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  • Plugin Author X-Raym


    I’m not sure I can help there :S I’m not familiar with this.

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    I have no idea what you are trying to do and how you are processing but it doesnt seems it is an error in my code.

    I can’t really help with plugin modding,
    but what I can tell you is that you have to check how I call jqery function in my javascript. It is not the standard way, I use jquery strict.

    Have fun modding !

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    This required custom integration based on Woocomerce events.
    I put code snippet and documentationbfor all related AJAX things on the plugin page description.

    It is more an integration issue than a plugin error (it doesnt need to be modified to make it works) so I close the issue.

    Plugin Author X-Raym



    You can take advantage of wordpress filters for that. I created for shortcode atrributes just for that purpose (adding default behavior).
    here is code exemple:

    Read the comment and adjust code for your needs !

    Enjoy !

    Thread Starter X-Raym


    it seems I cant edit my post title, but I meant “Hide in RSS feeds” of course.

    Thread Starter X-Raym


    @rumesh38 Many thanks for the quick answer and updated code snippet !

    I’m curious though, why not using native hooks ?
    It makes porting from my old registration plugin to this one a bit more complex,
    and it can bring extensibility down by not allowing other plugin to hook regular filters. :/

    At least we have a workarround sure but extensibility ane interoperability are core of WordPress.

    @hcabrera This could definitely be integrated within the plugin natively ??

    But the “views” suffix as to be stripped so we can put any words we need, or no words at all. ??

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by X-Raym.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by X-Raym.
    Plugin Author X-Raym


    Check the value of $audio, it should be string link to a valid mp3 file.

    Not sure you need the

    <!– <audio controls>
    <source src=”<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘media_links_download-link’, true); ?>” type=”audio/mpeg”>
    Your browser does not support the audio element.
    </audio> –>

    Also, please escape code with CODE markup next time for clarity.

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    Just use simple CSS display: none on the desired elements ??

    Cheers !

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    glad you find a solution ??

    enjoy the plugin !

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    Une autre question… Est-il possible de forcer un shortcode afin qu’il prenne priorité sur le reste du code de la page?

    Je ne comprends pas trop la question mais le plugin override déjà le shortcode par défaut avec la priorité la plus haute possible. Il est possible que d’autres plugins ou thèmes tente override aussi.

    Pas de fonction d’album cover car contraitement à la plus part des autres players celui là n’est pas pensé pour la musique en priorité, mais pour l’analyze sonore. D’autres plugin alternatif propose déjà cette fonctionnalité (jai mis des liens dans le readme).

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    @wineponder Si vous êtes s?r que le plugin est activé (et non pas seulement installé, un plugin peut-être installé sans être activé),
    Si vous n’avez pas rajouter vous même l’attribut player=”default” au shortcode (peu probable si vous venez d’installer le plugin),

    Alors le problème est à chercher du c?té du thème.

    En effet, ce plugin fonctionne avec les shortcodes, certains thèmes contournent ces shortcode pour afficher le player de certaines pages, et dans ce cas fixer cela est en dehors de la portée de mon support.

    Mais il est très probable que le problème vienne du fait que le plugin ne soit pas activé dans la mesure où la feuille CSS du player n’est même pas chargé (ce qui devrait être le cas si il l’était).

    Pour activer un plugin, aller dans la liste des extensions et cliquer sur Activer sous le plugin.

    Good luck !

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by X-Raym.
    Plugin Author X-Raym


    I just pushed a update just to set WaveSurfer.js 1.2.8 to WaveSurfer 2.1.1, which should fix few things, and hopefully not break others. Still have no big plan to develop this plugin, but at least it is up to date for now.

    Plugin Author X-Raym



    Theme / plugin interactions can be very long to debug, I faced that few times and it was really complex, it was in fact a plugin, which used custom template to overide standard WP page etc… and then the location of the interactions it is found, other tricks have to be done to find the right filter to overide the theme, or the right way to create a template page compatible etc…

    Sometimes it is also AJAX issue which need to create a custom init plugin, based on custom event of the theme/plugin, so in this case it requires moding a custom initialization plugin (the javascript init page only):

    I invite you to contact the theme author is you have such issue, cause he will have more insights about how his template page are loading thing.

    I hope it will point you to the right direction !

    Cheers !

    Plugin Author X-Raym


    The plugin isn’t ‘dead’, as it is not broken (it still works as good as it used to, with the few bugs we are aware off). Still I’m indeed not actively working on it right know, as I have to focus on other jobs.

    Please note that it’s open source, anyone is free to propose contirbution to the related GitHub repo, and I evaluate if it is good.

    Some of the wave sound patterns don’t line up for some reason.

    For now, I’m waiting for few WaveSurfer.js bugs to be fixed, has this is out of the scope of this plugin (whih is just an integration of wavesurfer.js not a custom version).

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