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  • Plugin Author WPSight


    Hello Howard,

    I’ve answered your support request. So I will only respond to some points here.

    This was not a “free plugin” for us. We paid good money for the original WPCasa and additional themes.

    And that’s exactly why I do not understand why you don’t leave your rant with us at support while this free plugin does not have anything to do with your issues.

    Your prior themes at least had a “themes options” panel and built in custom css which we relied on heavily to create the look and feel required. Your new system has no theme options panel and uses the very limited theme “customize” and you suggest we add another plugin to manage custom css (no problem but not including it just adds one more plugin).

    With a separate plugin like Simple Custom CSS your CSS is even safer than with anything that is saved through a theme options panel. These option panels were invented because WordPress did not offer something to handle these settings. But now they do. We are moving away from theme option panels because we go the WordPress way with the core theme customizer.

    The core css of the older version was superior in font weights and choices, the new themes will require even more customization.

    That’s maybe your estimation. But it’s just not true… and I built them both. But you probably refer to the Bootstrap CSS our old themes were based on. The next themes we will release, will be based on Bootstrap again.

    I overstated when I said “no ability to move a site forward to their new plugin system”.

    No, you overstated with your childish title like “Terrible system – run far away”.

    Perhaps you’d like to take this discussion offline and help?

    Why didn’t you ask before leaving a one-star review with this title?

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Dear Howard Short,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    You posted this one-star review one hour after you sent your support request… that I have just answered with solutions to every question you had.

    Maybe you don’t like the new system and that’s okay. But posting this review without giving us the chance to answer your question is not fair play.

    You might check my answers and see that we have not abandoned anything. Before you post other reviews like that on other free plugin pages, give them the chance to respond first.

    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi ATh42,

    Your image gallery is using a custom Javascript function useThumbnail(). You might want to there first. If you have not written this function yourself, you may want to contact the person who did.

    Maybe the script interferes with the listing label in the .wpsight-listing-thumbnail div.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Thanks a lot for your feedback and of course the rating!

    We are developing more themes right now. The first new one will be released next month… and after that one theme releases in general will be more periodical. Our theme collection is definitely too short right now.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WPCasa] translated
    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi pcnemocnica,

    Ah ok, now I understand. Please go to WP-Admin > WPCasa > Settings > [tab] Listings and activate the Listing Features checkbox. There you can translate the labels directly or also reset the settings once to make sure the labels refresh.

    Also have a look at our documentation about changing standard listing features.

    Kind regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WPCasa] translated
    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi pcnemocnica,

    If you have a new translation, you can place the .po and .mo (this is the more important one) language files in the /languages folder of WPCasa.

    Then you can change the language in the general WordPress settings on WP-Admin > Settings > General.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Buenas tardes alejolora,

    Cual es el problema exactamente? En principio funciona todo bien en WordPress 4.5.

    Quizás se refiere a la nueva versión 3.0 de Ninja Forms. Nuestro plugin puente aún no está compatible… solo hasta la versión 2.9.

    Un saludo,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    The given code was indeed just for the labels. If you want to change the slug, you need to apply another filter:

     * Custom listing slug
    add_filter( 'wpsight_rewrite_listings_slug', 'my_rewrite_listings_slug' );
    function my_rewrite_listings_slug( $slug ) {
    	$slug = 'propiedades';
    	return $slug;

    After adding this code you will have to save your permalinks on WP-Admin > Settings > Permalinks to update the rewrite rules.

    Regarding the labels… if you just want to translate, I recommend to work with plugin translations. Spanish is included. We use the term anuncio but you can easily change that to your needs using Loco Translate in your WordPress admin or Poedit as a desktop tool.

    Hope this helps.

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi redstormj,

    You can find the corresponding code here:

    With the following code you could change the labels to your needs:

     * Change listing post type labels
    add_filter( 'wpsight_post_type_labels_listing', 'my_post_type_labels_listing' );
    function my_post_type_labels_listing( $labels ) {
    	// Set post type labels
    	$labels = array(
    	    'name' 			 => _x( 'Listings', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'singular_name' 	 => _x( 'Listing', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'add_new' 		 => _x( 'Add New', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'add_new_item' 	 => _x( 'Add New Listing', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'edit_item' 		 => _x( 'Edit Listing', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'new_item' 		 => _x( 'New Listing', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'view_item' 		 => _x( 'View Listing', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'search_items' 	 => _x( 'Search Listings', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'not_found' 		 => _x( 'No listings found', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'not_found_in_trash' => _x( 'No listings found in Trash', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	    'menu_name' 	 => _x( 'Listings', 'listing', 'wpcasa' ),
    	return $labels;

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    @franktcmarketing WPCasa IS a starting point plugin and as @redstormj correctly points out that’s exactly what many users appreciate.

    But leaving a one star review on a FREE product depreciating the hard work of others and even call it scam is something that makes me sad in this WordPress world.

    Also, where exactly did I review my own plugin? I’m the owner. Joe (who left the review) works with me but is definitely a user too. But you probably know better as you are able to judge personalities behind plugins in your own world… and that’s ok.

    @redstormj Thanks a lot for chiming in and defending the idea behind free WordPress plugins.

    Theme Author WPSight


    Hi Sam,

    Please check the WPCasa settings. The real estate functionality is actually not part of the theme but of the WPCasa core plugin.

    You can find more information in our documentation.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hey Jose,

    Yes, we definitely need to improve our documentation here to make sure developers like you find what they need without digging through the code.

    Would love to see your add-on.

    Un saludo,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi redstormj,

    Thanks a lot for your interest in WPCasa and for your kind words! Your detailed feedback is much appreciated.

    As you already mentioned the gallery feature is currently part of our paid themes as an image gallery, in my opinion, in general is more theme territory than basic functionality.

    But still, I also agree with you that we need a basic gallery in the core plugin as many users stumble upon that. We usually recommend a third party gallery plugin (e.g. Foo Gallery). But maybe that’s too bloated too and does not make use of our own custom meta boxes.

    Again, thanks for your feedback! We are currently a bit backed up with theme creation and plugin updates. But as soon as we can we will work out a solution.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi linzinz,

    Thanks a lot for your interest in WPCasa!

    Yes, WPCasa should work fine with StudioPress themes. You might have to add some custom CSS styles to better match the theme style. But basically this will work out of the box.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WPCasa] fatal error
    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi ste70,

    Thanks a lot for your interest in WPCasa!

    Seems your PHP version is not up to date. The DIR (added in PHP 5.3) might not be supported.

    If this is your case, you should ask your hosting provider to update the PHP version as version 5.2 has not been supported officially for 5 years now

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

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