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  • Plugin Author WPSight


    We’ve posted our answer on the issue you filed on Github.

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi sebas7,

    Thanks a lot for using WPCasa!

    Please go to WP-Admin > WPCasa > Settings > [tab] Listings and change the details to your needs. Also see our docs.

    If you changed to German, you can also reset the WPCasa settings in order to insert the German default details.

    Viele Grü?e,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Get one of our themes and you won’t need to mess around with PHP ??

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi Christi,

    It’s the ?listings=1 that tells WPCasa that we are on a listing agent archive page.

    The only thing that would make it better would be if it didn’t break the author archive if WPCasa is disabled.

    Yeah well, if you use the function, it would make sense to use WPCasa too ?? If you want to avoid any errors, however, check out the PHP function function_exists() to go the safe way.

    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi Christi,

    You will need to make an extra if construct under the is_author() condition:

    elseif ( is_author() ) :
    	if ( ! wpsight_is_listing_agent_archive() ) {
        	printf( __( 'Author: %s', 'yourweblayout' ), '<span class="vcard">' . get_the_author() . '</span>' );
        } else {
        	printf( __( 'Agent: %s', 'yourweblayout' ), '<span class="vcard">' . get_the_author() . '</span>' );
    elseif ( is_day() ) :
    	printf( __( 'Day: %s', 'yourweblayout' ), '<span>' . get_the_date() . '</span>' );

    Or place the agent condition before the author condition to make sure the code first checks if you’re on a listing archive or not.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi tinyCoder,

    This is WordPress-related and not managed through WPCasa. I think you won’t see empty taxonomy terms there. Please try to create the terms right in the listing editor when you create a property.

    By default also the listings search only displays terms in the form that have a least one listing.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi Christi,

    You can use the function wpsight_is_listing_agent_archive() to check if the author template shows listings or posts.

    For example:

    <?php if( wpsight_is_listing_agent_archive() ) : ?>
    	<p>Show text for listings</p>
    <?php else : ?>
    	<p>Show text for posts</p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi Daniela,

    Thanks for using WPCasa!

    This is related to the theme you are using. From the front end I cannot see what the exact problem is. You will probably have to adapt some of the templates. You can find more infos about using WPCasa templates in our documentation.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    PS: For the future… please open your own thread in the forum. Thank you!

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi zekule,

    Thank you for using WPCasa!

    This is related to your theme. WPCasa does not have any effect on that.

    I recommend to check the basic HTML structure. On the single listing page the aside#sidebar is outside of the div#main-content while on the archive page the sidebar is inside that div.

    Hope this helps.

    Merry Christmas,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi Claudio,

    Thanks for using WPCasa!

    The listing images meta box is a feature of our paid themes (e.g. Elviria). But you can also use any WordPress gallery plugin to manage your listing images (e.g. Foo Gallery).

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Plugin Author WPSight


    Hi Ramon,

    Thank you for your message!

    Honestly I’m not sure if you can use WPCasa for bus routes as I don’t know how the search criteria (apart from origin – destination) would be.

    Just install the plugin and try it our yourself. You can change the listing details on the settings page (see docs).

    And you would need to adapt the search fields using the WordPress filter hook wpsight_get_search_fields. See function WPSight_Search::get_search_fields().

    I’m afraid without some customization the bus routes search is not possible.

    Best regards,
    Simon [WPCasa]

    Theme Author WPSight


    Hi GraddySK,

    Thanks a lot for using our theme and your kind feedback!

    The upload through the theme customizer or on WP-Admin > Appearance > Header should work fine (see screenshot).

    The same goes for the background color (that you mentioned in your review). You can change it through the customizer or in the back end in the appearance menu.

    Are you still having issues?

    Best regards,
    Simon [wpCasa]

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