Hi @draftpress
Here’s the first example I have in a helper function.
My code is written as return `${style} ${size} px Open Sans`;
(https://prnt.sc/mki-6b5fpJHH) but the produced JS file (the one I found via inspect element) shows return`${style}${size}px Open Sans`;
Another example:
My code, with space: https://prnt.sc/QhNLvTDTDFVS
generated code, no space: https://prnt.sc/gEEifU1nVNgI
and this is the actual output: https://prnt.sc/A5jP1dquIiho, which should say ‘Density: 11.5 g/mL’ (with spaces).
The code works perfectly fine on my own test server, and outputs properly with spaces. It’s just when I try to use the HFCM plugin it doesn’t. I think it may be an issue with the close brace template literals, because spaces don’t get removed in template literals after normal characters, but they do get removed after the close brace character.