Xavi Ivars
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XV Random Quotes] Multisite?Hi dB
A bit longer that expected, couldn’t find any bug when working on multisite installs. I was able to create different quotes on different sites, display them, etc.
Hope this helps
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XV Random Quotes] UTF8 chars not supportedHi tazo todua,
I use UTF8 content in my own database and don’t have this problem.
However, I’ve managed to reproduce this problem: it occurs when your DATABASE is not set to an UTF8 charset (the table creation uses the DB charset).
I was considering adding support for migrating the content of this particular table to UTF-8, but the complexity of such a migration is probably too high, taking into account that is relativelly easy to achieve the same thing from your DB admin tool (phpMyAdmin, etc).
What I’ll do is to add what is required to be sure the table always gets created with the right charset.
Assuming your database is called “wordpress”, your prefix is “wp_” and your actual charset is latin1, here you have the script needed to update your table:
https://gist.github.com/xavivars/038c734a7850ea07563cLet me know if you have any problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XV Random Quotes] AUTHOR fields (like categories)Hello tazo todua,
Do you mean to have the ability to add them in the widget?
That’s a very cool idea. I’ve just added it as a new feature in https://github.com/xavivars/xv-random-quotes/issues/6.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XV Random Quotes] Multisite?To be honest, I haven’t tried it. It installs, but I still have not done enough testing on it.
I would expect it is, but as all the data access really needs some love, it would’t surprise me if it doesn’t fully work.
I’ll try to make some tests and I’ll come back to you.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [XV Random Quotes] Great little tool, enormous possibilities!Ralph,
Here you have: https://github.com/xavivars/xv-random-quotes/issues/3
Feel free to add any other feature request you have there.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [XV Random Quotes] Great little tool, enormous possibilities!Thanks a lot for your support!
I finally managed to do a “first” cleanup of the code, to have it working without issues in modern versions of WordPress.
I plan to keep investing further on it, as I’m also using it as a learning experience developing for WordPress.
So if you have any request, any new feature you’d like to see, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to implement it ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Facebook Connect] February 2013 Breaking ChangesThanks so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Facebook Connect] February 2013 Breaking ChangesWes, I’d also like to know what to do. I’m not sure what the required changes are…
I had to do an dirty hack after line 192 of stc-publish.php to solve it
$output = $options['publish_text']; $title = str_replace('?',' ',get_the_title($id) ); $output = str_replace('%title%', $title, $output ); $output = str_replace('%url%', $link, $output ); $output = str_replace('& #8217;',"'",$output); $output = str_replace('& #8220;','"',$output); $output = str_replace('& #8221;','"',$output); $output = apply_filters('stc_publish_text', $output, $id); $output = apply_filters('stc_publish_text', $output, $id); $output = apply_filters('stc_publish_text', $output, $id);
(removing the space between & and # in the str_replaces) instead of
$output = $options['publish_text']; $title = str_replace('?',' ',get_the_title($id) ); $output = str_replace('%title%', $title, $output ); $output = str_replace('%url%', $link, $output ); $output = apply_filters('stc_publish_text', $output, $id);
Hope it helps…
I’ve got also the same problem, and some of my tweets have html entities instead of apostrophes because of that…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] Unable to post to Fan PageFinally found the problem.
In the “Advanced” options of the Facebook application, there’s a new feature called “deprecate offline_access”, which is enabled by default, and when selected, fan page acces token does not have “offline_accesss”, that is, permeanent access to post to the fan page. That’s why sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t.
Hope it helps someone else.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] Unable to post to Fan PageIt keeps happening a lot of times. Does the plugin “reloads” the tokens stored in the database in any way? If the user logs out from FB, or if it logins to WordPress without being logged into FB?
I granted permissions, but usually, the user who posts is another one. Do you know if this has any problem?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] Unable to post to Fan PageYes, I know it’s very strange, but it just happened again. I’ve checked the preferences page, and 3 lines were green, I pressed “save” and the last one’s (page access token) changed to “white” with the error “Fan Page Access Token not found. Cannot autopublish to Facebook Page. Try re-saving this page.”.
I tried to save again without luck, and I had to click again the grant permissions button. After reloading the page (also, after a manual save later), three lines keep being green.
I don’t know if there’s any way to “log” db queries to find the problem
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] Unable to post to Fan PageI have the same issue, “Fan Page Access Token” seems to get lost every few days.
New information. Debug console in Chrome throws an error: sfc_update_user_details is not defined