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  • Thread Starter Mark


    Using your modified JS file, the drop event is triggered. But nothing is in the file list object. Here’s the output from the console:

    FileList []
    length: 0
    <prototype>: FileListPrototype { item: item(), length: Getter, … }Object { 
    originalEvent: drop, type: "drop", isDefaultPrevented: Ne(), target: div.codedropz-upload-inner, currentTarget: div.codedropz-upload-handler, relatedTarget: null, timeStamp: 20471, jQuery37109784926069615019: true, delegateTarget: div.codedropz-upload-handler
    , handleObj: {…}, … }
    currentTarget: <div class="codedropz-upload-handler">
    data: undefined
    delegateTarget: <div class="codedropz-upload-handler">?
    handleObj: Object { type: "drop", origType: "drop", guid: 21, … }
    isDefaultPrevented: function Ne()?
    isPropagationStopped: function Ne()
    jQuery37109784926069615019: true
    originalEvent: drop { target: div.codedropz-upload-inner
    , buttons: 0, clientX: 726, … }
    altKey: false
    bubbles: true
    button: 0
    buttons: 0
    cancelBubble: false
    cancelable: true
    clientX: 726
    clientY: 651
    composed: true
    ctrlKey: false
    currentTarget: null
    dataTransfer: DataTransfer { dropEffect: "move", effectAllowed: "uninitialized", mozCursor: "auto", … }
    dropEffect: "move"
    effectAllowed: "uninitialized"
    files: FileList []
    length: 0
    <prototype>: FileListPrototype { item: item(), length: Getter, … }
    items: DataTransferItemList { 0: DataTransferItem, 1: DataTransferItem, length: 2 }
    0: DataTransferItem { kind: "string", type: "text/x-moz-url" }
    1: DataTransferItem { kind: "string", type: "text/plain" }
    length: 2
    <prototype>: DataTransferItemListPrototype { add: add(), remove: remove(), clear: clear(), … }
    mozCursor: "auto"
    mozSourceNode: null
    mozUserCancelled: false
    types: Array [ "text/x-moz-url", "text/plain" ]
    <prototype>: DataTransferPrototype { setDragImage: setDragImage(), getData: getData(), setData: setData(), … }
    defaultPrevented: true
    detail: 0
    eventPhase: 0
    explicitOriginalTarget: <div class="codedropz-upload-inner">
    isTrusted: true
    layerX: 303
    layerY: 24
    metaKey: false
    movementX: 0
    movementY: 0
    offsetX: 0
    offsetY: 0
    originalTarget: <div class="codedropz-upload-inner">
    pageX: 726
    pageY: 3413
    rangeOffset: 0
    rangeParent: null
    relatedTarget: null
    returnValue: false
    screenX: 2344
    screenY: 808
    shiftKey: false
    srcElement: <div class="codedropz-upload-inner">??
    target: <div class="codedropz-upload-inner">
    timeStamp: 20471
    type: "drop"
    view: Window
    which: 1
    x: 726
    y: 651
    <get isTrusted()>: function isTrusted()
    <prototype>: DragEventPrototype { initDragEvent: initDragEvent(), dataTransfer: Getter, … }
    relatedTarget: null
    target: <div class="codedropz-upload-inner">
    timeStamp: 20471
    type: "drop"
    <prototype>: Object { constructor: Event(e, t), isDefaultPrevented: qe()
    , isSimulated: false, … }
    constructor: function Event(e, t)??
    isDefaultPrevented: function qe()??
    isImmediatePropagationStopped: function qe()??
    isPropagationStopped: function qe()
    isSimulated: false
    preventDefault: function preventDefault()??
    stopImmediatePropagation: function stopImmediatePropagation()??
    stopPropagation: function stopPropagation()??

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 4 weeks ago by Mark.
    Thread Starter Mark


    Any update on this?

    Thread Starter Mark


    Using Linux, Ubuntu.

    Firefox 125.0.3

    Chromium: 113.0.5672.126

    Thread Starter Mark


    Testing further, drag and drop works in Google Chrome when dragging a file from a file manager onto the form, but does not work in Firefox or Chromium browsers. In Firefox nothing happens, in Chromium I see the message stating that “The uploaded file exceeds the maximum upload size of your server.”

    Thread Starter Mark


    Also, there are no Javascript errors in the console.

    Thread Starter Mark


    Glen I can upload files using the “Browse” link, what does not work is dragging and dropping a file from a file manager. I open a file manager on my system and open the form web page in my browser. I grab an image file in the file manager and drag it over to the form’s file upload section. At that point the border around that field highlights (border turns darker and bolder to show it’s the active target). Then I drop the file over the form field and nothing happens, the file is not uploaded. And at that time in the browser inspector there is no network activity.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Mark.
    Thread Starter Mark


    Hi Glen, thanks for your assistance.

    The site is using Cloudflare so that might be preventing your access. I don’t have any control over the Cloudflare aspects of the site at this time so I can’t check into that further. But try to view it again just in case the site was temporarily offline for whatever reason.

    Max upload on the site is 128MB, confirmed via Media Library upload section.

    Form config:

    Drag and drop settings:

    Plugin Author Mark


    A couple of points here:

    – The plugin put a link on the login page so that admins can find help when they lock themselves out of their site. Simple as that. This was BY REQUEST from plugin users.

    – To our knowledge no one ever contact us from regarding the link on the login page. Had they done so we could have readily explained that users ASKED for it – and of course we could remove it had anyone in authority asked us to do so.

    – We stopped supporting Login Lock some time ago because demand was high and “thanks” was nearly non-existent. A typical scenario is where someone calls our toll free number and says “Hi, I use your Login Lock plugin. Someone hacked my site. How soon can you clean it up?” – multiply that times many per month, with 99% of callers having zero funds to spend on clean up. Nevertheless, we cleaned up many, many sites for free. We can no longer do that.

    – Anyone is, and always has been, free to modify our GPL code anyway they see fit.

    – We let the SSL cert go on the site because as you may notice the site is now empty…

    – Apologies that we can’t continue providing people free support. It got to the point where it took to much time, which obviously distracts from earning money to get the bills paid.

    The form itself is pulled from PayPal via SSL, and submitted via SSL too. So that is reasonably secure.

    As for whether you need a cert / SSL on your site, it’s up to you, but overall I’d say it’s worth the money just to impose a sense of security for your users, as they may not understand that the form itself is secure.

    These comments I’ve made are true for the plugin at and WooThemes.

    @lettereye: Far as I know Payments Advanced doesn’t work in a fashion that lets you put the payment form on the checkout page, although I could be wrong.

    Seems to work similar to regular PayPal Standard payments where payment is made after clicking the checkout button, at which point the payment form is pulled into your site from PayPal and placed inside of an iframe.

    You could however put a payment form on the checkout page itself by using PayPal Payflow Pro instead of Payments Advanced. Those are 2 different products from PayPal, so you’d need to check into getting a Payflow Pro service in your PayPal account.


    I saw a plugin for PayPal Payments Advanced over at, haven’t used it on a site myself but I know it’s there.

    Your avatar isn’t exactly inviting people to help you…

    @ipstenu — he dropped the domain name. Didn’t look an advertising to me given the amount of feedback he offered…

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