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  • Thread Starter wsw229


    Okay, I cannot use a theme that is not Twenty Fourteen. How do I switch to the default theme?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Child Themes

    Just back up your posts, as long as you have the admin login, you’re not gonna lose anything. I’m considering making a child myself, but it is coding, so it will take time.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    I have now logged in again as the admin, and see that all changes I made to “detonate” the site are not actually valid. I can simply update them again, and all will be restored.

    However, I also know that I do not know what “Continue reading at” is, or why it always appears, seemingly no matter what I try at the top of the site. No matter what computer or device accesses it.

    Again, this seems very easy to fix.

    Here is the pastebin link to functions.php:

    Just tell me to make a child theme, if that is the answer.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Oh I can’t delete my own posts. That’s interesting. Oh WordPress.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Here is the link to the paste bin

    If anyone else wants to look at it and see what I’m dealing with, I would appreciate it. If not, I will delete this post tomorrow.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Stephen apparently wrote Twenty Fourteen, I now feel silly for being mean. I am trying to quit cigarettes and I have been working on this since 9 this morning. I came to this forum for help, and I got the one guy who could help me and told him he couldn’t. Because I got weird out by the “rules.” What a dumb thing this all is.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Now, Jetpack says this:

    It looks like your site can not communicate properly with Jetpack.
        [headers] => Array
                [server] => nginx
                [date] => Wed, 02 Sep 2015 20:16:50 GMT
                [content-type] => text/plain;charset=utf-8
                [connection] => close
                [x-pingback] =>
                [expires] => Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
                [cache-control] => no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60
                [pragma] => no-cache
                [x-hacker] => Jetpack Test
                [x-ac] => 3.sjc _dfw
        [body] => {"error":"XML-RPC is not responding correctly ( 200 )","error_description":"It looks like XML-RPC is not responding correctly. Please make sure XML-RPC is turned on for your site and is set up to respond to all content types. You can test this yourself by running the following command from the command line:<blockquote><code>curl -A 'Jetpack by' -d '<methodCall><methodName>demo.sayHello<\/methodName><\/methodCall>' http:\/\/\/xmlrpc.php<\/code><\/blockquote><p>The answer should be:<\/p><blockquote><code><pre><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<methodResponse>\n  <params>\n    <param>\n      <value>\n      <string>Hello!<\/string>\n      <\/value>\n    <\/param>\n  <\/params>\n<\/methodResponse><\/pre><\/code><\/blockquote>"}
        [response] => Array
                [code] => 400
                [message] => Bad Request
        [cookies] => Array
        [filename] =>
    Thread Starter wsw229


    This is the first thing that my Entries RSS says:

    Continue reading at<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"

    Also, I would like to apologize to stephencottontail. I am so new it hurts. I will now work on putting my entire functions.php on the next post so we can look at this together.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    How about this:

