Hi Benoti,
Thank you for coming back. I have checked z-index – all okay.
However, as you have pointed out, there is js error as soon as I activate the plugin.
“Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at (index):1153”
When I go to the error line, I get this:
<script async="async">jQuery(document).ready(function(o){o("body").append('<a href="#"></a>'),o(window).scroll(function(){o(this).scrollTop()>100?o(".scrollTop").fadeIn():o(".scrollTop").fadeOut()}),o(".scrollTop").click(function(){var l="800",c="swing";return o("html,body").animate({scrollTop:0},l,c),!1})});</script>
The error goes away when I deactivate scroll to the top.
Many thanks.