was already considering the option of passing shortcode parameters directly to the NextGEN gallery shortcode. This should handle the ecommerce issue and any other possible NextGEN gallery customization without a need for me to further adjust any coding.

    For the URL issue you could check whether the variable $_SERVER[‘REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT’] together with the first part (up to character ‘/’) of $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_URL’] will be the better appraoch compared to the wordpress siteurl (see codelines 1011-1016 in class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php).

    Best regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    You must edit the wordpress post or page which should display the search result.
    For the widget based search, this is the default search landing page which pops up if you start a widget based search.
    On that search result page you must set the display parameter in the display shortcode like

    [hr_SIS_display_images display=”mo”]

    for a pro mosaic gallery.
    You should consult the help pages display search results and using shortcodes for more information.

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    quite a number of questions …
    1a: you should set the appropriate display parameter for the shortcode hr_SIS_display_images on the search landing page.
    See also display search results on the plugin homepage.
    1b: Sorry, I am a hobby photographer only using NextGEN Gallery and NextGEN Gallery Plus (Pro without eCommerce). Therefore my plugin should work with normal NextGEN galleries and with NextGEN Plus/Pro galleries without eCommerce. It will use native NextGEN galleries by passing the search result list as the gallery image list. I don’t have the code of NextGEN Pro with eCommerce, so I do not know how eCommerce and shopping card option is handled by NextGEN Pro.
    2: same as 1b
    3: Normally a search result list and further NextGEN galleries should display on the same page/post. The problem in your case is your website setup with the subdirectory (?) “work” in your URL.
    The plugin must address the current page URL for the result list. It uses the wordpress siteurl (which in your case is “”) together with the post_name / slug of your page (which in your case is “bellaire-police-2016-awards”). Therefore it sends the result to the page URL “” which does not exist (404-not found, because your real URL has an additional “work/” in the middle).
    As mentioned, I do not know your website setup. Therefore I do not currently know how to get your correct URL with standard wordpress means.
    Maybe you can avoid the use of “work/” in your URL.
    As a makeshift I could add an additional shortcode parameter which could set the ‘modified’ siteurl.
    Best regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    The plugin uses php and wordpress functions to provide its functionality.
    htaccess redirection is outside the scope of that environment.
    You could use a normal wp subfolder installation which will be recognized by the plugin.
    Alternatively, for a quick solution, you could override the action-parameter in the widget searchform in the plugin sourcecode and enter your correct landing page address.
    If need be, I could add a redirection parameter on the plugins setting page to override that action parameter automatically. But that would be an issue for a forthcoming maintenance release.
    Best regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi, you can use the [hr_SIS_nextgen_searchbox] shortcode on any post or page.
    See using shortcodes.
    Best regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi Rasmus,

    the Nextgen lightbox should work for display=at.
    You have of course to set the Nextgen options correctly (you must set the option to show linked images in the standard Nextgen lightbox).

    If you want to modify the Nextgen gallery display, you should use templates for the basic thumbnails gallery. You have to set the template in the Nextgen defaults settings. My plugin automatically uses standard Nextgen gallery display.

    For a download button the following thread may be useful for you:

    Best regards

    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    Hi Rasmus,

    there are several possibilities to use the display type advanced thumbnails:

    (1) you can use it dynamically in any search query by just adding “>at” at the end of the searchstring like “sunset>at”

    (2) you can specify this display type in the shortcode
    [hr_SIS_display_images display=advanced_thumbnails]
    [hr_SIS_display_images display=”advanced_thumbnails”]
    [hr_SIS_display_images display=at]
    [hr_SIS_display_images display=”at”]
    Any of these 4 notations should work for you.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by wpo-HR.
    Plugin Author wpo-HR


    As there is no further response this thread will be marked as resolved.

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