Forum Replies Created
Hi WPtouch Community,
WordPress 6.4.2 has been released, which now provides full compatibility with WPtouch and WPtouch Pro. Please see our blog post for more details.
WPtouch Team
Yes, version 6.4.2 fixes this issue. Please see our blog post for more details!
WPtouch Team
Hi @kristinbute,
Please see our most recent?blog post?for an update on this issue, which should be remedied soon by the WordPress core team (the blog post also provides a temporary fix in the interim).
This is an issue identified with the core wordpress release and is effecting many plugins (not just WPtouch) – but it should be remedied soon. In the interim, you can use the temporary fix noted in the blog post.
Thank you for remaining patient with us, and for remaining a loyal WPtouch user! Please let us know if you have any questions.?
WPtouch Team
Hi @peter94,
Thank you – we’d appreciate that, as 1 star ratings (especially when we did nothing wrong) are hurtful to our platform.
Also, please see our most recent post for an update: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-on-wptouch-compatibility-with-wordpress-6-4/
WPtouch Team
Please see our most recent post for an update: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-on-wptouch-compatibility-with-wordpress-6-4/
WPtouch Team
Hi @peter94,
When WordPress 6.4 was released, we put out a blog post (here) and a pinned message in our support channel (here) noting that there were compatibility issues with WPtouch and version 6.4, and for users to remain on version 6.3 until a patch is released.
We identified the issue and it appears to be a few lines of code within WordPress core that is effecting many plugins across the board; it is not solely related to WPtouch. We’re in the process of releasing a fix/patch to allow for compatibility, but in the meantime, we recommend remaining on version 6.3 or deactivating WPtouch until the fix is released.
Also, on our Plugin page in the WordPress directory, we note that the plugin has only been tested up to version 6.3.
It is best practice not to automatically update to the latest version of WordPress immediately – and to wait and see until all of your used plugins have been tested with the latest version. This allows for these type of issues to be flushed out and fixed, without jeopardizing your website.
Having said all of this, we do not feel your review and rating is appropriate given. We have made efforts to communicate the issues and have made it clear that WPtouch Pro is not yet compatible with version 6.4.
We hope to release an update soon and will notify all users when we do so.
WPtouch Support Team
Hi WPtouch Community,
Another, quicker option for rolling back to version 6.3 would be using a plugin –?https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-rollback/?or?https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-downgrade/.
We will keep you updated when a release is pushed that provides compatibility with WordPress 6.4.
Thank you for remaining patient with us.
WPtouch Team
Hi @mattyrob,
Thank you for flagging these! We will send along to our engineering team for review.
WPtouch Support Team
Hi @estherjc71,
You might be referring to the default mobile theme that comes with WPtouch. Upon activation of the free plugin, the default mobile theme, Bauhaus, will be used. You may customize the colors used in the theme and other settings from the customizer, but if you would like to use a different theme and to have more customizations, you would need to use WPtouch Pro and get our extensions.
WPtouch TeamHi @rambias,
It’s possible to customize your post’s featured images or post thumbnails and the article or page title by customizing your WPtouch Mobile theme. You can do this by adding some custom CSS code to your default theme, or by making a Child Theme and editing the theme files.
Here’s some more information on adding custom styling to your WPtouch Mobile theme: https://support.wptouch.com/article/513-adding-custom-styling-to-your-mobile-theme
We try to check in on these forums from time to time – for full assistance from the WPtouch Support Team (and of course more features and goodies) we’d ask that you upgrade to WPtouch Pro. You can find complete details about what’s included with WPtouch Pro at?wptouch.com.
WPtouch SupportHi,
This should be resolved with the latest release.
Thanks for using WPtouch!
WPtouch Support Team
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPtouch - Make your WordPress Website Mobile-Friendly] Page cache issueHi @emilio13,
Can you confirm that your Caching option in the WPtouch Pro Settings page is turned off (default)? Here’s a screenshot for reference: https://share.getcloudapp.com/L1uvqbxo
By default WPtouch requests that mobile pages are not cached. This helps prevent the mobile site from being served to desktop users and the desktop site from being served to mobile users.
If the problem persists for you, you may want to check if one of your active plugins is conflicting by deactivating them one at a time in the Plugins page on WordPress and see if you find a culprit. You can start with the plugins you suspect may be causing the issue if you have many active plugins. If that fails to work, please briefly activate a default theme like the Twenty Twenty-Three or Twenty Twenty to check if the desktop theme is causing the issue/conflict.For further assistance, please contact WPtouch Support directly: [email protected]
WPtouch Support TeamHi @zeeshansum1
A 404 error message means that a resource (webpage) no longer exists. If you see a 404 error for a specific URL in your Google Search Console account, it is because the URL is redirecting to a page that no longer exists. This may occur if the page was deleted, or the page URL was changed. Here’s some more information: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2445990
These errors aren’t caused by WPtouch. If you’re running into any unexpected behavior with our plugin, please contact us again directly at our support email: [email protected]
WPtouch Support Team
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPtouch - Make your WordPress Website Mobile-Friendly] ErrorHi @dumspiro44,
Can you please reach out to [email protected] with more details on exactly what happened to create this error, including which version of WPtouch and PHP you are running.
WPtouch Support Team