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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: category links not workingI mean have you edited your theme personally, if so how are you outputting the links in the header, you might not know this if you haven’t modded the theme yourself.
Anyway it is whatever your permalink structure and category base it set to, you seem to be changing it as I speak but hopefully you know what I mean
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: category links not workingHow are you outputting you category links? Instead of:
I think it should be:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FTP and/or SQL help!Do you have hosting with 1&1.com? You just need to create 3 seperate sub-folders for each site and then have each domain destination point to each sub-folder if that’s what you were looking for.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: graphical interface to change panel(s) settingsIf your Sidebar is widgetized then you can add/remove widgets to the sidebar from the Admin Dashboard, each widget then has it’s own settings which you can modify. This is the whole idea of allowing the user to modify the sidebar appearence without having to touch the PHP files like you are wanting.
If there are futher settings for a particular widget which cannot be modified/changed or there is no widget for what you want then search for a plugin/widget to install and it’s more than likely there will be one out there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Newbie–Want to create categorized ArchiveWell as for web based resources I guess:
https://www.tizag.com/Are 2 good resources where you can quickly go through the basics step-by-step with testing/tutorials for HTML/CSS and PHP/MYSQL if you are interested you just click the relevant section e.g HTML.
But then you will also want to learn how WordPress works. Obvsiouly all of this is only relevant if you are interested and want to be able to customize your site exactly how you want it!
The WordPress Codex has tons of articles on how WordPress works codex.www.ads-software.com/
As for category link I mean on your actual site just replace yoursite.com with your site name and category-name with an example category name you have set up. Then the category page should appear. and you can see if it does the job you are expecting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Newbie–Want to create categorized ArchiveSo you want:
– Your Home-Page to list a pre-defined number of articles (starting from most recent) from all categories.
If this is correct you will have to add a piece of PHP code to your index.php theme file so to limit the number of posts returned (otherwise all posts are returned). Maybe like here.
– You want an articles page showing a certain amount of posts for each category? But it wouldn’t show posts that are shown on the homepage?
This can be achieved by creating a custom page template.
– Then you want a category page listing all posts for that category?
Creating a standard category.php will do this for you. Does your theme already have a category.php file? Then visit yoursite.com/category/category-name/ to see what it looks like.
The problem is you don’t know PHP or HTML, so either you have to learn some ?? or find a theme/plugins which do what you want
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments login redirectwp_login_url( apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink( $post_id ) ) ) ) . '</p>',
This function outputs the normal login URL so you don’t want to use this, instead you need to manually add your link where ever it is appearing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments login redirectYou have edited the comments.php template and re-uploaded but the link is still reading the old URL?
Try adding some dummy text around that link somewhere (e.g <h1>test</h1>) just to ensure your changes are actually being made.
Also what is %s ?
If still in doubt post comments.php if poss
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: save costum taxonomies via costum meta boxesYou need shortags yes enabled in PHP config to allow for that to work but I think they are removing it from PHP5 anyway so most people recommend the long way !
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Timeout on Image UploadHave you tried a different browser? Is work/home on different ISP’s? Does switching themes help?
The fact you’ve tried on 2 different environments (at home and work) with the same result but your friend in Spain has no problems is odd.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments login redirectCheck comments.php template file and it should be in there somewhere
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Everything disappearedOK it’s because you had 4 wwww in the URL oops, you are right nothing is appearing it’s just an empty page, can you get into admin? If so try reverting to default theme and see if anything appears. Also try disabling plugins.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Everything disappearedI can’t get onto the site at all (wwww.crimsoncricket.ca/) maybe your host is down?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: category urlsWhat happens when you visit a post now with /%category%/%postname%.html ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Field Queryoops ??