    define("lib/tracking",["require","exports","module","_","lib/ad-manager","lib/analytics","config","lib/event-bus","tracking-events","lib/url","lib/play-manager"],function(a,b,c){function x(a,b){var c=d.last(a.split(":")),e=b&&b.model?b.model:b,g=e&&"getUrn"in e?e.getUrn():null,h=!1,j;switch(a){case"audio:play":case"audio:pause":case"audio:finish":c==="finish"&&(c="stop"),j=p;break;case l.LIKE_BUTTON_CLICKED:case l.FOLLOW_BUTTON_CLICKED:case l.SHARE_BUTTON_CLICKED:case l.DOWNLOAD_LINK_CLICKED:case l.BUY_LINK_CLICKED:case l.SHARE_VIEW_OPENED:case l.LINK_BUTTON_CLICKED:case l.LINK_INPUT_CLICKED:case l.EMBED_BUTTON_CLICKED:case l.ARTWORK_CLICKED:case l.PLAYLIST_SCROLLED:case l.TITLE_LINK_CLICKED:case l.CREATOR_LINK_CLICKED:case l.LOGO_LINK_CLICKED:case l.RELATED_VIEW_OPENED:case l.RELATED_VIEW_CLICKED:j=r;break;case m.IMPRESSION:case m.CLICKED:case m.SKIPPED:case m.FINISH:j=s;break;case l.WAVEFORM_CLICKED:j=r,h=!0;break;case l.SHARE_ICON_CLICKED:j=r,c+="::"+b.shareIconType,g=b.model.getUrn();break;case n.LOAD:B(b);break;case i.MISC.PT_LOCAL_USED:j=i.MISC}if(h){t.hasOwnProperty(g)||(t[g]={});if(!t[g].hasOwnProperty(c))t[g][c]=!0;else return}c&&j===p?z(c,e,b):j===s&&c==="impression"?f.trackImpression(o,undefined,E(),b):j&&c&&f.trackClick({level:o,chapter:b&&b.chapter||[c,g]},b),a==="audio:finish"&&delete t[g]}function y(){f.trackPageView({level:o,chapter:[u,j.parse(window.location.href).query.url]})}function z(a,b){var c=b,g=e.getCurrentAd(),h=b.playbackOptions,i,j;k.sourceIsCollection()&&k.source.getInfo&&(i=k.source.getInfo()),j={action:a,chapter:["sound",u,b.getUrn()].join("::"),duration:b.get("duration"),level:o,urn:b.getUrn(),trigger:h.userAction?"manual":"auto",context:h.view||"",source:i,,checkpointInterval:h.checkpointInterval,policy:b.get("policy")},b.playbackOptions={},g&&g.sound&&g.sound===c&&d.extend(j,{ad_urn:g.get("audio").ad_urn,monetization_type:g.getMonetizationType(),monetized_object:c.getUrn(),policy:null,promoted_by:null}),f.trackAudioEvent(j)}function A(){if(window._gaq!=null){var a=window.innerWidth||document.body.clientWidth,b=window.innerHeight||document.body.clientHeight,c;a=Math.round(a/100)*100,b=Math.round(b/100)*100,c=a+"x"+b,window._gaq.push(["_trackEvent","Widget container size","Range",c])}}function B(a){f.trackAppLoad(o,E(),a.latency)}function C(a,b,c){if(!v(a))return;window._gaq!=null&&window._gaq.push(["_trackEvent",q,"JS - "+a,"file:"+b+"; line:"+c])}function D(a){var b=a.get("xhr");b&&b.status.toString().indexOf("5")===0&&window._gaq!=null&&window._gaq.push(["_trackEvent",q,b.status+" - "+b.statusText,"url:"+b.url])}function E(){return g.get("me").id||null}var d=a("_"),e=a("lib/ad-manager"),f=a("lib/analytics"),g=a("config"),h=a("lib/event-bus"),i=a("tracking-events"),j=a("lib/url"),k=a("lib/play-manager"),l=i.UI,m=i.ADS,n=i.APP,o=0,p="Tracks",q="Error",r="UI",s="Ads",t={},u=j.parse(document.referrer).host,v,w=c.exports={init:d.once(function(){f.initialize();var a=["audio:play","audio:pause","audio:finish"];Object.keys(i).forEach(function(b){a.push.apply(a,d.values(i[b]))}),a.forEach(function(a){h.on(a,x.bind(null,a))}),window.onerror=C,h.on("exception",D).on("layout:change",function(){y(),A()})})};v=function(){function b(a){return this.message.indexOf(a)>-1}var a=["Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString'","Script error.","stopAudioAdsTimer","ReferenceError: Can't find variable: dzPlayer","Error connecting to extension"];return function(c){return!a.some(b,{message:c})}}()}),

    That is what appears at line 36 under wp-admin, at

    An error code tells me that 'webkitURL' is deprecated. Please use 'URL' instead.

    A widget link next to the error code directed me to line 36, the address was a soundcloud link. I used a soundcloud link for a track review. I have removed the link, and

    Continue reading at


    Even if I solve this myself, I am going to do it on this forum.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    continue reading at

    continue reading at

    is it annoying yet?

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Is it as simple as getting one of my posts in another location? Come on, I feel like this is an easy one.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    For any and all admins who are choosing to not get involved, I have tried stickying posts to fix this. I have tried using the same tag as the title of a post. “Continue reading at” appears, seemingly at random, in the box when I am typing in tags.

    This is probably a very scary bug. Go to inspect element of “Continue reading at” on and see for yourself. I would like to put this behind me so I can write my review for the day.

    I understand you are busy, but I will keep bumping this with progress/updates until I get either a phone number to call, or an admin to appear.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Well, stephencottontail, it happens on every single thing I ctl+f on. I am the sole author of this site. I am the sole admin of this site. I feel that posting the entirety of functions.php on a public forum is foolish. I am sure you agree.

    I see that the text you posted as “functions.php” is in a different font. I do not think you are qualified to deal with this. Because I have been working on it for two days now, and I can’t figure out what it is.

    Maybe it’s just 4.3

    That seems the most logical to me.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Yes the middle section is a snippet of code. Here is the entire section so you feel better:

    * A helper conditional function that returns a boolean value.
    * @since Twenty Fourteen 1.0
    * @return bool Whether there are featured posts.
    function twentyfourteen_has_featured_posts() {
    return ! is_paged() && (bool) twentyfourteen_get_featured_posts();

    I would update Twenty Fourteen, but as I said, my themes cannot be updated.

    Thread Starter wsw229


    Just looked at it, does this look like something? Commented in below something about a helper with boolean functions:

    @return bool Whether there are featured posts.

    If this is what is going on, I feel it is so easy to fix it.

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