Dr. Flow
Forum Replies Created
Ah okay. No worries–even though it’s February the January cupon worked. Why the site still has the Cybermonday cupon from last November who knows, but that does kill trust more than some CDN payment method.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Progressive WordPress (PWA)] Pwa doesn’t recognise TWALove the code @celebvoice–this fixes my issue too. Just one adjustment to the syntax:
/* PWA/TWA compatibility */ add_filter('web_app_manifest', function ($vars) { $vars['prefer_related_applications'] = true; return $vars; }); add_filter('web_app_manifest', function ($vars) { $vars['related_applications'] = [ [ "platform" => "play", "url" => "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sushihelado.twa", "id" => "com.sushihelado.twa" ] ]; });
Yep. That is my solution. Uninstall questionable plugins.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Voice Mail] Where are the audio files stored?How interesting. So there would be no way to send the files to another or embed them in a post.
Hold on. I later see that the strings in question are pulled from the db, so it can be translated into one other language!
Bueno lo haría pero como muchos dejé de usar MercadoPago hace mucho.
Much thanks for replying so quickly. It looks like you’ve been busy with this issue.
Have you tried contacting the developers of that plugin?
I have not, as it’s not just one multicurrency plugin. I imagine it would be more feasible for this plugin to find a solution than the many other multicurrency ones. Oh well, these things happen. Good thing is it only affects big sites which handle multicurrencies. Thanks again for all the wonderful code y’all produce.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH Custom Thank You Page for WooCommerce] Second language IssuesYet is the paid version multi language compatible?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration] Products do not appear in categoriesI believe the issue may stem from the fact that only one store page is available to be defined. I had trouble with this and simply unset the store page completely in WooCommerce >> Settings >> Products. See:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Filter Bar addon not compatible with the updateCouple problems? It flat doesn’t work sorry to say. It was working and y’all broke it and you are aware that? You want me to help with bugs yet not provide any support here? I’ve fix everything for me yet also don’t provide premium support here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Cannot login with spaces in usernameMy suspicion as well Vlad because nothing should have changed with WP. Let us hope it is resolved with a more modern PHP release. Right now I’m using 7.4.
Assuming this is the case the problem will soon take care of itself, yet hopefully it doesn’t wreak havoc with others who may have users with spaces in their login.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Cannot login with spaces in usernameThanks for the reply. I hope this thread is of use to others.
Fresh install. Only plugin active WooCommerce. Storefront theme. The issue occurs when there is a space in the username. Strange because WC doesn’t handle login yet a user with a space can’t login.
My solution was to add the plugin Restrict Usernames Emails Characters and limit spaces. If an error is thrown it does so through WP so the alert appears the same as a WC error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Progressive WordPress (PWA)] bits work but not on all devicesAh. I just now discovered why the previous works with Chrome yet not other browsers. It’s the ‘beforeinstallprompt’ event. As of writing it is still in development. See:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Progressive WordPress (PWA)] bits work but not on all devicesGood day Clive. Having worked a bunch with PWAs I have to say the technology is new, and when you’re on the bleeding edge you often get cut. Much of the issues with the plugin is with PWA tech. The following may be a “hacky” way of implementation yet it came about from a discussion as to why the default plugin frankly wasn’t working. Getting results is really what counts.
That said let’s refer to my previous post of How to add progressive web app to website with a conditional install button. It is designed to allow the user a pattern to control and understand the install process.
Step 1, create a landing page or a place to put your main call to action. That is where you would put the code from 1.)
Step 2, create a page telling the user that thanks to new technology they are about to install the app but not from an app store, and that they can uninstall at any time. Explaining what is to happen builds trust and confidence. It’s in this page you put code from 2.)
Step 3, use Header Footer Code Manager to put the code from 3.) in the footer of your page from Step 1.
Step 4, use Header Footer Code Manager to put the code from 4.) in the footer of your page from Step 2.
Step 5, cross your fingers. And PS, I haven’t had any luck with the latest version of Firefox.
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by Dr. Flow.
Good morning. My apologies for the delay yesterday.
Your debugging method is wonderful. I discovered non related errors I never knew about.
This issue was so tough to track down yet I finally caught it. Minification via caching. Why it only appeared on private pages I don’t know, yet by modifying the method of minifying js it’s gone now. Chalk it up to another dumb error which can now be forgotten.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Dr. Flow.