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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estatik Real Estate Plugin] Changing flag icon on Google MapHey, that was VERY useful!
Thanks for the clarification!I think I’m doing the things in wrong way.
How can I change property page template?
I would like to move the automatic description to middle page.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estatik Real Estate Plugin] Notice: Undefined variable: instanceThat would be great.
I’m working with an old client , it has a VERY old WP site with an anciente real state theme (the author was WooThemes which dropped support several years ago).
This contraption worked for almost 12 years (!).
I said ‘contraption’ since the original theme had a lot of issues: all the code was embedded in a theme, there wasn’t a clean separation from theme and plugin code like estatik does. Customization was frankly daunting, and there was a lot of bugs to be fixed in order of getting a final design according client’s requirements.
Now the client is asking for a responsive theme…
Making the proper tweaks to the original theme seems an unsurmountable task, since the theme wasn’t designed for being responsive.So I suggested migrating to estatik+responsive theme. Even the client agreed, there was a hurdle: we’d need to move all real state data from one site to another.That meant converting a CPT to estatik CPT.
In order to do that I ‘extended’ estatik. Instead of loading demo data using a PHP class with info, I changed the plugin to be able load data from JSON files.
That allowed me to load real state data in a easier, more manageable way.The second thing was converting CPT data from the old site, saving to a compatible JSON file. This JSON file is later loaded from estatik into the estatik’s CPT.
So far things are worked fine. We’ll see how the things will go.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estatik Real Estate Plugin] Notice: Undefined variable: instanceOk, not exactly an explicit error.
I was changing error level:ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’, 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL);and after that field type selection returned errors like
Notice: Undefined variable: instance in D:\……. \wp-content\plugins\estatik\admin\templates\fields-builder\partials\options\multiple.php on line 31So is not a real issue per se.
What is an issue is that I have some sort of problem with selection field
According https://estatik.net/estatik-plugin-documentation/#cat-5 (9.2)
I could add many values, however I only can see a box to add one element and nothing else.I was after the same issue and I found a clue, I hope this helps:
The issue is caused due a problem with PHP version (7.x) which uses a new regular expression engine, affecting the validation email regular expression and firing an error.
The solution is updating the regular expression on lib_email.php
The new regular expression should be:
‘/([\w\-\+\.]+@([\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]{2,63})/’;where the ‘+’ is slashed.
You can read more about this error on:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24764212/preg-match-compilation-failed-invalid-range-in-character-class-at-offsetThis error is visible with WP_DEBUG=true
Notice this error only happen with this very specific regular expression, I scanned the plugin but there weren’t no errors related with any other regular expression.
Even though I suggest someone else check all the reg. expressions, this issue would affect this and many other plugins.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] Is this plugin dead?Hi there:
Even the plugin is still working, I have to find time to develop and fix the issues.
My apologies.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Formula result on multiple textboxThanks this is working exactly as you said.
I wonder why is the concatenation ‘[id*=”fieldname’+’5_”]’ .
I tested in other ways and none would work.Thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] NextCellent and GutenbergThanks I’ll be reviewing a new version fixing those problems and compatibility with Guten berg also.
Thanks for your help.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] NextCellent and GutenbergThanks ispreview for bringing this issue(s).
What tools do you use to check this?
Thanks again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] NextCellent and GutenbergHi there
Issues about PHP 7.2 were solved in previous versions as 1.9.32I hope Frank is referring to https://plugincompat.danielbachhuber.com/
something I wasn’t aware. I’ll take a look.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] Shortcode exclude picturesHi there,
Current Nexcellent nggallery shortcode is slightly different in some ways than Nextgen.
Currently it handles a gallery Id(but not multiple), an optional template and how many images per page. Since Nextcellent is legacy , it was not the intention to follow Nextgen closely to make it 100% compatible.Attribute exclusions isn’t present I’m afraid.
A closer look shows the plugin should give a way to solve your request in a generic way (I mean, if it is not implemented, at least give it a chance to include a filter or something to make it possible, don’t you think?).
Let me study the request a little bit to upgrade the code and the plugin.
Thank you.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] Fantastic work THANK YOU !The users deserved an updated version from some time…
Thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy] Custom Post Type – NextcellentCurrently it is working, although it needs some way to provide more flexibility.
Truth is Nextcellent is based on legacy code, from the times Custom Post Types were just an idea. Because of that, the plugin stores data on custom mysql tables instead Custom Post Types.
Ideally, we should use one or another (or tables or Custom Post Types) , and I’m beginning seeing many plugins capable of integrate accepting Custom Post as input.Since I’ve been using Revolution Slider quite some time, the integration proved to be successful, allowing reusing Nextcellent galleries in a different and newer way.
1.9.35 should be the fix for the insert issue.
Thanks m0nter, Let me check what’s going on.