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  • Thanks Voodoo, looks like my guess may have been at least on the right lines then.

    But… This problem has only just appeared here and I did update to 3.4.1 on the day of release.

    I suppose there is a chance that I have gone since then without noticing this but I am pretty sure it has only just happened.

    Anyway, at least there may be something useful there for the devs to look in to.

    Thanks again. ??

    I am experiencing a problem with Dashboard Columns on all 3 of my WP sites (all self hosted).

    It just started today.

    I have a 2560×1600 monitor (30″) and even with the browser set to full screen the problem persists.

    Under “Screen Options” The option for Number of Columns is still 1, 2, 3, or 4. I set it to 3 (which contrary to what someone wrote above – does not include the left side bar and never has, the 3 columns are separate to the actual sidebar panel).

    The columns load fine but when the Jet Pack Site Stats part loads up the columns then revert to 2 columns only and nothing will change that.

    Clearing cookies, Setting columns to 4, enlarging screen etc. Nothing fixes it.

    Very odd as it has only just started and I updated on release on all 3 sites. I have not changed anything at all.

    Would be interested to see if the devs have any further insights on this.

    Related to Jet Pack maybe?

    Hi Mike, I am loving this plugin and it gets more and more useful.

    I will donate – I always do. I just have one problem which is stopping me from using it. It is to do with regex on an attachment field.

    I have set up a regex to allow only a certain file name (with slight variation) but every file seems to get through.

    I have used some regex on other fields and they seem fine (after a little adjusting).

    So for example I have in an attachment field regex area:


    The file I need to accept is for example.

    Problem is the plugin seems to allow any file to be uploaded. (I have set to zip only so that does help a bit).

    So any idea? Does regex actually work on an attachment field?

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    3.1 works differently from the old theme.

    This may help:

    Mystique (3.1) Photo Gallery Headers


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your fast response, nice one.

    Sorry it’s not of great help. I tried to explain above what is the cause of this. Personally I have to disable for the time being hence I cannot post a link.

    I think the basic facts are that – Facebook’s Like Button will scan your page for the first available image. Of course – if you have a post with no images – the first image that will appear is the Captcha.

    So we need to find a way to:

    1. Force facebook NOT to use the Captcha image (on a normal page)
    2. Force facebook to use a default image (on a page with no images)

    There is a plug in that solves problem 2. But it only seems to work if the Captcha is not on that page.

    I hope that helps but sorry I can’t post a link as I have had to disable for the time being.

    The FB Lint tool may help you trace it as you can enter any URL there and it will show you what image FB will use.


    I too am having this problem. Especially on pages where there are no images for Facebook to pick up.

    I have searched for a way to stop FB looking at a certain image but it is way too complex for me.

    Having to disable this great plugin and use a text based one instead.

    For the developer this may help:

    Put a URL in there and if the page or post contains no other images than the Captcha Facebook will use the Captcha image.

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