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Theme is adding all js scripts (included PhotoSwipe) in minified file with different handle, so in this case should I use the following code?
<?php wp_deregister_script( 'photoswipe' ); wp_deregister_script( 'photoswipe-ui-default' );?>
Thank you very much. I checked the first code and it didn’t work with my slider, but second code works very good, so that now I don’t have any errors from HTML5 validator. Finally I modified your code slightly to run it only if “Revolution Slider” and “Autoptimize” plugins are active:
if (class_exists('RevSlider') & is_plugin_active('autoptimize/autoptimize.php')) : add_filter("autoptimize_html_after_minify","crevslider_fixerupper"); function revslider_fixerupper($htmlin) { $htmlout=preg_replace('#\n(data-.*$)\n#Um'," $1 ",$htmlin); $htmlout=preg_replace('#(=\"[^"]*\")(\w)#','$1 $2',$htmlout); return $htmlout; } endif;
Thank you!
I’m not considering this a priority issue, but if you want I could provide you with a code snippet that hooks into AO’s API to change the newlines into spaces?
I see, yes, that would be great, becuase I don’t want to disable “Optimize HTML Code”, becuase this will affect the ranking in GTmetrix, etc.
It would be great to use your code snipped for now to quickfix it and it would be also great if this can be later implemented in the future release of Autoptimize, because Revolution Slider is very popular.- This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by wpuser10.
To replicate please:
1) Install latest WP with for example “Twenty Sixteen” theme.
2) Install and activate latest version of Revolution Slider and Autoptimize.
3) Set the basic option “Optimize HTML Code?” in Autoptimize.
4) Import (Slider Revolution > Import Slider) for example this slider: https://revolution.themepunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/classicslider4.zip (it’s example from https://revolution.themepunch.com/free-slider-exchange/)
5) Create new page (Pages > Add new) and put this shortcode in text editor:[rev_slider alias="classicslider1"]
6) Test page using: https://validator.w3.org/ . You will see errors, like this:“No space between attributes.”
Hope this helps you to investigate and improve the plugin. Revolution Slider support suggested to contact you in this case. Please let me kow if you need more details. I was able to replicate this on different hosts. If you still couldn’t replicate then I could send you URL to check via e-mail (please let me know if still needed).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Problem with importing widgets to custom sidebarsThank you, I implemented and compared the times and it looks the order is correct, but I still didn’t resolve the problem.
When first time click on “Import Demo Data” then I got in the log file for example:
sidebar1 : Sidebar does not exist in theme (moving widget to Inactive)
After importing I can see the sidebars, but empty. When click on “Import Demo Data” second time then sidebars are with imported widgets (correct).
Do you have any other suggestions what could be wrong? I am using just very basic system for creating custom widgets, which is working fine in general.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by wpuser10.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Problem with importing widgets to custom sidebarsTried different methods and unfortunatelly nothing worked.
Double checked this code below and it works correct (add custom sidebars).
/*add custom sidebars*/ $custom_sidebar[] = 'sidebar1'; $custom_sidebar[] = 'sidebar2'; $custom_sidebar[] = 'sidebar3'; $custom_sidebar[] = 'sidebar4'; update_option( 'custom_sidebar', $custom_sidebar );
It also works correct when it is inside ‘pt-ocdi/before_import’.
The problem is that it’s adding sidebars too late or it needs to reload a page before importing the widgets. Not sure why. Is it possible to echo time after importing the sidebars and time just before importing the widgets from wie file to investigate it more?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Problem with importing widgets to custom sidebarsThe sidebars I am adding are intentionally dynamic (it’s possible to add/remove them from settings). There are also static sidebars (registered in functions.php) like footer, sidebar and importing to them works fine.
Yes, updating “custom_sidebar” is adding the sidebars correctly (I checked it).
I observed the issue also after I moved the code to import “Revolution Slider” from “import_start” action to “pt-ocdi/before_widgets_import” action. I will move it back to “import_start” and let you know if it helps.
The only problem with “import_start” is that is not possible there to select the import with code like in your FAQ:
if ( 'Demo Import 1' === $selected_import['import_file_name'] ) { echo "This will be displayed only on after import if user selects Demo Import 1"; // Set logo in customizer set_theme_mod( 'logo_img', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/logo1.png' ); }
Do you maybe have solution for this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Problem with importing widgets to custom sidebarsThere was no errors during the import, importing ended as successful each time. Could please you write where can I find the logs you mentioned?
Could the reason be that importing Revolution Slider is taking some time and perhaps slowing down the final exacution of action? Sidebars were imported, but widgets were not imported, so it sounds like sidebars were created too late.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] How to disable generation of multiple image sizes?Hi,
Yes, there was error at the end (after about 5 minutes of importing) and link to error log.
The demo import has finished, but there were some import errors.
More details about the errors can be found in this log fileIn the log file there were lot of errors related to images, but URLs for images in dummy.xml were not correct, so the reason with errors for images is not related to plugin.
There were also lot of warnings like this:
[WARNING] Could not find the author for “bbPress Forum Closed Topic” (post #5230)
I was using custom xml file with different data included: https://bbpress.trac.www.ads-software.com/attachment/ticket/2516/bbpress-unit-test-data.xml and default dummy data from WooCommerce https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/blob/master/dummy-data/dummy-data.xml mixed with regular posts and pages.
I wonder if there are lot of errors with images then can it slow down importing a lot and be the reason of problem with full import and skipping after import action?
I will correct the URLs for images and try to replicate the problem on different hosts and if it will be the same without success then I could send you the full export for testing if necessary.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] How to disable generation of multiple image sizes?Thank you for quick response. I was actually using the latest version – that’s the reason I asked how to disable the option. I remember that at the end of log I got info about (max_execution_time = 300) and after import actions were not processed.
Was this related to max_execution_time or some other things?
Thank you for response. Wonder if you could provide a bit more details (or reference to some best code samples for this), for example can it be done with simple hook added to functions.php? Do you have list of available hooks and filters (like for example here: https://docs.woothemes.com/wc-apidocs/hook-docs.html )?