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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Field QueryWhat does:
<?php if($_GET['letter']){ $letter = $_GET['letter']; $posts = query_posts("meta_key=letter&meta_value=$letter"); echo "<h1>Letter query<h1>"; } else{ $posts = query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=title&order=asc' . '&showposts=10'); echo "<h1>normal query<h1>"; } //Do stuff with $posts here ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Field QuerySo based on the above a page with the URL:
and the template for pagename as follows:
<?php if($_GET['letter']){ $letter = $_GET['letter']; $posts = query_posts("meta_key=letter&meta_value=$letter"); } else{ $posts = query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=title&order=asc' . '&showposts=10'); } //Do stuff with $posts here ?>
Should display the expected results?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search results filterHow do you mean typing in each title? The function wouldn’t require this as it should automatically add every title displayed into the array and then if a repeat title comes along then it should do nothing and move onto the next post.
I haven’t tested this by the way but it should work assuming two pages have exactly the same title.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded WordPress & Can't get to admin now: Fatal Error on line 860The plugin “another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin” is obviously causing you some problems..
Rename this plugin folder on the server so it disables the plugin manually so that you should be able to get back into the admin.
From there see if theres an upgrade for the plugin or contact the plugin author..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to show tags IN a post?You want the post tags to show after the word Genres?
Then you need to edit the template file responsible for where this information is outputted (probably single.php) and use the_tags() to display the tags where you want them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search results filterWhich one of the 4 would you like to display, just anyone of them? I guess they all have the same page title?
If so you could possibly store the title in an array and check if it’s already been displayed and if so don’t repeat it for example:
if(!in_array(wp_title('',0),$titles){ //then page title hasn't been displayed yet //add it to array $titles[] = wp_title('',0); //display post stuff here }
That might work seeing as the title might be the only thing that connects them as a similarity to easily compare them by?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pictures DisappearingIt seems as though the link to the picture is not correct, if you right click on the picture and press view image it should give you the location is trying to get the picture from which may be incorrect.
Also you can get the WP version from the main admin screen it says something like
“Theme themename with x widgets.
You are using WordPress version x”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Field QuerySo if you remove you query so you return all posts and then add in the loop:
`$let = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘letter’);
var_dump($let);If nothing is printing then it means nothing is set for that post with the post meta key you have supplied.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: querying posts for the loopIt should work, why haven’t you tried it !!
You are probably correct in that checking has_post_thumbnail is redudant seeing as you are only returning those posts which have the thumbnail meta in the query.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: search results filterProbably yes but what do you mean you have 3 identical pages? Can you give us an example, is there anything that connects the identical pages?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: admin post viewDisable all plugins to see if one plugin is causing the problem, then if problem still exists after disabling all plugins try changing the theme to see if this is the problem!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Field QueryFirst check that $letter is getting the letter from the URL just by echoing it out in the page e.g:
echo “<h1>$letter</h1>”;
Then you can remove it once you confirm the variable contains the letter properly.
Secondly I think PHP variables will only work in double quotes not single quotes e.g you have:
$posts = query_posts('meta_key=letter&meta_value=$letter');
$posts = query_posts("meta_key=letter&meta_value=$letter");
$posts = query_posts('meta_key=letter&meta_value='.$letter);
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Connection Dropped on Admin PageI think it’s the connection/ISP which is limiting for whatever reason you might need to contact them.
I meant ISP in my earlier post not IP sorry!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Author Pages – Where Are They Located?yoursite.com/author/username
Would be the author page for the user: username
Then you can customize this page by creating your own author.php template file if you know how!
Google is also good for these basic WP questions because there’s so much documentation around ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Connection Dropped on Admin PageBy process of elimination it seems a problem with the USB Huawei connection, what is this do you have problems connecting to other pages when using this? Is it connecting to a seperate IP from your usual neighbours connection?