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  • Well the solution is to change the CSS. Change the CSS so the dropdowns are not absolutely positioned. If you make them relatively positioned that will solve the whole issue, no JS required but it will take some CSS tinkering.

    Twenty Fifteen theme comes out with a whole bunch of HTML in place of the actual posts.

    Thats not good. That above teamed with super slow speeds could be linked.

    Can you tell us what errors are in your hosting log? Normally a great source of info.

    The only thing I have noticed is that the new post is a “guest post”.

    What categories are allowed on the homepage? Is this even restricted or should everything appear.

    My point is that on some homepages only certain categories are shown on hompages but Im not familiar with your theme so not sure.

    On a side note your website loads super slow. I thought this might be because Im in the UK but when I did a google pagespeed test I got this error which Ive not seen before:

    Timeout while fetching the main resource. Ensure that the page loads in a browser and try again.

    I looked at how Sucuri does this and the plugin adds a .htaccess file to the uploads directory which contains:

    <FilesMatch "\.(?i:php)$">
      <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all
      <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
        Require all denied

    So create an htaccess file and add the above code to it and place it in your uploads directory.


    On your stylesheet line 2918 you have:

    @media screen and (min-width: 56.875em)
    .main-navigation li:hover > ul, .main-navigation li.focus > ul {
        left: auto;
        right: 0;

    That right:0 is what’s pinning it to the right of the parent element. Take that away and it works but you wont be happy completely there is other tweaking that needs done.

    You might also consider using relative positioning for the submenus rather than absolute.

    Hope that helps


    Slightly confusing question you have asked. Are you asking how to hide wp-content folder from direct access via a browser?

    The Sucuri plugin does this Im sure but you mention you dont want a plugin. Well you could install it and see how it does it and the copy the way it does it and delete the plugin.

    Im guessing its either by adding a blank index.php file to each directory like in the /wp-content/ folder or maybe its and htaccess thing.

    I just tried adding a blank index.php to the uploads folder and that seems to work. Just copy the one from your wp-content folder into the uploads folder and check.

    @junker01 I’m more than happy to help everyone, premium theme or not.

    So you used the editor to change the functions.php….I see. That’s all I was asking and all you had to answer with, no DUHS required. I was a little confused because normally you would have to create a child theme and upload it via FTP which is why I asked the question.

    So you didn’t know how to ftp. What did you want us to do, walk you through exactly how to ftp your functions.php file? A simple Google search and you would have found thousands of tutorials on how to do this.

    It seems that you followed my advise and solved the problem so why was it bad advise and as for bullying? Seriously. Trolling…I think you should look the definition of that up. Look at any of my other posts on these forums. I help people.

    I appreciate you are learning, we all have and we have all made mistakes but your original post seemed like you didn’t want to bother learning the “ftp thing”. Then you moan it took you hours to find the solution. To me it seems like you should have a sense of achievement for having a problem and getting yourself out of it.

    As Andrew says everyone answering posts here does it for free. For me its about giving something back to the community while I try and make a living from WordPress (no mean feat).

    Anyway don’t let my “bullying” hold you back from posting here for help. I’d always suggest researching it first before posting on any forum and asking for help. You think this forum is harsh try Stack Exchange.

    However I will be happy to help you in the future. It’s just the kind of person I am.

    Yeh it will just be a function somewhere to restrict widgets. Prob pretty easy to remove to be honest.

    If you are just making CSS changes then you could add custom CSS with a plugin easy enough.

    Depends if you want to update your theme with their updates. I tend to build my own so never bother with child themes

    Nae bother


    Content and themes are separate. Thats the whole point in themes really. You can change your “look” easily and keep the content.

    Id say any theme that restricts how many plugins you can use is absolute pants and shouldnt be used. Im pretty sure it will be some crappy function hidden in the functions.php or similar which you can simply remove and it will allow you to add more plugins.

    Im guessing there is a pro version that allows more plugins to be used. Ive actually never heard of this before. Its really bad if true.

    Regarding child themes; well it really depends what you are trying to achieve. Personally I dont really like them but they have their uses I suppose.

    Weird. I just tested this on my theme and it worked as you would expect.

    Can you tell me if this happens with other images and not just the logo?

    The only thing I can think of is your theme might have some kind of weird filter on images removing the alt tag for some reason.


    Please wrap pasted code within back ticks or highlight and hit the code button so that it displays the code snippets properly.

    So how did you change the functions.php file if you dont know how to use ftp.

    I would suggest you simply undo what you have done.

    I would also suggest if you dont know how to use ftp, then Id be reluctant to fiddle with more advanced WordPress things. So you have a lot of learning to do or hiring someone to do what you need.

    So its a simple answer. Look into and learn the “ftp thing” and learn more about WordPress to achieve what you want to do. Plenty tutorials online to help you out doing various things. Or simply pay someone to do it for you. Depends what you want to do with your time.


    It would seem you have already transferred your website. All you need to do now is do the search and replace on the database to change the url to the new one.

    The error would come if you were on the old domain and used the search and replace to change it to the new domain.

    I always use this plugin with no probs yet:

    Well if its the single posts page then single.php is normally the right place but it depends on the structure of your theme really. Im not familiar with the one you are talking about so Id need to look into it.

    Could be content-single.php or others


    This should rob be posted in the themes section. But you will need to edit the theme file and add something like:

    <?php get_sidebar( ); ?>

    or if you have specific sidebars (named):

    <?php get_sidebar( $name ); ?>


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