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  • Out of curiosity, did you ever have WPSwings subscriptions plugin installed:

    I had it installed for a minute, but then realized it wasn’t working well, so I uninstalled it. It’s the only funky thing I did with my installation.

    Just baffled because this “sold individually” bug should be common with everyone and causing lots more people issues… seems just the two of us at the moment (or others simply haven’t noticed, or haven’t “updated” their products recently and tested to find out).


    Yeah, actually, I had to turn it off. The “beta” product manager is missing all sorts of functionality that Subscriptions needs, so it’s a bad idea.

    I’m a new customer to WooCommerce Subscriptions. It’s really starting to feel like an alpha or beta version of software with the number of issues I’m finding and dealing with.

    Waiting to see how support deals with things, but so far so slow.

    I have some good “temporary” news for you.

    Enable [New product editor] here: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=features

    This bug doesn’t seem to affect the “new product editor”. The checkbox behaves properly (it’s buried under “Advanced” at the bottom of the “Inventory” tab).


    I just did some testing.

    _sold_individually = ‘no’ (set it in the database manually)

    Then, next, I loaded the page, the checkbox was UNCHECKED (makes sense). In the database, it was still set to ‘no’ (makes sense).

    I disabled the “_sold_individually” as a checkbox element in the POST, so the element was NOT being submitted. I submitted the form with “_sold_individually” disabled in the form POST.

    Next refresh, the box was checked AND the database entry for “_sold_individually” was set to ‘yes’.

    TLDR: The _sold_individually is being updated automatically somewhere in the code of WooCommerce

    This must be a bug.

    Mare13ki, changing the values in the database DOES fix the issue. However, if you ever edit the product, it will go back to defaulting to “sold individually”.

    To find all the products with the value set to “yes” (checked), you can find them in the database with this:

    SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘_sold_individually’;

    For me, all my products are NOT sold individually, so I was able to update ALL products with this SQL statement:

    UPDATE wp_postmeta set meta_value = ‘no’ WHERE meta_key = ‘_sold_individually’;

    I don’t recommend doing any of the above personally, but for now, it worked for me.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Wutime.

    I’m having the identical problem.

    I don’t have any plugins installed other than WooCommerce Subscriptions and the required payment gateways.

    No matter what I do, when I edit a product and save, the “Sold Individually” is always re-checked.

    Updating the database directly is a terrible idea, only because I know I’ll forget to “redo” the action when I update a product down the road.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Wutime.

    I’m also having the same issue; it immediately resets when you click anywhere in dev tools. So yeah, I feel your frustration.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Wutime.
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